The Violin and The Big News

You Are My Noona


About a week had passed since I started at my new school and me , Ricky, L.Joe, Chunji, C.A.P, Changjo, & Niel became good friends. I was laying in my bed just staring at the ceiling when someone knocked on my door
“honey your friends are here, do you want me to send them up, oh and don’t forget about the recital today” my mom asked through the door
“yea sure” I said sitting up and rubbing my eyes, then soon enough my room was filled with guys
“Yah, you are still in bed” Chunji said loudly sitting on the edge of my bed
“yes, I was going to get up though” I said swinging my legs over the edge and standing up
“so, that’s what you sleep in” I heard L.Joe say I looked down to see me in a tank top and my underwear *omo I completely forgot about that*
“yah, don’t look” I said trying to cover my lower half L.Joe kept looking, and he did his trademark smirk. 
“get out” I said everyone but L.Joe left the room so I picked up a pillow from my bed “I said get out” I threw the pillow at him, he dodged it and left. Today was Saturday so me and the guys were going to hang out so I got changed out of my pj’s and into some skinny jeans, a tank top, and put on some slip on shoes. Once I was don’t changing my clothes and things I grabbed my purse, a hoodie just in case then I put my violin in its case and grabbed that too then went to the living room
“so where are we going, and why do you have a violin case” Chunji asked
“well, I have to go to a recital I have to play my violin at you guys can come to” I said smiling and walking to the door
“Noona since when do you play the violin” Ricky asked
“since I was 6” I said remembering my father teaching me “I learned it from someone very special” I got out of the apartment building and found my moms van, then put my violin in it and started to get in
“hey, you can drive” L.Joe asked
“yes I can drive, now if you guys want to go and have a car you better get in it because im leaving now, if you don’t have a car then get in” I said while buckling. While Ricky, Changjo, C.A.P, Chunji, & Niel got in the back L.Joe got in the front with me *does he really have to be by me all the time, he sit next to me in all my classes sits by me at lunch and now he is sitting next to me in the car, damn this guy* I thought as I started to drive to the place of the concert
Chunji’s POV
Once Nasya pulled up to the concert hall we all climbed out of the van
“so, this is where you do the recital’s at” Niel asked Nasya
“only until me and my mom move back to Busan” she said as she walked to the front door I looked over at L.Joe, he was staring her up and down while smirking so I hit him on the head
“yah, what was that for” he asked
“just because” I said and started to walk to the entrance
L.Joe’s POV
Nasya had gone backstage leaving me and the guys to find seats so we could watch the recital
“this is boring” Changjo whispered so only the group could hear it
“well, just remember we are here for Nasya” I said smiling *the beautiful nasya*
Nasya’s POV
When I got backstage the main man behind the whole recital saw me
“you were supposed to be here half an hour ago to perform, now you have to go on last” he said right in my face
“im so sorry I slept in” I said and he walked off. It was a while before I was able to go perform my piece then I heard the announcer
“and now here is the last performance today Nasya Kim Playing Night watch on her violin” she said then that was my cue so I grabbed my violin and went on stage when the background music started playing I played my violin
. I could see the guys in the crowd with their mouths gaping open as I continued to play. Once the song was over I bowed and walked off the stage and the recital was over.
“I did not you could play like that” Ricky said as we walked back to the van
“there are a lot of things you don’t know about me” I said smiling. Once we got to the van I put my violin on the floor of the passengers side then all of the guys got into the van, the same as before with L.Joe in the front and Ricky, Niel, C.A.P, Chunji, & Changjo in the back
“so, what are we going to do now” Ricky asked
“I was thinking the mall” I said while keeping an eye on the road. They all agreed so we went to the mall. Once we stepped into the mall the guys all went their own ways, Ricky towards a game shop, Chunji & Niel towards a shoe store, Changjo towards a toy store, and C.A.P towards a music store only one was left but he stayed with me “why didn’t you go off to do your own thing” I asked L.Joe who was walking next to me
“I didn’t want to leave a pretty girl like you alone in a big mall like this” he said and put an arm around my shoulders, then I saw the store I wanted to go in and I went straight for it but I ran into somebody. I looked up and it was some old guy I had never seen before
“jwesonghamnida” I said standing up and bowing to the man he just kept staring at me in disgust then walked away mumbling something under his breath, I sighed then I felt a arm snake one my shoulders again
“don’t worry about that guy, he is always here with the same attitude” L.Joe said and we started walking towards the store I wanted to go in. once we reached the store I started to look at the racks (it was a clothing store)
“hey L.Joe could you help me find some new clothes” I asked he just looked at me
“you want me to help you…. Find clothes” he asked kind of surprised
“well yea, you are the only person I know in here so I figured I would ask you, if you don’t want to help that’s ok” I said taking out a baby blue shirt with a penguin wearing sunglasses and it said “just chill” I kind of laughed at it but put it back and continued to look
“ill help you” L.Joe said I smiled
“thank you so much” I said and attacked him with a hug, when I pulled away from the hug I just looked at him. L.Joe started to move closer to me but then I heard Don’t Stop by Block B playing and knew that my mom was calling me. “Yoboseyo” I said picking up my phone
“hi honey, its mom are you at home” she asked
“no, im at the mall with L.Joe and the guys right now” I said “why”
“oh, I have something important to tell you” she said I could tell she was smiling
“what is it” I asked
“I will tell you at home, when do you think you will be back, ok im sure you will love it” she said then hung up without saying goodbye I just shrugged and put my phone back in my pocket
“what was that about” L.Joe asked raising an eyebrow
“idk, my mom has something important to tell me” I said starting to look at the clothes again
“oh, by the way there is something I have been meaning to ask you” L.joe said 
“what is it” I asked looking at a black v-neck shirt with some butterflys on it
“why are you wearing glasses, this is the first time I have seen you with them” he asked
“I have to wear glasses, I don’t wear them that much though, I have contacts for when I don’t feel like wearing my glasses, but I used the last of the yesterday” I said “how would I look in this” I asked holding a pink longs leave sweater like shirt with some leopard print on the front
“you would look cute in it, and I think you should wear glasses more often it’s a good look for you” L.Joe said then went off to another spot in the store. As the day progressed I had found about 4 new outfits, with the help of L.Joe.
“hey L.Joe could you text all the guys and tell them that we have to go, I need to be home soon” I said as I paid for the clothes. In a matter of minutes me and the guys were in the van “ok now you guys have to tell me where you live so I can drop you off” I said and they all gave me directions and soon I was left with just L.Joe “so, where do you live” I asked him
“don’t bother with it, I don’t have my house key and my dad wont be back home for a while, could I just hang out at your place for a bit” he said I nodded and drove off to my house. Once we reached my place we got out of the van and walked up the stairs of the apartment building to my apartment
“hey mom im home” I said
“im in the living room” I heard her say then she started talking to someone, I walked into the living room and say some guy next to my mom
“who is that mom” I asked pointing to the guy
“honey, I would like you to meet your soon to be step-father” she said smiling, I just looked at her
“what?!?! I don’t want a step-father, the only father I want is dead, why would you even think of replacing him” I yelled then ran to my room as tears formed in my eyes
L.Joe’s POV
Me and Nas had just walked into the apartment when her mom told her about her soon to be step-father she stood there for a second then started yelling, then she ran to her room, her mother looked a little hurt. I just walked to Nas’s room
“hey, Nasya, you wanna open up” I said knocking lightly, I could hear her crying through the door
“its not locked” she said, she sounded really upset. I opened the door only to see her on her bed bawling her eyes out. I sat on the bed next to her then she did something unexpected, she flung her arms around me and cried into my shoulder. I hugged her, soon we were laying on her bed, I was still holding her but she had stopped crying now she was just laying there with a hand on my chest and soon she started to doze off to sleep, and so did I..
Hope you like this chapter, im sorry if this seems like its just an L.Joe story, I promise that the next chapter will be about Chunji, im just kind of running out of ideas, though it is still early in the story. This is Renniegirl45 saying thank you for reading, subscribe and comment telling me what you think ^^
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Aneziente #2
Thanks for the storyy ;)
zundurhi #3
I just started reading the first chapter!!<br />
This is great specially because I love L.Joe keke~~!!
TunAngel #4
Nice job, keep it up! :D