First Day Working

Give Me Your 'Money'

“Do you have money?”

Kai shook his head from side to side.

“Not the slightest bit?”

Kai repeated the same gesture and even upgraded to another level by batting his lashes at her, trying to look cute which kind of failed, since he wasn’t the type that actually look cute, he was more like the manly type.

So Ra face-palmed herself, regretting that she had let him slept on her small rooftop house for a night, “Then how will you able to pay the rent?!” So Ra cried out, she was too frustrated, and ended up taking it out at Kai, even though she still held herself back, not wanting to be childish.

“I’ll work.” Kai answered absentmindedly, “I think it would be nice if I work at your place, too, because I’ve never worked part-time job in my life. Or should I take your night-shift so you won’t be too tired??” Kai suggested, he always wondered how So Ra could live like that, to be honest.

One of Kai’s daily activities were to stalk her around the whole day, and she was like a machine, never stopped working, done with the café, then moved to another place and work as a cashier, after then to the flower shop, then to the bakery, how on earth she managed to live like that? And just so you know, he disliked it. He hates it when So Ra had to walk alone in midnight due to her job, stressing out because she had to use her precious sleep time for studying and doing homework.

“No. That’s not necessary.” So Ra rejected right away, “By the way search for another place, I don’t want to see you every single second.”

“And I doubt my boss will accept you anyway, you look incompetent with your job.” She chortled.












“I never knew that So Ra has such a handsome boyfriend-“ “He’s not my boyfriend, Min Ho-ssi.” So Ra let out a sigh in disdain, well, Kai had just proved her wrong about doubting him get accepted at the place she worked at, because apparently, every work place she was working in accepted him warmly, she had forgotten about his killer looks that’d help their businesses.

Min Ho chuckled and leaned back, observing Kai from head to toe, then shrugged, “Sure you can work if you want. Just don’t do anything inappropriate when I’m not observing.” Min Ho joked.

So Ra was about to snap when Kai’s voice stopped her, “I won’t promise anything, right, So Ra?”

Earning a glare and couple slaps on his shoulder.












Baekhyun shook his head at So Ra’s clumsiness, she had left her notes at school, again, he opened through the pages of her writing and tilted his head, she wrote about too many unnecessary things that had so many little possibility to came out on tests, he understood though, not like him who could only focus on his studies, So Ra had so many things to focus on, that usually evolved with money, which he always get confused for, her mother and father really liked her and had treated her like their own daughter, but So Ra never let him help her financially, never.

And because he couldn’t help her financially, he had decided to help her with her studies as best as he could. Baekhyun took out his highlighters out from his pencil case, and opened So Ra’s notes again, while, he read sentence after sentence while highlighting important words. Halfway to her work place, his phone rang, indicating there was a message.


From. So Ra

Baekhyun!! Do you see my notebook???? I think I left it at school, can I borrow yours today??

I might not have time to study tomorrow, please???

To. Baekhyun


Baekhyun chuckled after reading her text message, putting the highlighters on his pocket, he replied with one hand.


From. Baekhyun

You left it on the library earlier. I took it with me and am heading to your work place, the café, right?

To. So Ra


From. So Ra


To. Baekhyun


Baekhyun let out a laugh, causing smoke to came out from his mouth, due to the freezing weather, he took the highlighter again and continued highlighting So Ra’s notes.











Baekhyun opened the door, expecting So Ra to be on the counter, waiting for him, but no, instead he found a surprising person there. He noticed how the other guy’s expression changed when he walked closer, “Jong In? What are you doing here?”

“Can’t you see? I’m obviously working.” Kai said as he pointed his uniform, “Yes, I mean, why-“ “Baekhyun!” So Ra smiled as she saw him, Baekhyun’s curiosity about Kai’s being vanished right away and he averted his gaze to So Ra, “Here’s your notebook.” Baekhyun handed out, So Ra sighed in relief, “Thank you, really- oh my, did you do this?” So Ra blinked as she opened the notebook back and forth, Baekhyun raised his eyebrow, “Well, then do you think my highlighter did it by itself?”

So Ra decided to ignore his sarcastic comment and once again gave out a bright blinding smile, “What do you want to order?? My treat for today.” So Ra grinned at him.

Kai stared at both of them and felt left out, they were acting like he wasn’t there at the first place, and it irritated him, so much. Clearing his throat loudly in purpose, to get their attention, “Get your order, there are other customers.” Kai nodded his head at his fresh-new fangirls that was adoring him with their eyes twinkling.

The particular group who had been noticed by Kai received hateful glares from the other fangirls who had been there since afternoon, that was the first time Kai actually acknowledge them, he ignored anyone who tried to flirt with him, well because there was So Ra by his side and he couldn’t look at anyone else.

So Ra scoffed silently and rolled her eyes in annoyed manner, the fangirls were so loud, they squealed at everything Kai did, walking, smiling, speaking, running hair through his hairs, even when he was breathing! The freaking squealed!

So Ra hated how the calm and silence atmosphere were ruined because of them, because of Kai, but she couldn’t complain a thing, could she? Min Ho was clearly satisfied with Kai bringing tons of customers for the first three hours he worked there.

Baekhyun looked back and made the girl squealed, too, “Who is he? He’s so cute!” “I will faint any moment if he keeps staring at me like that!” “His hair looks so fluffy I want to touch it.” Baekhyun quickly turned his head towards So Ra and reached out his hand to ruffled her hair, just like So Ra, he hated noises, he hated attention, maybe that was why they got along with each other really well, but unfortunately, with his good looks, he couldn’t achieve the peace he wanted to have, but now he had learned to just ignore them.

So Ra smiled and waved, “I’ll deliver it to you.” With that, So Ra went back inside the kitchen, because Kai wasn’t skilled enough to make the drinks, she had to do it, and maybe she should ask Min Ho to hire another worker, though, because her alone making the drinks for Kai’s fangirls were apparently not enough.

Kai’s eyes averted to the front and saw the fangirls gathering in front of the cashier, “One Oppa’s heart, please!” A girl said, Kai smiled politely, and asked them courteously about what they want to order, getting more pick-up lines but he never responded it anyway.

Kai sighed as he finally got rid of them, he looked at the kitchen’s door and smiled softly, Oppa’s heart is no longer available.
























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SilverSpade2 #1
Chapter 4: i absolutely love this one .....
* squealing
Bellexoxo #2
Chapter 1: I fall in love with ur story INSTANTLY after reading the introduction..Thankkkkkk youuuuuuuuu soooooo muchhhhh ExoticEXO author-nim^^
I'll make sure to comment again♥♥