Chapter 1

Shooting Star

"We're over." Those words stayed engraved into my mind. For days and nights,
I couldn't sleep or eat. It felt like it was the end of the world for me. Kim Myungsoo
meant so much to me. He was always there for me and understood me. I spent half
my life with him. We met when we were 10 years old and have been best friends
ever since. We grew up and matured and as we did, unknown feelings started to develop.
At first, it was beautiful and everything blossomed. We were happy. A few months
past and things started to fall apart as we went our separate paths for our future.
It would have been our second anniversary today if we hadn't broken up 3 months ago. 

Here I am, sitting by the frozen Han River alone. The Han River was a place where
Myungsoo and I used to go to when we just wanted to calm down or think. After
awhile, I came back to reality and finally got up to leave. It was really time to move
on. As I walked away, I felt like someone was watching me. I looked around and noticed
someone staring at me. He had quite a handsome face. I looked away then looked back
but he was still staring. My phone suddenly rang.

"Yoboseyo?" I answered. 

It was my little brother, Hyuk, "Noona, omma wants you to fill in for her as she does
inventory." Our omma owned a cafe shop which she always dreamed of having. "I'll be
right there." After I hung up, I looked back to where the guy was but he was gone.
I stopped worrying about the guy and went on my way to the shop. After a ride on the
bus, I was at my mom's shop. Hongbin and Hakyeon were there.

"Annyeong Hongbinnie. Annyeong Hakyeon oppa." I greeted. They smiled and greeted back.
Hongbin was handling the cash register while Hakyeon was brewing some coffee. Which left me
with making the lattes and frappuccinos. I had four drinks to make and there was more coming.
I called out each drink after another.  A few more orders came up until there was a small break
when no one was ordering.

" Was it busy this morning?" I questioned. Hongbin nodded and Hakyeon replied with a "daebak".
Hakyeon asked how I was. Being in the cafe a lot, I've become quite close with the employees here.
"I'm good actually." I replied. Hakyeon nodded with a smile. "That's good, that's good." he said as
he put his arms around my shoulders. "Eyyyy, why is this dongsaeng so cuuuute." Hakyeon said
as he pinched my cheeks. As he went back to work, I rubbed away the pain on my cheeks from
the pinch. Customers were coming and going. I stayed at the espresso machine and made drinks. 

"One medium peppermint latte." I called out. "Kamsahamnida.." A small and shy voice replied back.
I looked up to find that the handsome boy at the Han River was there taking the latte. I pointed at him
with a curious face, "Oh. Didn't I see yo-" "Jung-ah noona! Your mom is here." Hongbin interrupted.
I turned around to find my mom standing by the door to the storage room with a cart of boxes. The
other employees, Weonsik and Jaehwan came for their shift. I looked back at the boy to find nothing
but thin air. He disappeared again. Scary if you may ask me. "Omma. Do you need any help?" I questioned.
She nodded as she struggled to keep the door open. Weonsik and Jaehwan took over for me as I helped
my mom out in the room with the inventory.

My mom and I put everything in it's place. "Jung-ah, why don't you head out and have fun."
My mom suggested. I shrugged and looked confused. "What do you mean?" She explained that
after the break up, I haven't been out with friends or doing my most favorite hobbies. She suggested
for me to go out, take pictures or draw something. I frowned, "I don't think I should." There was too many
memories in the camera I used and my sketchbook had a lot of drawings of Myungsoo. It would just
make me sad to see them all.

We were finished with inventory and mom let me leave. I waved goodbye to Hongbin,
Hakyeon (who were about to leave), Weonsik and Jaehwan. As I stepped out, it started to snow.
It wasn't the first snowfall this year but I always found that snowfalls were always so beautiful.
Snowflakes of different shapes were falling all around me, I walked towards the subway to get home.
As I wait for the subway, I saw something that I wish I didn't see. Kim Myungsoo. We stared at each
other than looked away and ignored each other. It's been three months since we've seen each other.
It still hurts to see him. My tears forced their way through as I tried to keep them in. 

The subway finally arrived and I rode on it, making sure I didn't bump into him. I plugged in my
earphones and blasted the music. I couldn't help but cry. Out of all the songs that can play
on my phone, it had to be the song that he sang to me when he confessed, "Love U Like U'.
I bowed my head so no one can see the tears streaming down my cheeks. I stayed that way
for awhile until I got home. It was 7pm and I didn't feel like eating. How did two best friends
turn into strangers? Sometimes I wondered why of all the people in this world, I fell in love
with my one best friend. I tried to forget about him by watching tv. It was sort of helpful
but it still wasn't enough.

I went out onto the balcony and sat in the chair available outside. It was quite chilly so I had to
go back inside to get a jacket.  As I looked up, there wasn't that many stars out, especially
with all the city lights around and the big snowy clouds blocking the way. There was a portion
of the sky that you can see clearly. There was a bright star that shot across the sky. It was a
shooting star. Although it seemed childish but I wished on it. I wished that I could start a fresh
new life and move on; that joy will be the only thing that will come my way. With that wish,
I didn't know what was going to happen. If it would ever come true or not. I hope it did. 

Still with Myungsoo in my mind, my eyes started to tear up again. I ended up not eating dinner
and like those nights 3 months ago, I cried myself to sleep. 


A/N: Hey. This chapter seems short, but it's a start. Don't want to give out too much information ^-^b 
I hope to you who read it will continue to read this until the end. I don't think I'll be able to update 
everyday, but I will update about two or three times a week ^_^ I'll try my best.
Please do leave comments, subscribe and even give suggestions or requests. 
Thank you for reading :"D
Have a good day/night (:




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Maan2442 #1
Chapter 5: Update please i really like the story.
Chapter 4: Can't wait for next update!
jasminexl #3
Chapter 4: I like the idea of this story! & I love the way you write! Update Soon!((:
Chapter 4: Leo secretly has sense in making jokes XDD so cute
Chapter 4: Lol Leo's date is his mom XD
Chapter 3: This is sad ... more sad coz Yeol said it himself ...

Waiting for Taekwoon encountering this story ^^
Hope you update soon! This story sounds good so far!
Chapter 2: Subscribed ^^ I will patiently wait for the next update :)
Ludimic #9
I like this idea, update soon, neh? ^^
pabolana #10
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^