I Lost It?!?!

You Are My Noona


“L.Joe I’m hungry” I yelled from the bedroom I didn’t feel like getting up
“cant you get up” he yelled back
“yes, but my stomach hurts a little and I don’t want to move, it might make it worse” I yelled back to him
“your stomach hurts, should I take to to the hospital” he asked poking his head in the room
“no, its fine ill just get myself something to eat” I said and got up off the bed and walked to the kitchen, the pain in my stomach did worsen a little but I could still walk “so, what are we doing today” I asked as I felt L.Joe put his arms around my waist
“well the guys wanted to hang out, they want to go to an amusement park, you up for it” he said
“do you even have to ask” I said smiling as I make myself some ramen he laughed “so when are we going” I asked 
“around 2:00” he said
“so I have about an hour to get ready, I can do that” I said then ate my food and started to get ready.  It was almost 2 and me and L.Joe had not left yet, that is partially my fault because I was going  little slower these days. Once we reached the amusement park everyone was at the entrance waiting for us
“finally, what took you guys so long” Changjo said L.Joe just pointed at me
“oh so its my fault you got me pregnant” I said without thinking everyone looked from me to L.Joe
“L.Joe got you pregnant” C.A.P practically yelled to the whole would
“y-yea” I said and looked at the ground
“when did you guys have ” Niel blurted out
“just over 2 months ago” L.Joe said everyone still kept staring
“yah, stop staring. Can we just have a fun time today” I yelled and they all stopped staring. After about 3 hours of rides and walking I had to stop and sit down on a bench because it was getting kind of hard to walk, my stomach was hurting again
“hey, Nas you okay” Chunji asked I nodded and stayed sitting for a few more minutes before I stood back up
“ok, lets go” I said
L.Joe’s POV
As we were walking to a ride I saw Nasya bend over and clutch her stomach
“hey, babe are you okay” I said her as I walked up to her
“yea, its just my stomach again” she said trying to make me less worried but it just made it worse
“im taking you to the hospital” I said and picked her up bridal style “hey Chunji can I borrow your car” I yelled at Chunji he nodded and I ran out to the parking lot and put Nasya in the car then got in the drivers side and drove to the hospital. By the time we got to the hospital it looked as though Nas was feeling a little better but I didn’t care I didn’t want to risk anything happening to her, or the baby. I got out of the car and opened the passengers side and went to pick her up
“L.Joe I can walk, okay” he said and got out and we walked into the hospital but she clutched her stomach once we were inside so I picked her up and went to the receptionist
“hi my girlfriend has been having horrible stomach pains all day and they keep coming back every time she walks, I need her checked out to see if anything is wrong” I said and the lady nodded then someone came out with a wheelchair and I set her in it then they brought her to the back. I had to wait for at least 3 hours before the doctor came out
“um, L.Joe you can go see Ms. Kim now, there is something I need to tell you both” the doctor said so I followed him to Nas’s room and once she saw me her face brightened up I went over to her
“how you feeling baby” I asked
“Much better” she said and smiled
“so doc, what did you have to tell us” I asked as the doctor walked into the room and shut the door
“I am sorry to inform you but the pains in your stomach caused you to lose the baby” the doctor said looking right at Nasya I looked at her she was just staring at the doctor I saw a tear find its way out of the corner of her eye and slide down er cheek
“I-I-I lost the baby” she said
“yes, I am very sorry for your loss. You may leave whenever you want” the doctor said and walked out of the room Nasya started to get up and changed back into her normal clothes then walked out of the room I followed her and she got into Chunji’s car, so I drove to Chunji’s house to drop off the car and me and Nasya walked home
“babe, are you ok” I asked her knowing very well she wasn’t but she nodded, making me sigh.
~2 weeks later~
It has been 2 weeks since the incident and Nasya will not leave the bedroom, she only comes out to use the bathroom to wash and things and she also comes out to get food, but that is it she wont leave the house at all she just lays around in this depression that I cant make go away
“Nas, baby, you need to leave the house, come on” I said pulling the covers off of her so I could see her entire body
“I don’t want to go anywhere, I’m perfectly fine right here” she said pulling the blanket back over her I lifted the blanket up so I could crawl into the bed with her and wrapped my arms around her tightly
Nasya’s POV
“baby, please stop this, you are making me worry about you, I don’t like it when you just lay around sulking” L.Joe said laying his forehead on my shoulder
“im not sulking” I said not moving
“yes you are, I know that losing the baby was horrible, but you aren’t the only one that had to deal with it. There was me and the rest of the guys too, they were excited that you were pregnant” he said it sounded like he was about to cry, so I rolled over to my other side so I was facing him and sure enough he had tears forming in his eyes
“you aren’t the one that had the baby growing inside of you, neither were the guys. Its different for than it is for you” I said making him look at me
“I know, but you have been doing this for 2 weeks” he said looking in my eyes
“alright, then lets go do something today, ill try and be a little happier” I said smiling a tiny bit he smiled back at me
“thank you baby” he said and we just laid there
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Aneziente #2
Thanks for the storyy ;)
zundurhi #3
I just started reading the first chapter!!<br />
This is great specially because I love L.Joe keke~~!!
TunAngel #4
Nice job, keep it up! :D