Chapter 4

Shooting Star

"Happy valentine's oppa!" Couples were everywhere. Here I was, only having the employees of my mom's cafe to give chocolate to, as a friendly gesture. I handed Hakyeon and Jaehwan their chocolate. "Aigooooo. Is this a confession, Jungah?" Jaehwan teased. I laughed, "Oh you wish."  They thanked me for the chocolate and we started working. Couples kept passing by and ordering drinks. I sighed heavily. "This is depressing. Why did they have to make a specific date for lovers?" Hakyeon laughed loudly, "You only say that when you are single. Watch when you get a boyfriend, you'll be spending every valentine's day with him." Well that is if I ever get a boyfriend. I thought to myself. 

A small voice spoke out saying, "Annyeong haseyo." I turned and bowed, "Annyeong haseyo! How may I hel-" I looked up to see the guy I saw at the Han River, Jung Taekwoon. "I.. Uhm.. Have sn interview at 11." I smiled, "Oh, just take a seat and I'll get the manager for you." I walked to my mom's office. "Omma, Jung Taekwoon is here for an interview." I announced. "Arraseo. I'll be right there. Give him a drink while he waits." Omma suggested. I nodded and went back to him. "Was there anything you wanted to drink?" I questioned. He nodded, "Peppermint latte please." I smiled as I walked away to make his drink.

I can feel Hakyeon and Jaehwan talking about me behind me back. Literally. "Yah. I'm right here you know." They both stood silently. "You like him, don't you?" Hakyeon teased. I looked around, "Who?" I questioned. They pointed towards Taekwoon. I laughed half-heartedly, "What? I barely even know him." Jaehwan looked at me suspiciously, "Then why did you keep smiling?" I pointed at myself, "Me? Smiling? What's wrong? I smile all the time." They shook their head. "No, it's different." I sighed, "I don't know what you guys are talking about." I ignored them and gave Taekwoon his drinkHe smiled slightly, "Thank you." 

Mom finally started her interview with him. As the day went on, nearing the end of my shift, I started realizing that I kept glancing over at him. "I can tell you like him." Jaehwan suddenly popped out of nowhere. "No I don't." It sounded like I was in denial. "Anyways, wanna walk together to the station again." I wondered. Jaehwan shook his head, "Hongbin is sick so I'm taking half of his shift." Jaehwan replied. I nodded, "Ah, I see. I guess I'll have to walk alone." He laughed, " We can walk together next time." I smiled, "Arraseo!" 

My shift finally ended. Before I went home, I entered mom's office. "Omma, do you plan on hiring him?" Omma looked up, "Taekwoon-ssi?" She wondered. I nodded. She explained that he seemed too shy and quiet. Also, he had no experience whatsoever as a barista. "If I do hire him though, I expect you to train him." "Arraseo omma." I said my goodbyes to mom and the staff as I headed home. A few metres ahead of me, I saw Taekwoon. I fastwalked towards him. "Taekwoon-ssi?" He turned around, "Ah , annyeong haseyo, Jungah-ssi." "Are you heading home?" I questioned. "Uhm.. No, I have a date. She's waiting at the station." For some reason I was disappointed, "Oh, I see." Awkwardness filled the air. 

We walked towards the station in silence and a few steps away from each other. "Do you have plans today?" He shyly said. It was more of a mumble.  I stepped closer to him,  "I'm sorry. What was that? I didn't quite hear you." I replied. "Do you have any plans today?" He questioned. "No. I'll probably be eating jajangmyun with the rest of world who are single." I laughed. He nodded, "I see." "TAEKWOON-AH!" Someone yelled. "Uhm, my date is here. I gotta go see ya!" He ran over to the woman with a smile on his face. "Omma!" What? Did he say omma? "Where shall we go, son?" The lady asked. "That's a secret." They walked away and their voices faded away. Hearing that, I felt relieved. 

Little by little, I realized what I was feeling. Is this what the shooting star granted me? Jung Taekwoon? I need to move on fully before I am sure of anything about this guy. As I walked home though, I couldn't help but be curious of what kind of a guy he was. I don't even know if I'll ever see him again anyway. For the rest of the day, I ate jajangmyun and watched some comedies to cheer me up. 


A/N: Its pretty short. But i hope you enjoyed. I'll be out of town for the next few days. I'll be writing the next chapter during the long drive and hopefully will be able to update it here on Monday ^.^b 

THANK YOU SOO MUCH FOR READING. I really appreciate it (':

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Maan2442 #1
Chapter 5: Update please i really like the story.
Chapter 4: Can't wait for next update!
jasminexl #3
Chapter 4: I like the idea of this story! & I love the way you write! Update Soon!((:
Chapter 4: Leo secretly has sense in making jokes XDD so cute
Chapter 4: Lol Leo's date is his mom XD
Chapter 3: This is sad ... more sad coz Yeol said it himself ...

Waiting for Taekwoon encountering this story ^^
Hope you update soon! This story sounds good so far!
Chapter 2: Subscribed ^^ I will patiently wait for the next update :)
Ludimic #9
I like this idea, update soon, neh? ^^
pabolana #10
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^