You and Dongwoo

Remember me?



It's been almost three weeks since you and Dongwoo got together.

You didn't tell anyone, and neither did Dongwoo.

You two decided to keep it as a secret because you know, Dongwoo's an idol and you're just a girl.

He didn't want you to get attack by fangirls when you're alone.

It was hard because you two couldn't show affection to each other in public.

Can't hold hands, can't hug, no skinship at all.


It was lunch, and you ate with the same group of people.

Infinite, Luna and Jieun.

After everyone had gotten their food, you went to take a seat and Dongwoo then sat beside you.

Everyone was happily talking and laughing while you just ate in silence.

"_________? _________~ Yoohoooo~", Woohyun called out while waving his hand infront of your face.

You snap out of your thoughts and responded, "Hmm?"

"What's with you today? You seem distracted.", he frowned. 

"Oh, it's nothing. I'm just tired, that's all.", you gave a weak smile.

Dongwoo saw your face as you continued to poke on your vegetables and ate them slowly.

Then, you felt a hand grabbing onto yours under the table.

You jumped a little at the touch but realized it was just Dongwoo.


"Hmm. I'm fine, I'm just tired."

He then rubbed his thumb around your knuckles, hoping you would feel at least a bit better.

You looked at him and smiled. "Komawo", you mouthed and he smiled back at you.

He continued to held on to your hand throughout the entire lunch before you guys went to your separate classes.

You and Dongwoo were walking at the last.

As you waved him goodbye and about to walk away, he pulled on your arm.

"You sure you're alright?", you nod.

"If you're feeling unwell or you have something on your mind, just tell me okay."

You nodded again and waved.

But before you could go, he pulled you in for a hug, a long hug.

You were surprised because he hasn't done this before in school where anyone could see and question you two about your relationship.

"Uhm, Dongwoo.", you pat his back, "You should let go before someone sees us."

"I don't really care, to be honest.", his hug got tighter.

You pushed him away and laughed, "You're getting stubborn, you know. Now go, the bell's about to ring."

Just as you said it, the bell rung and students filled up the corridor.

"See you later!", Dongwoo shouted as he left for his class.


You went to the music room and saw Woohyun sitting beside Sunggyu.

"Where did you go?", both of them asked as you sat beside Woohyun.

"Hmm? Oh. Just, uhm, the washroom!", you stuttered.

The teacher then came in and started the lesson.

The class had to pair up with someone and sing a duet given by the teacher.

Sunggyu pair up with this girl that he seemed to have a crush on.

And of course, you paired up with Woohyun and looked at the song given, Timeless.

[Zhang Liyin & Xiah Junsu - Timeless]

"I guess this song should be a pretty good song to sing?", Woohyun asked.

"I guess so.", you replied softly.

"Just pretend that I'm Dongwoo and we'll do just fine.", he put his arm over your shoulder and whispered in your ear.

You nod, then you realized what he had just told you, "What did you just say?", you asked with shock.

"I said, pretend I'm Dongwoo and we'll do just fine singing this song together.", he let out a short laugh.

"I don't know what you're talking about.", you removed his arm over your shoulder and coughed.

"I know it already. Did you think I'm that dumb to not see it, my dear _________?"

You kept quiet and turned to the front.

"Myungsoo has always been the observant one, and he was the one who told me."

You were about to say something but Woohyun continued.

"Don't get mad at him. He just thought it's something that we should all know."

"Wait, so all of you know?"

Woohyun nodded, "But we promise not to tell anyone else.", he put out his pinky.

"It's not that.", you pushed his pinky down, "I trust you, Woohyun. It's just, I don't know."

"You guys should have really told us though. I mean, HELLO, we're your friends! Isn't it something you guys should be happy about and share with us?"

Woohyun was right, it was definitely was something that you and Dongwoo should be happy about and tell your friends.

"Okay, you're right. At least it's just you guys who know it. We're scared the public might know and you know. Normally idols who date and get exposed,"

"I know. It's terrifying. We won't tell our manager though, because I'm sure he'll make a big fuss about it. He's always against us dating."

You smiled, "Thanks Woohyun. I know I can count on you. No, I know we can count on you.", you squeezed his arm.

"Anytime.", he smiled back at you but deep inside, he was dying.

He was still in love with you, his love for you never died and it never will.

When Myungsoo told him you and Dongwoo were together, it crushed him.

It was like being stabbed in his body over and over again to know that the girl that he loved so much was with his best friend.

A mate that he lives with 24/7, and he didn't know how long can he endure the jealously when he sees you two being together.


Soon, school ended.

You, Luna, Jieun and Infinite went to grab lunch together before heading home.

Dongwoo came by your side, "How was vocals?"

"It was alright, we're doing a duet. Woohyun's my partner."

"That's great. At least it's not some other guy. I would probably kill him if I see the two of you perform on stage."

You couldn't help but laugh, "You're so silly. It's just a duet, Dongwoo."

"STILL!", he put his hands up in the air.

"Oh, there's something else."


"They know."

"Who knows what?"

"THEY.", you pointed to the group, "Knows the two of us are together."

"Oh, I knew that already. Actually, I knew that quite long ago."

"What?! And you didn't freaking tell me?", you then punched his arm.

"Ouch! That actually hurts.", he said while rubbing his arm.

"You deserved it anyway! And I was worrying all day thinking how should we tell them.", you frowned.

"Oh so that was why you got all distracted this morning. You were thinking about us.", he elbowed you.

"You're a jerk. Stop talking to me.", you crossed your arm and walked a little faster.

"Hey hey!", he caught up with you and grabbed your arm, "I'm sorry. I meant to tell you earlier but I was scared you would get angry or something."

You kept quiet, "You know, it might actually be a good thing that they know now."

"Good how?"

"So I can do this.", he left a peck on your cheek.

You turned and almost shouting at him then smacked him, "YAH. We're in the public! What if other people see us?"

"I told you I don't care.", he interlocked his long fingers with yours before holding up your hand and kissed it.

"You're really really stubborn. What on earth happened to the Dongwoo I used to know!"

"Hey, I'm still that Dongwoo okay.", and he made some silly expression which made you laughed like mad.


Woohyun was walking in the front with Sunggyu and he could definitely hear your laugh mixing with Dongwoo's voice.

"Maybe we shouldn't have told them that we know they're together.", Sunggyu said.

"They're so happy now. I mean, they can just be themselves infront of us and not hide it. I'm sure ________ was dying inside."

"But you are now, Woohyun. I know how you're feeling."

Sunggyu was the only one who knew that Woohyun still had feelings for you.

"Listen to them. Doesn't all these hurt you? Knowing that the girl you like is with your best friend?"

"All that matters is _________ is happy. That's what I care about. Nothing else."

"You're a babo sometimes, Woohyun. You're letting your own happiness out of your hands."

"Her happiness is Dongwoo, hyung. Not me. She wouldn't be happy if she's with me, someone she doesn't love."


"Hyung, I know what I'm doing. Trust me, don't worry about me, I'll be fine.", he smiled and put his arm over Sunggyu's shoulder.

"Now, where should we go for lunch!", Woohyun shouted from the front.





I'm so sorry I didn't update last week :/

I got so busy with school and tired after I got home.


And I'll definitely try to update again, since I don't have school on Monday!




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OMG thank you for the 100 subscribers guys. you have no idea how much it means to me, hehehehehee. now that you're done with this story, move on to the sequel~


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muzikkluvrr #1
Chapter 1: I just can't get over the younger brother being named Boris... It's just so... Different.
I'm the 100th subscriber whoohoooo!!!!!!
This story was sooo cute! I love it!
@bestfriend_inspirit HEY calm down~ i'm working on it so do stay tune! :>

@Jumin13 HAHAHAHAHAHAH i'm working on the sequel already :D
no!!!! why!!!!!
just why!!! why why why!!\SEQUEL please!!
Jumin13 #7
Gahhh!!! Why does she have to go????!!!!
I want a sequel!!!!

I'm wondering if will she be able to end up with
Dongwoo still... But srsly why does she have to
leave dongwoo?!!!??!! Noo!!!
*overreacting much*
@arimuchiu NAW WHY DID YOU CRY. as for the sequel, i'm almost starting to work on it ;)

@InfiniteMyungYeol but you have to! You have to leaveeeeeeeeeee.

@Love_Infinite Alrighty then!!!! Sequel will be on the way :D

@royallove HAHAHAHAHAHA thanks~
whyyyyyy T________T omg i really cried with the end T____T
sjsbhshs </3
ps1: yes please sequeeeeel T____T
ps2: Have fun!^0^ 2 months holiday is too much so be lazy~
WTH!!! WHY?!? I'm Not Leaving!!!