Battle For Survival
I paced around for awhile as if that would make thoughts rush into my mind quicker. It didn't, according to my watch. That was the longest time period of thinking that I've ever done in my life; an hour and a half. 
"Okay, I got it." I was aware of containing my voice. "Do you remember any of the population amounts from geography?" 
Archer and I shared the same geography class. I wasn't paying attention to him but the lesson, so I never knew he was attending the same class until a few weeks back. 
"I remember that a place near here is less populated so they probably wouldn't think we would go there." 
"That's the first place they'd search if you haven't noticed. What we really need to do is camouflage in large crowds of people," he stated blandly. "Haven't you seen the movies where a spy is being chased and he runs into a group of people? We're going to be that spy." 
"Alright, seems fine." 
We spent another few minutes debating whether to flee to New York or ia because of the vast land. We resulted in arguing, I chose ia because if we were to be chased, we would have the advantage to know the area more. I've been there a plethora of times, and it's helpful have some knowledge on the structure of the landscape. 
"Hey, what's that from?" Arched pointed at my leg. "You got shot?" 
"Yeah, from this thing," I said as retrieved the weapon from my belt buckle. "They all had these types of weapons."
"You think it's modified only for Z's? That would be the smartest thing to do." 
He handled the gun with care, swapping his view from his pistol to the plasma gun. Instinctively, I knew the gun had some type plasma ammunition because when those men fired, it didn't have the usual bullet sound; and I don't think bullets have a blue tint to them. 
"Let me see your leg." I limped towards him, making sure not to place enough pressure so it wouldn't commence bleeding. 
Archer brought my injured limb into his lap which had me in a position on my hands. I felt his fingertips grazed over the wound then reached inside. Of course my loud shouting could be heard as he inched his hand further into my leg. 
"What the hell are you doing?!" My voice hoarse from screaming. 
"Calm down, I'm seeing if they implanted.." He trailed off. 
His fingers felt as if they were tearing my muscles like string cheese. I imagined incredible amounts of blood gushing out of me and staining the both of us, but I had my eyes shut to block the scene in front of me. When I opened them to witness what he had done, there wasn't a trace of blood.
"Got it," he stated as he held up a piece of metal. "They placed a tracking device on you." 
"Yeah, beautiful but why isn't there any blood?" 
"The only reason is that they want to turn you in alive." 
I've never felt so disgusted and betrayed by the government ever in my life, beside the time where they cut my father's income in half when my mother passed. They were suppose to gift us with some type of income because of the life insurance we signed her up for. We knew she wasn't going to survive, right after she was diagnosed with cancer was when we made a deal with the government. Since the government owned the insurance company that we were under, they were suppose to preserve her life no matter and under any conditions, but they failed. They ruined a life that would never be forgotten and it was all their fault. It definitely wasn't the doctor to blame because they couldn't provide for us due to the lack of funds that could be used for new and efficient equipment. The government was just a power and wealth hungry machine that didn't give a damn to any of the citizens except the ones who created large sums of money and those who prepared the exports. Now they target their next victims that could be a new source of wealth; us. We were rich with foreign blood that people failed to recognize that could save anyone's life. Z's blood was the most precious resource they had at hand, but they had to set the cards and we have to play them to our advantage. We had to either play rough or wisely. 
It's all their fault that I couldn't be living with the woman that gave me life. 
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