A Deal

Give Me Your 'Money'

Chapter 3



“Kim Jong In.”

Kai froze on his place, he had neglected the meeting and instead followed So Ra to her house, afraid that something dangerous might encounter her way back, and now, he had to face the consequences. His father.

President Kim sat on the chair with both of his hands resting on the armchair, “What excuse will you tell me after neglecting the meeting I’ve set for you for the umpteenth time?” He said, even though he didn’t even look at Kai, even though he wasn’t screaming at Kai, even though he wasn’t hitting Kai. Why did Kai felt like he was being beaten up so bad? Why did Kai prefer his father to scream, to hit, to glare at him?

“Aren’t you going to answer, Kim Jong In?”

His father’s voice was as cold as ice, sharp as blade, and intimidating, Kai felt like he was a prey that was being cornered by the beast, he wanted to run away but he couldn’t. “I asked you a question.” President Kim continued as he sipped on his coffee.

“I’m sorry, father.” Kai swallowed and told the words he had said over and over again.

“I’ve heard those words before, son, from you, I thought that those words were meaningful, but after hearing it over and over again I think it has become empty.”

Ah, . Kai his lips, he knew his father wouldn’t let him go this time.

“Since I think living in this house is suffocating and tiring, and feel like a prison to you, maybe you should go and breath some fresh air out there, don’t you think so, son?” President Kim finally turned his head towards Kai, with the usual emotionless eyes, with the same fake smile.

How did he found out? Kai’s inner voice was practically screaming out, he had that conversation with his friend not long ago, with Se Hun.

“I feel like dying, Se Hun. I don’t think this is a home for me anymore, it feels like prison, it’s suffocating and tiring you know. I don’t want to this anymore.”

“Yes, father.”


And Kai knew so well that even though his father’s words were careful.

He knew.

He got kicked out from the prison-like mansion.












“Yeah. It’s okay, man. I understand, sorry for calling you in this hour by the way. Yeah.”

With the last apology Se Hun uttered, he hung up the phone call with his best friend. Kai.

Kai sighed, he didn’t have so many close friends in school, many of them tried to be close to him just because the good look, because the money, because the popularity. Se Hun, on the other hand, understand what he felt, feeling the connection, similarity of their life, they got along very well.

Se Hun had a dictator-like father, too, just like Kai, but worse, if Se Hun didn’t obey what his father told him to, Se Hun would ended up getting beaten, with the threat of danger coming upon his dear mother, the mother he loved so much as well, Se Hun was forced to do the things he hated, the same with Jong In, attending meeting, business party craps.

Kai had asked Se Hun if he could sleep in his house, even though he knew very well what the answer was, he still tried, because Se Hun was his only friend. “Where do I go now?” He raked his fingers through his hair, stressed.

“See you tomorrow, So Ra!”

With the mention of his crush, Kai’s eyes quickly darted everywhere, trying to find her, even though she wasn’t the only girl named So Ra, he still searched, and then his eyes landed on the familiar black jet hair, the familiar lean figure, the familiar Lee So Ra.

Kai watched as So Ra parted with the man he had grown hatred, it sounded so intense, no, Kai didn’t hate Baekhyun, he was just jealous because of the friendship Baekhyun shared with So Ra, he could make her laugh, talk to her, teach her, when Kai, himself on the other hand, couldn’t even get a simple ‘hello’ from her.

Kai hoped that So Ra would see him and greets him and those delusional thoughts, but So Ra just walked passed him without a glance, too busy with her formulas and numbers. Kai sighed heavily and drank the last sip of his banana milk.

“Hey, she’s pretty.” “Yeah, wow she has nice legs, too.” “I think she’s from this neighborhood, I see her quite often here.”

Kai’s ears involuntarily picked up the conversation between two high schooler behind him, his eyebrows twitched as they stood up and followed So Ra, with such gazes that he disliked.

Kai abruptly raised from the chair he was seating, he was going to stop them of course, but then he stopped, What if she dislike my help? She always hates me, everything I do, she hates them. Kai gulped, But then what if something happen to her?


And with the thought, Kai sprinted to rescue his only angel.











“What the hell!? Let go of me!” So Ra hissed as she finally encountered the two high-schoolers, one had bright orange hair, and the other one got a normal looking hair, “Not only pretty, but she has nice smell, too.” The orange head sniffed her hair, So Ra threw him a disgusted look, Don’t ing sniff me you disgusting ! So Ra screamed mentally.

Not taking her eyes off from the two erted s, she reached onto her pocket, thankfully, she was with Baekhyun earlier to study, so she had her sharpened pencils on her pocket, but when she was about to rip their ing throat with her weapon, the normal looking hair flew away from her sight, “Let her go.”

So Ra’s eyes widen as she realized the recognizable deep-husky-yet-annoying voice.

“I said let go.” Kai growled.












What am I doing, seriously? I just brought the son of Kim Corporation that I loathe to death to my house. So Ra sighed in disbelief as she took the first aid kit on her bathroom. She came out and saw Kai admiring her small house with his mouth agape like an idiot, “What are you looking at?”

Kai stopped from his little daydream, “You are… unexpectedly… messy.”

So Ra stopped from getting out the ointment and band-aid and those things, “Thank you.” So Ra muttered, she didn’t really think being called messy was a bad thing, to her, because it was her characteristics, she was so collected, tidy, on the outside, but in the inside, her mind was a total mess.

“I just called you ‘messy’ and you thank me?” Kai looked at her confusedly. “Then what do you want? Yell and tell you to get the out from my place?” So Ra raised an eyebrow at him, “Come closer, I need to treat your wound.”

“You want to treat my wound?” Kai’s eyes sparkled. So Ra stopped, “Right, you treat it yourself.” She said and gave him the things he needed. “Then you can just go to your house and ask for private doctor or something.” So Ra added and nodded at the door, “Go.”

Kai looked at her and scratched his head, “Urr. So Ra. I know this sounds crazy, but can I… Can I… Can I sleep over at your place?”

So Ra laughed dryly, “Not in the mood for joke, go away, seriously.”

“I’m not joking. Serious. I got kicked from my house and I have nowhere to go.” Kai pleaded, “Please. Please, So Ra? I will work! And I’ll pay half of the rent! Please??”

I’ll pay half of the rent.

So Ra swallowed at the mouth-watering offer, Ah damn. “Please?? I will pay for the dinner, too!”

So Ra looked at his face before sighing, “Fine. But don’t- don’t cause any trouble and don’t tell anyone about this, understood?”

Kai’s face brightened and he jumped right away, hugging her, “Thank you so much, So Ra!”

“Don’t touch me!” So Ra wailed as she pushed him away, “And,” So Ra cleared , “You’ll pay half of the rent, right?”





















Hello everyone!!! ANOTHER UPDATE!

I'm surprised at myself I could actually write more a chapter without writer's block attacking me so far for this story, let's hope that writer's block thing doesn't come to me for this story. 

I feel kinda energized by the fact that it was New Year, meaning the the new beginning, the new me #Cheesy

Sorry. Hehehe.

Enjoy the update!









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SilverSpade2 #1
Chapter 4: i absolutely love this one .....
* squealing
Bellexoxo #2
Chapter 1: I fall in love with ur story INSTANTLY after reading the introduction..Thankkkkkk youuuuuuuuu soooooo muchhhhh ExoticEXO author-nim^^
I'll make sure to comment again♥♥