Spectrum of Pigments

Perception of Desires

Kneeled before the headstone, the blonde stares deeply towards the ground. Wind made the grass flutter away carelessly and rushed past the yellow ends of Luhan's hair. Time had stopped for him. A hand reached out to the cruved peak of marble, grasping it tightly as tears rushed down his face.

I can't join you yet. 

The skies were dyed with a mixture of tangerine, mauve and cerulean as Luhan finally released his knees from the ground and began shuffling his way home. This was his daily routine for the past three weeks, with the first interrupted with adjustments and interference of his peers. 

"You seriously think you can quit that easily?" Kai grabbed Luhan's shoulders, pinning him against wall as the rest of EXO surrounded them for intervention. "She's gone. You need to get that in your head." The tanned fingers jabbed Luhan's forehead, hoping to get through him. "

"Hyung, you can't just leave like this. EXO is one as 10! 9 is such an awful number." Sehun came in, placing a hand on his shoulder reassuringly. 

"I'm done with this. All of this. It was fun for a moment, but that moment ended. So just leave me alone, already. It's not hard to find another person to join. I'm asking nicely." Luhan grumbled, everyone was posing as an annoyance. Why couldn't they accept that? He only wanted to be by her side, no one mattered anymore. 

A hand hits him across the face, turning his head to a churning anger. "You think that this is up to you?" Kai shouted. He always had a short temper. "We need you, alright?!" He grabs Luhan's collar with a look of plea. A plea that begged for Luhan to come to his senses already. "Does one girl really compare to the 9 of us?!" 

Before he knew it, Kai crashed onto the ground with a broken nose. An attack on the leader was an immediate termination. The rest of EXO piled up on him. Luhan had only lasted for about ten minutes before he was taken down mercilessly. His life was salvaged due to the fact that no one could bring themselves to kill Luhan for his mistake. He was out cold for a couple days from injuries and woke up in the hospital completely alone. 

It had been so long since he's suffered from silence. 


It doesn't take long before a human gets into habit of something. Whether it's biting their nails to enjoying the company of their friends daily, the sudden interruption of routine throws people out of their gravitation. 

Hobbling aimlessly down the alleyway that shortened the distance of his home and the cemetery, Luhan revered in the cracks of the pavement. How did each and every one form in the ground? Was it all just because products of man has yet to reach perfection against nature or had it come to be because somethng significant had crashed down upon it? What useless inquiries, he reminded himself. Thinking had always led him to strange queries about himself. 

Have I always been this boring? 

A sigh escaped his lips as he passed by the loud clamouring of the bar that often kicked overly drunk men through the back door. The fresh smell of vomit had ceased to bother him. Today, three men were thrown out the door following by the screaming of a woman. The male's umber eyes flicked over the building's exit for a second only to met with the eyes of a larger male that ran into him. Crashing onto the wet ground, Luhan groaned as he kicked away the overweight man who seemed to fearing for his life. Stumbling to their feet, Luhan and the other looked about. The drunk frantically searched about, out of breathe. Just how drunk was he? Luhan rolled his eyes in disgust before he heard another shriek, this time from the man himself. 

Large shards of glass rained as a girl jumped from the second story, landing on top of the drunk. "Quit running away! You're making my job harder than it should be!" The voice that seemed to have belonged to a young female chimed as a punch knocked out the elder. A 'tsk' clicked from her tougue as she shook her head in slight pain. "Goddamn it, why'd you have to be so fat?!" She grumbled before turning to Luhan with a nonchalant stare. 

With a raised eyebrow, he prepared himself for anything that might come at him. She was obviously dangerous.

The dark brunette pointed at him with her free hand, "Hey, you didn't see anything, alright?" 

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sylviaxy #1
Waiting for the story to start!