03| Truth

The Notebook

Chanyeol frowned delightfully at his image on the washroom mirror, if the said way on how he performed the action is humanly possible. Toothbrush in his mouth, towel around his neck and his sweatpants dangerously hanging on his pelvis, the bachelor looks at the small clock perched beside the bathsoaps and salts- and he realised oh , wake up call. He made a run for the stairs and barged in with an equally astounding stamina contrasting the lingering peace inside.

The overly pink carpet, with the overly pink curtain and the overly pink bed sheets- of course, what to expect from Park Eunmi, the cute little sister of the once awkward teenage boy named Park Chanyeol. “Eunmi, wake up! It’s a Sunday, we have to go early!”

Being the obedient girl she is, she shuffles and sits up groggily before muttering a “Then why didn’t you wake me earlier?” under her breath.

Chanyeol doesn’t give up easily on things he knew well about, so it was time for plan number two- fake panic attack.

He pushed her gently to the side and lay down beside her, almost cuddling his way back to sleep. He sighed, to show hoax defeat before standing up on the bed and gagging himself with air- “FILM INSTRUCTOR SAID WE HAVE ROMEO AND JULIET TRY OUTS TODAY GOSH BAEKHYUN AS MONTAGUE!?” It all came out as a long, blaring string of words for him but he knew it didn’t for her. In her little, naïve mind it must’ve come out as “Film instructor said we have Romeo and Juliet try outs today. Gosh, Baekhyun as Montague- and me as a possible Juliet- no way!”

Smirking to his victory, Eunmi rushed to the toilet before shouting an almost inaudible curse at her brother and his antics. She should have known better.


It’s been three years, almost, since she’s lived with only Chanyeol as company. Maybe because their parents deemed Park Chanyeol was responsible enough, to hell with that. He can definitely be responsible for her but for himself? She doesn’t think so. Her brother was selfless and that wasn’t a totally good thing. She started noticing it when Chanyeol started dating. He’d always blame himself for the break up that “It wasn’t her, it was probably me.” She would console him to stop being not-so full of himself but he wouldn’t listen, at least not very well.

There was also his sick obsession with Jongin. She didn’t find it gay or something related to homouality but it was kind of frightening. The way Chanyeol cheered for Jongin during dance contests, sports fests, anything to be honest. The fact that Jongin had his eye on her too, didn’t help. It was just a small crush, the both of them, her together with Jongin, would say. A small attraction towards pretty, appealing girls. She treated him like a brother and they kind of had a mutual understanding, but no, Chanyeol had to deepen the relationship since having his precious Kim Jongin as a brother-in-law was the closest he could possibly get to paradise. It was cool that he stopped pushing them onto each other last year, but she knew he had hopes she’ll look at Jongin.

As much as she hated to admit, the only person that mattered to her was Chanyeol. He was part family, part friend and part rival too. He gives balance to her life, the neutrality in Eunmi’s pH scale. He was who calmed her down, the one to disrupt her thoughts, the one who can make her change her decision in a split second. Chanyeol was everything to her, so in exchange for his selflessness for her, all she could do was take Commerce in school.

Eversince Chanyeol’s interest in music started to kick in, Eunmi also started liking dancing and singing, of the sort. They grew up liking music and the arts, to be more general. They acted, sang and just basically, performed. They had great and marvellous dreams for each other, but both knew one had to step down. And it was supposed to be Chanyeol. He was the rightful heir to the family business- the corporations and all. That was like making Chanyeol undergo a process of rebirth, it's not just changing his dream, it was changing who he was as a person. Eunmi cared for him, she knew all too well he wouldn’t like it. So with a determined smile and a clenched fist, she vowed to be the heiress to the business letting Chanyeol to break free from the restraint and pursue his interests in music. Chanyeol was ecstatic at first, but then he figured she won’t be able to do what made her smile- singing.

She said it didn’t matter, of course it doesn’t, it’s for big brother Chanyeol. But bit by bit, as she finished year after year of highschool, reality slaps her on the face like a mad . Music was only an extra-curricular  activity and she can’t take arts as a major in university. She could still back down, Chanyeol still had one more year of highschool left. She didn’t, obviously. This was something she can’t avert her eyes from, something she can’t avoid. It was an act of kindness towards Chanyeol, and all his generosity- Chanyeol, the once only heir of the Park family before she came running into their lives like a speeding motorbike that was out of control.



Baekhyun swore the Kyungsoo kid, mother of God, was giving him the evils.


He was doing nothing but being the stalker he is, creeping beside Eunmi’s locker while trying to bust it open. It was just a prank, what could be so devilish in that, seriously? He retrieved his hand back and Kyungsoo, briefly, smiled to himself a small, wry grin. Baekhyun felt like his eye was going to twitch sooner or later and that was a very ugly thing to show, so he left the corridor and went inside the classroom instead. He cracked his knuckles, looking through girls that sat on their respective places. Still no Park Eunmi, oh well.

Why do I stick to her like a fool? Because you know she sticks to you like a fool, too.

He argued with himself as he walked away from the rest of the students. There was something he knew, that others didn’t. That was the reason right? The reason why, for two years, he plans on following her around, making her the subject of his affection.

It was all because he knew her. Yes, that she wasn’t who everyone thinks she is.

Don’t they notice it, maybe because their features are similar- the eyes, nose, skin tone and the intimidating height. Not to mention, the talent. It was only because I’ve spent almost the whole of my life with Chanyeol, that’s why we seem so alike and so similar- even if we do not share the same blood. Even if I’m only an unexpected sibling, a possible unwanted child. She had clearly stated it in her diary, like that. Word after word, it was burned on the back of Baekhyun’s head.

He liked her, a lot too- but it was because of her secret, right? Her untold story that was hidden beneath layers and layers of mocked smiles and laughs by the beautiful Park Eunmi.

Or maybe he was feeling weird and giddy towards her not just because of her secret, but because he had the same too? Because of the unbelievable similarity they shared, that they were once, both unexpected and possibly unwanted?

That she was just a Park Eunmi from around the corner as he was just a Byun Baekhyun from around the block.

Or maybe, the reason why he was staring at her walk to him so intently right now was because she really managed to capture his heart when they had first met?



Eunmi couldn’t wish for anything more than to have a pair of shoes with wings so she could fly her way to the class. There she was, digging her own grave as she continued to dramatically run through the now slightly empty corridor, Baekhyun looking at her like there was no tomorrow and Kyungsoo with his veiled intention on waiting for her arrival this morning. 

What could be worse than this? Hell? 

She stopped her tracks abruptly, why Baekhyun, of all people? 

Why does it have to be the person who she thinks is agonizingly hurting her slowly as each and everyday passes? Why did he have to know about her? Why did she have to grow into liking his wickedly alluring yet frighteningly lovely personality and tastes? 

And to think that Kyungsoo was almost the same, wow.

If she wasn't playing whacko or deaf- she was pretty sure things got out of hand when she went out of the bathroom. 


It was supposed to be a normal day, but Chanyeol, has to unfortunately, ruin it- unknowingly which makes it all better. 

She remembers the words as they resonated in her mind, bouncing off the thickness of her skull.

Heir. Do Kyungsoo. Fiancé. Marriage. You. Congrats.

Maybe it was Chanyeol playing whacko and she was trying her hardest to play deaf.


Desperate calls and desperate measures were interlinked but that quote she didn't exactly contemplate on what kind of act she would pull off after walking like a retarded penguin on the moon in front of two guys she could possibly hate and love- each. Park Eunmi, you can do this, she cheered herself like what those Korean drama heroines would say before kicking their soon-to-be leading men in the balls or in their pretty boy faces to crush their pretty boy guts. She would love to do that, to Baekhyun only. 

But she wasn't in a ing drama, she was no heroine and she had a leading man but no, he wasn't an . Or at least that's what meets the eye after a few days of interaction. 

Maybe they just needed time and he would show signs of falling for her. Maybe they could work this fiancé thing out, and develop well enough feelings for each other. Who knows? He might just woo her and make her fall so hard with him not knowing- just like how Baekhyun, that spawn of Satan, did. And maybe, she can fall for him, and he for her, without ever telling her what she used to be? She just might pull of the trick. 


Minutes passed by in a huff and Baekhyun tunred green with envy as he clicked his tongue repeatedly. One second she was running to him, the next she had already locked arms with that, that, that fluffy pansy sock faced little choo-choo train, wide-eyed, smart-looking transfer student but HAH! Byun Baekhyun was totally gonna beat him out of his i'm friends with park eunmi within two seconds fantasy one day even if what he said to describe him didn't really make sense- what to expect when venting out anger and jealousy from a pretty boy like this one? 

He looked smug, once again before walking past them with a tired sigh and a murmur of "Ew, ugly couple" and he saw Eunmi's grip on Kyungsoo's arm tightened. 


Oh only if Byun Baekhyun the fool knew, that sweet yet sinister Do Kyungsoo was his little Park Eunmi's soon-to-be husband


Kyungsoo played a smirk on his lips, you think you're the only one who knows? Don't be so stupid, I know some things you don't too.



So much for an attempt at comedic writing orz  /mentally slaps self/ I updated this right now because it was bugging me so much, I just had to type it. It's 1am here and I am dying because I cannot sleep and I am haunted by random oc fic ideas it burns my very soul. Why am I falling for Luhan nowadays, dangflabbit. I felt guilty with the two first chapters being less than 600 words so here, some 1k+ nonsense for you <3 <3 I wrote this on a demo of MS Word and omfg the demo expired when I was half-done and I teared up bc- BaekMi angsty relationship gets deleted bc of stupid Microsoft and its stupid license ; ; Thankfully, I was able to log in with my acc and I got this back (y) 

Also, mind you, this is a  in denial!Baek x bitter!Eun x falling!Soo kind of ohteethree. Teehee

I made this new ocxbias story, it has a foreword /imsorryimalateslashlameperson/ and it is Jongin x Reader, you can check it out if you like Jongin /likemeunf/  [The Film Student]

I have a JunDae/SuChen angst fic too /justforewordsorryagain/ you can also see it /whispers/ if you ship them secretly, like I do. [Words We Never Said]

I have a ChanSoo angst fic as well [The Afterimage] , please, you know what I'll ask so- /shameless promoting, i should be sue-ed for this sigh/ 



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\o/ Happy New Year \o/  

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MyMistahByun #1
Chapter 2: You should make it a little more… interesting… No offense. There's like no color… Maybe get a poster? Or create a cute design.
MyMistahByun #2
