Back to The Mall

You Are My Noona


“hey L.Joe, you wanna walk me to the mall” I yelled from the bathroom
“why walk” he asked walking into the room
“you could use to lose some weight” I said patting his stomach, he covered it and faked a hurt look “yah, I’m just kidding. Because I want to walk, honestly I feel like I have put on a little weight” I said looking at my stomach, it did look a tiny bit bigger
“you don’t look like it” he said look also looking at my stomach
“yea, right I have put on a little weight and you know it” I said
“baby I love you just the way you are”  he said wrapping me in a strong hug I smiled. Once we were done getting ready we left the apartment hand in hand. As we walked I got an idea and started to run “yah, what are you doing” he yelled
“catch me if you can” I yelled back I heard him laugh then he started to run after me. I was a ways in front of L.Joe when I ran into some one I fell to the ground “oh, Mianhae” I said then looked up and my eyes almost popped out of my head
mysterious Guy’s POV
I was walking down the sidewalk when someone ran into me, I was about to yell at them when they stood up, I grinned *so we meet again, little girl* I said to myself as I looked at the girl I had taken for my friends and myself to use
“Oh, Mianhae” she said then looked up and it looked like her eyes would pop out of her head any second now
“well well well, we meet again little lady” I said I could tell she was nervous I her cheek “you look better than you did the first time we met” I said and got closer to her
L.Joe’s POV
Nas had run a ways ahead of me but I had almost caught up to her when I saw a man touching her, as I got closer I recognized him
“dad” I said his eyes shot off of Nas to me
“Byunghun, what a pleasant surprise” he said giving me his usual cocky smile then he looked back to Nas who started to back up towards me
“dad, why are you looking at her like that” I asked him then it hit me *no, it couldn’t have been my father* “dad, stop looking at my girlfriend like that” I said he tensed up at the word girlfriend I looked at Nas, I could see fear in her eyes. I took out my phone and went to my contacts and found her, I know this may seem stupid but I didn’t want to ask out loud. I typed out a quick message then sent it to her I heard her phone go off and she pulled it out and read the text then looked at me, and she nodded.
Nasya’s POV
I heard my phone start to play “Baby Boo by Yoseob & GaYoon” that was my ringtone for L.Joe so I opened my phone and the text
‘was it my him’ the text said, I looked at L.Joe and nodded immediately L.Joe wrapped his arms around me tightly
“hey dad, can I ask you something” L.Joe said still holding me his father looked at him “don’t you think Nasya is pretty” L.Joe asked his father I saw a smile form on his face
“she is more than pretty, she is down right y” his father growled knew what L.Joe was doing so I just stood there without saying anything
“yea, she also has a great body. I bet she looks great ” he said it felt a little awkward that he was talking lik ethat but it was for a good reason
“oh, you bet it does” his father said without thinking “I-I mean it probably does” he said trying to cover for himself
“don’t lie old man, I know it was you that hurt my girl. You are a sick man, I hate your ing guts, if I ever see you again or hear anything from Nas about her seeing you, I will hunt you down and ing kill you” L.Joe spat out tightening his hold on me, if that was even possible, all of a sudden I felt this jolt in my stomach
“L.Joe, let me go, now” I said and he did, I ran to the nearest trash can and threw up I felt someone move my hair then rub my back
“its ok baby, its ok” I heard L.Joe’s soothing voice. Once I was done puking my guts out I saw that L.Joe’s father was gone. L.Joe wrapped me into a hug “im so sorry” he said
“its not your fault, you didn’t know who did it, really neither did I” I said then I heard my phone go off. I looked at it and saw Chunji was calling me so I answered it
“im sorry, something came up, im on my way now” I said and hung up before he could yell more “we have to go” I said and so we started walking. Once we reached the mall I sent Chunji a text asking where he was “alright, I will see you later” I said L.Joe was about to kiss me but I turned my head so he got my cheek “did you forget I puked” I said he just laughed
“bye baby” he said and walked away I smiled as I watched his figure fade with every step he took then my phone went off
‘im at the food court, please hurry, wee need to get you a dress’ I read the text from Chunji and closed my phone as I walked into the mall and headed for the food court. Once I reached it I noticed Chunji right away and ran to him
“hey Chunji, sorry it took so long, ran in to some complications on the way here” I said pulling him into a death grip
“its ok, now let me go I cant breath” he said I just laughed and let him go “alright, now lets go find you a beautiful dress for the dance little missy” he said smiling. Me and L.Joe went into a store that sold really beautiful dresses but the prices were really high
“Chunji, aren’t these a little much” I asked looking at one price
“no price is to high for my baby girl” he said smiling back at me. After a bit of looking around me and Chunji each for 3 dresses, I liked them all “now to try them on” Chunji said shoving me into a dressing room with the dresses. One by one I tried the dresses on, they all fit me a little tighter than they normaly would have
“Chunji, this is really tight. I think im getting fat” I said looking at myself in a mirror
“yah!!! You are not getting fat” he yelled at
“that’s exactly what L.Joe said” I said looking down
“well them believe me AND him, you are not getting fat. don’t ever say that again” Chunji said I nodded “so, which one do you like” he asked I pointed to a pink dress once he bought it we wnt to a shoe store “alright, now lets get you some shoes to match” he said and started looking once we got the shoes we lefts the store
“im hungry” I said rubbing my stomach
“alright what do you want to eat” he asked
“I don’t care, I just want food” I said, so we got some food. After we were done eating we left the mall and Chunji drove me home “thanks for today” I said after I got out of the car
“no problem” he said then drove off. I walked up the stairs to the apartment. I opened the door then closed it
“is that my baby that just walked in” I heard L.Joe say from the living room
“yes it is, and im tired. Im gunna go to bed” I said and walked towards the bedroom
“wait, so early? Its only 4:00. Are you sure you are ok” he asked walking up to me then he felt my forehead “no fever, im taking you to the doctors. I want to get you checked out” he said pulling my hand
“L.Joe please slow down, my legs hurt and im tired” I groaned then he picked me up bridal style and I held onto his neck. Soon enough we were in the hospital. We waited about half an hour until I was called back. The test took about an hour. I was so sore, they had to take a bunch of shots,  byt the time they were don’t my arms had little holes everywhere
“well, I have got great news for you” the doctor said looking at a paper I just stared at him waiting for the news “you are just over a month pregnant” she said
“no, no, no, that cant be true, me and L.Joe haven’t….” then I remembered “” I said quietly and I felt tears stinging in my eyes
“would you like to go tel the boy you were here with” she asked
“um, I will tell him on the way hom” I said as I walked back into the waiting room. I didn’t talk at all until we were almost home
L.Joe’s POV
Nas hadent talked for near an hour and it worried me, she normally would have told me what was wrong, but right now she was being as quiet as ever
“so, what happened. What did the doctor tell you” I asked trying to get her to talk
“I-I-I….. um….. L.Joe im pregnant” she said in one breath I just stopped walking and she noticed
“but we havent…..” I started to say but paused she looked down to the ground “you didn’t… have with someone else did you” why did I just ask that, of course she wouldn’t have done that
“do you honestly think I would do that to you” she yelled obviously hurt by my question
“no I don’t… I don’t know why I asked that question. Do you think it could be….. My dads” I asked, pausing on the last words she looked at me and nodded
“or it could be one of the other guys” she said. The rest of the way home was silent
oh no, whos baby could it be? is it L.Joe's fathers? or one of the other men that her? or could it actually be L.Joe's? tune in next time on the next chapter of You Are My Noona. haha you like what i did there? funny right well anyway who do you think that father of the baby should be? what would be more shocking? well this is renniregirl45 signing out, subscribe and comment, it keeps the story comin!
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Aneziente #2
Thanks for the storyy ;)
zundurhi #3
I just started reading the first chapter!!<br />
This is great specially because I love L.Joe keke~~!!
TunAngel #4
Nice job, keep it up! :D