01| Entry

The Notebook

[ prologue; diary entry one ]


Dearest Journal,


God damn, that guy makes anyone feel like they would love to pull all their hair out of their scalp! It's like Baekhyun was frustration with a capital F.


He has lots of effects on his fellow human friends. It varies from physical frustrations to emotional ones. In my case, he makes me frustrated in both ways but more on the latter part.

He had that annoying smug  expression on his face for fourty minutes during a class. Oh how depressing it is, to be so near yet so far when I'm with him.

But today wasn't all that bad, actually. I made a new friend. Maybe it was because I stared so hard at Baekhyun that I burned holes on the back of his head or maybe since I forgot which chords to play for the new song we're learning.

This new friend and that happy go lucky fellow, they were kind of similar. But there was one difference between them though, I think, fairly.


Do Kyungsoo was a cupcake and Byun Baekhyun was an .


Let's see how school goes tomorrow, till then, Eunmi.

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MyMistahByun #1
Chapter 2: You should make it a little more… interesting… No offense. There's like no color… Maybe get a poster? Or create a cute design.
MyMistahByun #2
