02| Intro

The Notebook

As of now she hates me, and I absolutely love it.


Byun Baekhyun. Male. Single. And super attractive.

I've been in the same school, for the past thirteen years of my life, this year being my fourteenth already. I grew up here, with the exact same school walls and ceilings, the exact same floorboards and book shelves. Not my fault if I'm the stick-to-one kind of guy, right? Oh, but sometimes I kind of go against that when it comes to girls.


I take advantage of people all the time, and I'm pretty proud of it.

That's who I am, get over it. I'm egoistic, and I'm not into surrealism. Kind of a realist too, but hey, the truth is the truth. We're all running around, just waiting for the time when we'll eventually pass away. That's reality and it's not my fault, again. Just like how appealing I am.


My parents are strict, my family's pretty normal and just simple. I'm not some multi-millionaire's son, I'm just pretty boy Byun Baekhyun from around the block. I gained my popularity, I built my reputation in this school. And no one's ever dared to take it from me.


I'm not a kingka, I'm a ladies' man. I make them swoon, fall and shriek for me, girls. I'm not the typical minded guy who thinks that "all girls are the same" and that bull. Women are women but they're all different from each other. That's what makes me a ladies' man. I know how to differentiate.


What else makes me the Byun Baekhyun of today's society? Oh, missy, I'm witty and evil too. In a good way of course. I tease and play around a lot. I'm not someone you'd like to argue with, I always win arguments. I know how to ride jokes and insults, so I'm not hot headed and don't have temper control issues.


I'm volatile, self-obsessed and don't play well with people who aren't interesting in my eyes. I'm not mean, or rude, for that matter. I have my values and morals but I choose my friends, very carefully. This makes me come off as judgemental but what do I care about others. Only my thoughts are valuable here, not theirs.


I take music classes as an extra curricular activity but my favourite subject is that girl sitting on one corner of the room, scribbling on her journal hurriedly with eyes darting here and there, her forehead creased in frustration.


Was it becasue of me?

Do I really frustrate the Park Eunmi?


I just watch her, painstakingly waiting for the frown on her pretty face to disappear when she meets my eyes. She then looks up, but not to me.

Do Kyungsoo.

Insufferably cute transfer student.

Why does he look at her like I do? How do I even look at Eunmi? Perhaps he has taken interest on her too? But I know her better, I know each and every part of her life, and her dark little secrets. Each and every one. Does he know too? 

No, last time I checked, her diary was in my drawer, beside my bed. It was the pale blue notebook with messy sketches and daily diary entries. Kyungsoo can't get her diary, no, it was with me.

What makes me look at her, everytime, everyday, every chance I could possibly get whatsoever?

It was that one little small phrase that I read two years ago in her old journal that made me decide on what I want to do for the rest of my high school years:


"I like Baekhyun, a lot."



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MyMistahByun #1
Chapter 2: You should make it a little more… interesting… No offense. There's like no color… Maybe get a poster? Or create a cute design.
MyMistahByun #2
