
Sweet and Savoury

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-awZuhexWhY ( listen while reading this chapter ^^)

Subin's POV

"So Suho-hyung, do you have any plans tonight? We should go out and catch up again! We really missed you!!" I whined. He laughed and patted my head.

"Ahhh Mianhae Nana, Subin. I have to wake up pretty early tomorrow. We have a photo shoot throughout the morning and an interview at night. But I promise you that we'll hang out another time, including EXO!" I sighed that we couldn't hang tonight but hey, its alright. 

After the members left, it was pretty quiet, not much happened. 

>>fast foreward<<

After work, I asked Nana if she wanted to eat but from her face expression, I think she was feeling upset about her 'boyfriend'..-sigh- I was pretty breezy outside and still pretty early as it was only 7:15pm. I decided to take a bus out to Myeongdong and go for a walk. Although it was snowing, I didn't mind. I wonder how Hyung's doing..Is he sleeping yet? HAHA DOUBT IT! Just as I was about to slip my phone out of my side pocket, a basketball rolled to my ankle. I picked it up and looked around to see who it belonged to. 

"Subin?" I turned my head around curiously and saw a tall, (not to mention goodlooking) Lay in a red jumper.



"What are you doing out?" I asked as the both of us took a seat on the nearest bench.

"Oh, I come out here to play basketball, to clear my mind. Usually I'd come out with the other members but they wanted to watch their favourite drama or something," he said with a mono-tone. MAN THIS GUY NEEDS TO LIGHTEN UP JEEEEEEEEZ T_T

Then there was an awkward silence. Veeeeeeery long awkward silence.

"Uh sooo, have you eaten yet?" I asked while rocking my feet back and forth. He shook his head. Without realising I started fist-pumping into the air. YEAH. I CAN FINALLY HAVE A CHANCE TO CRACK HIS MONOTONE. He stared at me for a few seconds as if I was a crazy woman or something but eventually broke into a chuckle, showing his lovely side dimple.

I could feel my heart stop for a moment and began to beat much faster. Omo.. I shook the feeling out of my head and my body and patted his shoulder. I think from the sudden movement from me, he flinched a little. I let out a light giggle and smiled.

"Let's go get something to eat!~" 

"Wait, what about the fangirls?" The dimple boy asked as he stood up, dusting himself.

"Let me take care of that~" I stood up and ran to a close thift shop nearby and picked up some decent shades. I came back to the same bench (atleast I think I was) and there was no Lay to be found. I scanned the area trying to look for a tall, red jumpered, dimple boy but he was nowhere to be found. All of a sudden, a heavy hand laid on my shoulder as I flinched and let out a quiet squeal. I turned around and saw the same boy as he was now laughing. 


I pouted at him for a moment and threw the glasses at him as I walked off.

"Y-yah! Come back here!"



"So, where are we going?" the dimple boy asked as he fixed his glasses and walked along beside me.

"Hmm...have you ever tried traditional pizza? Like the ones that are MADE from italians?" I asked with an eager grin on my face.

"Noooppe, I've never had Pizza either," he replied quickly. So quickly that it almost cut me from hearing his answer.

"..Are you serious?" 

"No, of course not. But anyways, I'm keen for Pizza."

We arrived to the Pizza shop. I was pretty close with the manager because since I first moved to SK, I wasn't really aware of my surroundings and just ate pizza and yknow, the usual popular multicultural foods and such.

"Table for two please~" 

The both of us sat down and looked at the menus. 

"What are you getting Yixing?" I asked as I peered up from the menu I was holding, He looked at me as if I just killed 7 people using a butterknife. Did I say something wrong?

"You called me Yixing.." he mumbled.

"Oh! I-I'm sorry uh.. Did you prefer me calling you Lay--"

"I haven't heard anyone call me by my real name..in a while.." he mumbled again. I looked back down at my menu as it felt as if I shrunk a little. At this point, I was confused at the situation going on. Did I offend him or--

"Thanks." I never knew a simple reply like that could make me feel so relieved. I looked up from the menu once again and saw him with a smile plastered on his face with that same dimple appearing. I just want to pinch his cheeks off anudisandklamdkl argh!!

As we were waiting for our orders, it was pretty quiet between the both of us but he still had that smile plastered on his face as he stared out the window, having his side profile completely vulnerable to my eyes. His jawline was perfect. His hair was fluffed over just right. I could feel my heart beat pace faster suddenly. Waee... Heart, what are you trying to tell me? >:o haha just kidding. I giggled at myself and noticed that this time, Lay was staring at me. I swiftly looked away awkwardly. Within that quick reaction, I began flustered. Awkward.............

"Miss, your hot chocolate and sir, your  ice coffee?" The waitress next to me spoke. Thank you god. 

The both of us were enjoying our drinks. I took a big sip of my foamy, delicious hot chocolate and looked at Lay.

"SO, t-tell me about yourself." 

He blinked a couple of times and began to laugh. Harder than before.

"Uh.." I sat there, confused. Is this guy high? Or perhaps..crazy? OR PERHAPS.. NOT LAY?! OMG IMPOSTER--

Lay stood up, took a napin and whiped it over my top lip. Foam moustashe....Crap.

I laughed awkwardly and scratched behind my ear. 

"Well..Annyeonghasyeo EXO's Lay-imida," he smiled and did a small bow.

"You're kidding me right?" I responded in a monotone, giving him my straight face. He chuckled which of course made me laugh as well. 

I think we spend around 1-2hours just talking about eachother, getting to know one another and just doing random things. During the time we spent together, it felt like we knew eachother for more than just one day. Even though it was snowing outside and it was below -1 degrees celcius, I felt warm around him.

"Oh shoot, its nearly 10! I think I should head back now," Lay stratched the back of his head and swiftly stood up. Of course, this night had to end sooner or later. I decided to finish my third cup of hot chocolate before I left until I felt someone tap my shoulder. Turning around, I saw the same dimple boy holding out his phone.



After a 5 minute boring bus ride home alone and a 15 minute walk in the dark, I finally made it back to my apartment..alive. I took a warm, cozy and not to mention AMAZING shower. I curled up on the couch and the TV, to check if my favourite drama was on yet. I waited and waited and waited and eventually grew tired. My eyes began to drift off until I heard this:


"BWOH, NOONAS WILL CHECK THE MESSAGE NOW," I yelled unexpectedly, reaching for my phone while I still had my eyes closed. As soon as I got hold of my phone, I curled back into my original form and squited my eyes to check.


From: Unknown number [Received at: 10:31pm]

Oi, foam mustashe.


What in the---Yixing!

To: Unknown number [Sent at 10:33pm]

Yixing? Uh, I mean, Lay?


From: Unknown number [Recieved at 10:33pm]

Yeah. Just wanted to thank you for tonight.


Man, even when he texts, he seems stoned... >.>

To: Dimple Boy [Sent at 10:34pm]

No worries! Just hit me up if you ever wanna hang or EAT PIZZA AGAIN >:) kekekeke

Shouldn't you get some sleep now? Suho-hyung said that you guys have an early photoshoot..


After I replied, it was an almost instant reply.

From: Dimple Boy [Recieved at 10:34pm]

Yeah. Goodnight.


To: Dimple Boy



Sorry I took so long TT Been a hectic week since my brother left for Sydney and I had to work for most of the week :( I promise I'll try and update a little harder. If I have any ideas when I'm out and about or anything, I'll write it down so I have more to write about ^^

Mimis out : D

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YixingExoSranghae #1
Chapter 14: OMFG!!! Why are you soooo good at writing this!!! My Yixing... Why don't you have more SuLay times! Author-nim, fighting and update soon
YixingExoSranghae #2
Chapter 3: OMG my Yixing is soooooo cute!!!
Chapter 7: Myungsoo as in L. I hate Soo Juna so much!!! But cant wait for the next chapter
moniller #4
I like this idea, update soon, neh? ^^
Kaismyseoulmate #5
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^