Birthday Party

Remember me?


You screamed at the top of your lungs until someone covered it.



"If you don't want something happen to you on your big day, you should stop screaming, araso?"

You swallowed hard at his words, and you know he meant what he says.

"Okay. I'll stop. But tell me why do you have blindfold me?"

"That's for you to find out in awhile, dongsaeng."

You crossed your arms and turned to the front, "Fine if you're not telling me, hmph!"

Sunggyu then pinched your cheek, "Aigo, you're so cute. I can see why Dongwoo likes you."


After about 20 minutes, you felt the van coming to an stop.

"And we're here. Let's go, guys!"

You took your hands and were about to remove the blindfold but someone stopped you.

"Eh eh eh, what do you think you're trying to do?", a voice said.

"Remove this so I can see?"

"Yeah right we're letting you removing it. Give me your hand."

"Wait, how do I know who are you."

"How could you forget someone who has a crush on you."


"Trust me, you'll be fine with me.", you felt his hand grabbing yours.

"O-okay.", and you slowly got off the van.

While walking, you could hear Woohyun laughing.

"Why are you laughing!"

"Because you're walking as if you're on the moon.", and he laughed louder.

You swung his hand away, "I'm walking on my own!"

Just as you were about to walk away, he grabbed you back, "Do you know where you're going to?"

"Ugh, I give up. Just bring me to where we're going so I can remove this thing."


Within 5 minutes, you two stopped walking.

"Are we here?", you asked as you heard a door opening.

"Yes, we are. You ready?"

"Ready for wha-"


Party poppers and sprays filled the air and it was all over you and Woohyun after he removed your blindfold.

You then walked in the house with your mouth opened wide, "Is this, my house?"

"Of course is it, silly!", Sungjong slung his arm around you.

"But. How did you guys. When did you.", you were stuttering because you were still in shocked.

"That was why I was missing when you guys were shopping at Myeongdong.", you heard Dongwoo's voice.

"________, turn around.", Sungjong pulled your arm.

Suddenly, the lights went off and you see Dongwoo holding on to a birthday cake with candles on it, walking towards you.

"Happy Birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday to _________, happy birthday to youuuuuuuuuu~", they all sang.

"Make a wish, baby."

You close your eyes, clasp your palms together and made a wish in your head before you blew out the candles.

"Wooooooooooooo, time to party!!!!!!", Sungjong shouted as he turned the lights back on.

Then you felt a pair of arms around your waist which made you jumped.

"It's just me. Happy birthday.", Dongwoo whispered in your ears.

You turned around and hugged him tight then pulled back, "I'm still mad at you, you know."

"But you can't stay mad at me forever. I did all this for you!", he pointed to all the decorations while spinning around.

"And you think that will make me forgive you?"

"Yes! Oh, and this of course.", he gave you a big kiss on your cheek.

"No present?", you stretched out your hand.

"What. I thought this would-", you cut him off with a peck.

"I'm kidding. This is more than enough. Thank you, Dongwoo."

He then gave you a hug, "Anything for you."

"Yah, we're here to party, not to watch you two embracing each other.", Sungyeol threw a balloon at Dongwoo.

"You're going down, choding.", Dongwoo went after Sungyeol.

You went over to couch and see Woohyun and Sunggyu singing to IU's Nagging.

"OMG you two are acting like a real couple.", you shouted while laughing at their actions and Luna hi-5 you.

Then Woohyun stood beside Sunggyu while doing all the different aegyos he had.

Sungjong then danced to Girls' Generation The Boys who gained a lot of cheers.

"You're looking not like a diva now, maknae.", Hoya said.

"Is that suppose to be a compliment or what."

"What he's trying to say is that, you're getting manly, Sungjong.", you pulled him to sit beside you.

"You're still the best, __________. Time for you to show us something!", and he pushed you to front.

"Wait what. What am I supposed to do?"

Dongwoo then came over, "Let's show them our dance."

"But, but."

"No buts. I've seen you dance, you're great, babe."

"Well, okay."


The song played, you and Dongwoo started moving to the beats and dancing so in sync as if you two were meant for each other.

"Go ________, go __________.", Luna and Jieun shouted.

"Go Dongwoo, Go Dongwoo.", Infinite shouted.

And soon, the music came to an end.

Dongwoo held your hand and you two bowed to the rest.

"You two are so awesome! Best dance couple ever.", Sungyeol shouted.

"Yah, what about me and Luna.", Hoya stared at him.

"You two are awesome too!", Sunggyu gave him a thumbs up.

You and Dongwoo crashed on the couch, still panting.

"I told you you could do it. You looked hot.", Dongwoo whispered in your ear which earned a slap on his arm.

"Am I suppose to thank you?"

"You're welcome.", he winked.


"Hey kids, come eat, I cooked a lot.", Woohyun shouted from the kitchen.

Everyone ran to the dining table and took their seats.

"Now, let's wish ________ happy birthday once more before it's midnight.", Woohyun held up his cup.

"To ________!", Sunggyu said.

"TO ________!", everyone shouted.

After the meal, you went to your room to keep the presents they got for you.

You closed the door and was about to turn around but someone hugged you from the back.

"Happy birthday.", the voice said softly.

It wasn't Dongwoo because of the voice, "Woohyun?"

"I got you something, but I don't know if you'll like it."

He gave you a bag and inside was expensive looking dress.

"Oh my god, Woohyun. You didn't have to get me something, and this looks expensive.", you bit your lip and pushed it back to him.

"I can't take this.", but he pushed it back to you.

"No refund. I never got you anything before, so yeah. Just accept it okay?", and he aegyo you in order for you to accept the gift.

"Alright, I'll accept it. Stop with your aegyo, my hair's all standing."

Just as you were about to go downstairs, Woohyun pushed you against the wall.

"Woohyun, w-what are you doing?"

He came closer which made you close your eyes.

Then he left a kiss on your forehead, "You might not be mine but I was still hoping you could be a crush that I'll never ever forget."

You were touched and hugged him, "Thank you, Woohyun. Really. You're a friend everyone would die having. Let's go down, okay?"

"We have to go, guys! We have a schedule tomorrow.", Sunggyu shouted.

You went over to hug everyone before they left, and Dongwoo was the last one.

"Thanks for the party, I really enjoyed it."

"Like I've said before, anything for you, babe. Are you sure you don't want me stay over? It's late and,"

You then pushed him out of the door, "Go, Dongwoo. Goodnight!"

Sungjong popped his head out of the van and shouted, "Rest well, ________. I love you the most, remember that okay!"

"Aish, get back in before someone sees or hears you, stupid.", Myungsoo pulled him back and closed the window.

You couldn't help but smile as you watch their van drive off.

"Thank you for the best birthday party ever."




Yeah hey, I managed to update again today! :>

I realize I always update at times like this, when all of you are asleep already or something.

Anyway, hope you guys enjoyed it okay!

Leave your comments~





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OMG thank you for the 100 subscribers guys. you have no idea how much it means to me, hehehehehee. now that you're done with this story, move on to the sequel~


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muzikkluvrr #1
Chapter 1: I just can't get over the younger brother being named Boris... It's just so... Different.
I'm the 100th subscriber whoohoooo!!!!!!
This story was sooo cute! I love it!
@bestfriend_inspirit HEY calm down~ i'm working on it so do stay tune! :>

@Jumin13 HAHAHAHAHAHAH i'm working on the sequel already :D
no!!!! why!!!!!
just why!!! why why why!!\SEQUEL please!!
Jumin13 #7
Gahhh!!! Why does she have to go????!!!!
I want a sequel!!!!

I'm wondering if will she be able to end up with
Dongwoo still... But srsly why does she have to
leave dongwoo?!!!??!! Noo!!!
*overreacting much*
@arimuchiu NAW WHY DID YOU CRY. as for the sequel, i'm almost starting to work on it ;)

@InfiniteMyungYeol but you have to! You have to leaveeeeeeeeeee.

@Love_Infinite Alrighty then!!!! Sequel will be on the way :D

@royallove HAHAHAHAHAHA thanks~
whyyyyyy T________T omg i really cried with the end T____T
sjsbhshs </3
ps1: yes please sequeeeeel T____T
ps2: Have fun!^0^ 2 months holiday is too much so be lazy~
WTH!!! WHY?!? I'm Not Leaving!!!