Chapter 3

My Christmas Love Story *Dropped*



You arrived at the Honolulu Airport after grueling 9+ hour flight. Passing time zones is quite hard, don’t you think? You departed Korea around 5 in the morning and arrived in Honolulu at around 5 at night. Walking out of the terminal with Luhan and Sehun was nice as you felt the warm hawaiian air touch your cheek and cause your hair to dance around in the wind. The sun was bright and you just smiled to yourself.

It was going to be a nice Christmas vacation.

    “Excited to be in Hawaii? I sure am?” Luhan says as he wraps an arm around you. You nod in agreement and look at Sehun who looks bored.

    “Hyung, how are we getting to Waikiki?” Sehun asks. You also look at Luhan who just smiles brightly.

    “I got connections here~” Luhan chuckles and a black Porsche Cayenne pulls up in next to you guys. “Ride’s here~” Luhan says happily as a girl with long black hair steps out of the car with white framed Ray-Ban sunglasses comes out. She's dressed in a RVCA blue tank top, shorts and a pair of white converses.

( <--outfit) 

    “Lulu~ You finally made it! I’m so happy for you!” She says and runs to hug him and he returns the hug.

    “Nice to be here too Jasmine.” He smiles at her and faces you and Sehun. “Guys, this my friend Jasmine. She’s going to drive us to Waikiki.” Luhan introduces her to us. We just both bow to her and she just chuckles.

    “Aww, Lulu, your friends are so cute!” She happily says and pinches my cheek. “They don’t need to bow. Well anyways, put your luggage in the back and then hop in!” Jasmine says and gets back in the drivers seat.

Sehun took my baggage and put them in the trunk. I was startled by his actions. He did not give me a reply but just opens the door for the back seat. I follow him in after and close the door.

    “Ready kids to have fun?”Jasmine smiles at us from the mirror and we both nod. “Great~! I’ll show you guys around!” She says as she starts up the car and heads off to Waikiki.


We arrive in Waikiki at around 6PM after she took us to eat at Rainbow Drive Inn. She pulls up in front of our hotel, the Moana Surfrider.

After we unload our luggage from our car, she checks us in since she is the most fluent in English out of the three of us.

“Oh that was fun! If you ever need anything, just send me a message on Facebook or something! I don’t want your phone bill racking up.” Jasmine chuckles. “I’ll see you guys later!” She hops back into her car and drives off.

“Well lets just go to our rooms then. Sehun, you, and I are sharing one, you have your own room. Our parents are staying in another room. Sound good?” Luhan checks with you but your eyes widen in surprise.

You were going to share a room with Sehun...

Oh my Krisus! Oh my Shisus!

    “Oh, don’t worry cuz. It’s a suite so you got your own room. Well kind of. Sehun and I are sharing a bed though.” Luhan explains and you just nod slowly understanding the situation.

    “Let’s go check it out!” Luhan said tugging your hand towards the elevator. The three of you headed to the elevator and he presses floor 17 button and you entered the Ocean Suite Room first followed by Luhan and Sehun. It was huge! You quickly walk inside dropping your luggage by the door and ran towards the doors that look over the view. You went outside feeling the Hawaiian breeze and sun in your face. It was so refreshing compared Korea’s cold weather.

    “Excited?” Luhan asks as he leaned his chin on your shoulder and You nod looking up at him. “Great! We’re going to have a ton of fun while we’re in Hawaii!” Luhan happily sung as he walks back inside the room to unpack. You look around the view at the view and saw a mountain. You think that’s what they call Diamond Head.

    “Did you know you could hike Diamond Head? We should go while we’re here.” Sehun says from behind you. You are a bit startled by his presence but you shake it off.

    “Really? We should go then! It looks like it’ll have a wonderful view!” You happily exclaim looking at him with hopeful eyes.

“Yeah we should go, and to the beach. I mean, it’s right in front of us.” Sehun looks down and so do you. You see the beach lighted up by the setting sun as the waves calmly come in and out. Oh how you wished you could see this view all the time. The sunset was beautiful in Waikiki.

“We should get ready to sleep. We got a long day ahead of us tomorrow. Jasmine said she was going to take us sightseeing at 6 in the morning.” Luhan says and joins you and Sehun back on the balcony. You look at him in horror and he just smiles. “She wants us to see the sunrise. So we’re going to this place called Makapu’u.” He explains and you let out a sigh.

“Well I guess we should get ready for bed then...” You sigh as you take one last look at the view and trail behind Sehun. All three of you get ready to sleep after showering and are all set up in your sleeping attire.

“So, cuz, you’re sleeping on the bed in this room and Sehun and I are sharing a bed. Unless you wanna share a bed with me?” Luhan ask but you shake your head.

“I’ll just sleep out here. If I can’t sleep, I’ll bug you to switch with me.” You say and Luhan nods knowing you have a hard time adjusting to different sleeping places other than your own bed.

“Sure. See you in the morning, even if it is 3 in the morning.” He jokes.

“Yup. Well goodnight.” You smile and he gives you a hug and a peck on your forehead.

“Sweet dreams.” He smiles before he slinks into the other room.

“Night.” Sehun gives you a small smile, sending butterflies to your stomach and you give a huge smile back.

“Night Sehun!” You say and make yourself comfortable in your bed. You didn’t notice that you knocked out quite quickly due to the jet lag from the plane ride.

“Sweet dreams.” He walks over giving you a peck on your forehead with a smile before going to bed.



fyi, if you are wondering why I chose the Moana Surfrider Hotel... 

well that's where SJ stayed when they came to Hawaii :) best fangirl moment of my life when I saw them! <3 *died and went to fangirl heaven!! 

hope you get to enjoy your Hawaiian vacation as we tour the island of Oahu! <3 


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Gkarthik #1
Chapter 4: aww, its alright author-nim! you'll figure out everything soon.
But could I know why sehun isn't your bias anymore?