Chapter four

Always been you

"TAENG!!! I've finally figured out what my feelings for Seohyun is already. I just felt guilty that I rejected her in the past. Seohyun and I are like siblings. It doesn't feel right that way." Yoong looking bright. He didn't have to feel vexed about his heart anymore. It took him a week to figure that out. He still believe that the one for him will come eventually.

"Really? Good for you! Now that you're not thinking about it anymore, have you studied?! Our test is in a few more months." All of a sudden Taeng is so interested in studying. He suddenly realized the importance of a good education. He is a very ambitious person. 

"LOL! it's like 5 more months from now. Chill. Our exam is in November and it's only June now. Don't forget that we have our prefect duty next week for our donation drive. Ughh as the head I think I'll probably be skipping the whole week of class." Yes, Yoong was the head of prefect. Every year they would go around the city to collect donation. And the donation they've collected will go to orphanages or old folks home. 

"Are you serious? I thought we're exempted since we're seniors already and we even have a major exam later in the year." Taeng felt frustrated all of a sudden. He's slightly lazy to go around town asking for donation. He remembered those times where people called them beggars and made fun of them. He didn't like that but he knew that he was collecting those donations for a good cause and it wasn't even for them so he just let them off.

"Apparently, Mrs. Lee says it's our choice as seniors if we want to join this year or not. But since it's our last year, I don't see any harm helping out. After all, it is for a good cause." Yoong have always been known for his big heart. That was one of the reasons that people likes him. He always try to help those in need. In another word, he have a soft spot for people who needs help.

"I guess you're right. Since its our last year, I'll join. But are you gonna be the one in charge in school or are you going out to town?" 

"Heck no. Why would I choose to stay in school when I can get out right? I'm letting the juniors do it. Yuri, Krystal and Sunny will be in charge in school. Since they are potential secretary, discipline mistress, and treasurer for next year's top 6 prefect." Yoong never liked staying in school as long as he have the reason to leave. He feels like he won't be doing much staying in school. He love exploring the town even if it's him alone.

"Alright bro! Let's do this together for our last time! But who's gonna be the one placing us in our groups?" Taeng asked curiously while he have his hands scratching his head. He's fine with anyone but he wanted to know who'll he be grouped with. He would love it if Yoong was in his group but he knew that it was up to those people who'll make the duty list.

"Well of course it will be Yuri, Krystal and Sunny. Mrs. Lee told me that I don't have to do it anymore just past to the juniors to do it. I'm glad actually. Atleast I won't be pestered by the other prefects who want to do duty with each other. Haha" Yoong never like being the one who create the duty list. He'll always end up with lots of complains or switches in the duty shift.

"I guess that's the only good about being a senior. But after this event, please study will you? I don't want you to flung your exams. Study hard and get good results then you'll be able to study in the best school and you'll be able to be a good...... Err... What's your ambition again?" 

"A lawyer! I want to be a lawyer when I'm older. Fight for the rights of those people who deserves it!" Yoong have always dream about being a lawyer. What drove him to have that ambition was actually a drama that he watched when he was a little boy. That drama was 'Love Story In Harvard' which Kim Rae Won and Kim Tae Hee acted in. He wants to fight for justice. Help those innocent people who were wronged be clear from any legal actions and bring bad guys to jail.

"Yeah! Be a good lawyer in the future! Wow! I must say that Kim Rae Won did a good job in his acting since he managed to convince you to be a lawyer. But you know that it can be dangerous too right?" Taeng was worried for Yoong because he knew of a few cases where lawyers were murdered because they took up a case against some thugs. And he knew Yoong was the persistent one. As long as it came to helping others, he will go all in until it is done and of the results he wanted.

"I know it may be dangerous but I got nothing to lose I guess." Yoong feels lonely. He had no one to lose. That was what he feels. He feel that he's lack of love. Hence, he said that he have nothing to lose.

"What about your family? I'm sure they wouldn't want to lose you. What about me? I wouldn't want to lose my best friend. You should always be careful on your job next time."

"Yeah other than you guys, I have no one else to lose." Yoong smiled because he knew at least there are people who loved him. Even when he knows a lot of people, not all of them are important because most people just come and go like the wind. Some others would use him because he's too nice of a person.

"You won't be saying that next time when you have a girlfriend. AHAHA And then when you're married and have kids you wouldn't even think about saying that at all." Taeng started teasing Yoong again. He just couldn't help it because Yoong was a nice person to tease. He can take any tease from Taeng. This shows that they are really close until they're like brothers.

"We'll go to that when I get myself a girlfriend alright? Haha! And marriage, that's still a long way to go. What if I can't get myself a bride?" Yoong was joking but he did feel worried for himself since he knew that he have very high expectations for his future partner.

"Haha! You haven't even get yourself a girlfriend and you're already worried that you won't be able to find a bride? Chill bro. But true. Why do the both of us have the same problem?" Taeng was pretending to cry. He worries that he might have the same luck as Yoong even though he have dated a few girls before. 

"I know right! Do you want to be my girlfriend?" Yoong held Taeng's hand while he asked him that question. Taeng had a question mark on his head and he felt really awkward at Yoong's action although he knew that Yoong was fooling around with him.

"Bro! What are you doing? Don't worry. I'm sure your parents will set you up on a blind date with their friends daughter if you're unable to get a girlfriend. Even now if you want I can call them and tell them to set you up." Yoong let go of his hands from Yoong and took out his phone pretending to call yoong's parents while walking away leaving a dumbfounded Yoong behind. 

"Hey! Please don't! I'm just joking! I don't want to date someone I don't know! I'm still young to be sold like that! I'm sure I still have chances." Yoong ran towards Taeng and try to snatch the phone from Taeng's hand. When Yoong found out that Taeng was just pulling his legs, he almost throw the phone on the ground and that got Taeng by surprised and the both of them started laughing at his reaction.

Yoong was glad he had a best friend. He had trust problem when it came to trusting people but he's glad he could trust Taeng with everything. They were really the best of best friends. They practically do everything together. Sometimes people might even misunderstood them as gays because they were so close. If it wasn't for the fact that Tiffany was Taeng's girlfriend he wouldn't mind all those unfounded rumors but because during that time Tiffany was his girlfriend he didn't want her to think he was gay too so he didn't get too touchy with Yoong as he used to.


Happy 2014 readers! :D I'm sorry I haven't been updating this story that often. I've a question to ask you guys, are you all not interested in yoonkrys pairing? Because out of 40 plus subscribers I've only received 7 comments. T.T I hope you guys will continue to leave your comments to help me to write more. Thanks you to then new subscribers and those that upvoted this story. I appreciate it a lot! :D

Ps: I guess we all know that Yoongie is dating Lee Seung Gi right? To me I believe he's a great guy so I guess he won't hurt our Yoongie. By the way, I'm really impressed by sones because they still had a calm reaction after knowing about their relationship. Proud of you all sones! Keep it up like that. (: continue to support Yoona and Seung Gi's relationship. I'm sure she'll want us to be happy for her.

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Chapter 10: author update please :)
halelight16 #2
Chapter 10: yeah short update but its just enough though. update more yoonkrys please.
Chapter 10: please update soon
Chapter 9: please update soon
Chapter 8: It would be really great if you update this story author! YoonStal is the best ❤
amandajt #6
Chapter 8: I want an update :3 update soon pls ? :3
FeliciA530 #7
Chapter 8: Yoonkrys are so cute:) I want more yoonkrys moments pls hehe
Update soon~ hwaiting
Chapter 8: update soon please
soneorblink #9
Chapter 3: more yoonkrys pls <3
Chapter 6: I hope taeny can be together again..please make tiffany feels jealous with taengsic moment or interactions..