And That's When She Walked In...

You're Perfect, Be My Girlfriend


Kyung Mi P.O.V.


We finally left the airport and were on our way to my brother’s dorm. 

I haven’t really mentioned to Erin about how he happens to be a famous idol and we would be living with not only him, but his group mates...not really sure how she's gonna take it. 


"Wow! Korea is so awesome! There are so many places we have to go! You'll take me to all the good places, right?" Said Erin as she looked out the Window of the taxi


"Yes of course my loverrr" purred Kyung mi


"Hey don't call me that in front of your brother, he may think you are serious..." 


We laughed about what Seungho’s face would be if he thought Erin and I were in love. He'd probably say it was because of all the time I spent in America, I picked up bad habits XP


We arrived at the dorm and we got all of our bags out of the van. Trust me, we had lots and LOTS of luggage. Van was totally necessary. 


Seungho came out of the dorm, alone thank god, and just stood by the door.


"Well, well, well. Look who decided to show up." Seungho had his typical you-screwed-up-now-apologize look on his face.


"I'm sawwy broder..." I said in the cutest voice possible, hoping he would get over it and just hug me.


"Ahh it's ok, I'm just glad you're here" he said as he pulled me in for a hug


"Oh! Seungho, this is my best friend Erin!" 


"Lover actually." Said Erin in the most seductive voice she could come up with.


Seungho stared at her, mouth open, now words coming out.


"I'm just kidding! Hahaha it's a joke!" Erin said while lightly punching Seungho on the shoulder


"Oh.. Uh heh heh..." All Seungho could do was laugh uncomfortably.


"Ok...well let's go inside! Seungho, grab those bags will you?" I said to my brother to avoid this now awkward situation.


"I thought we agreed we weren't calling each other that..." I whispered to Erin


"I couldn't help myself" Erin said while smirking and turned around to help Seungho with bags




Narrator P.O.V.


"KYUNG MIIII!!!!" Screamed Mir as he saw her walk through the door. 


"MIR OPPAA!!!" Shouted Kyung Mi as she ran up to him and hugged him


Mir and Kyung mi had their little moment and the other members greeted her as well. 


"Umm something I need to tell you guys.. I'm not really here alone.. I brought-"


"KYUNG MI YOU , WAY TO MAKE SEUNGHO AND I CARRY ALL THE BAGS!" Erin screamed through the hallway. 


Kyung Mi sighed and continued "my best friend..." 


"Classy." Mumbled G.O to himself


"Seriously kyung mi what the hell-" and that's when Erin saw the rest of MBLAQ.


"Oh ummmmm hi! I'm Erin! Sorry I didn't know there were other people here. I'm not usually this rude."


Mir P.O.V.


And that's when she walked in. Right through the door. And thunder said it wouldn't happen. Pabo.


I probably looked like a statue at that moment. All I could do was stare at her. Take in every single detail.


The way her long blonde hair wouldn't stay out of her face and she had to keep tucking it behind her ear.

The way her bright blue eyes seemed to sparkle when she smiled.

That smile. It was contagious. Just like her laugh.

And her lips. Her full pink lips. I had this strong urge to go up to her and just kiss her. Right there. 


Aisshh what's wrong with me??


Erin P.O.V.


"Umm Mir?" Joon said to the last boy as he tugged on his shirt to get his attention, who I gather is the youngest


"Oh umm sorry. What's the question?" Mir said looking sort of embarrassed


"Umm what's your name?" I said kinda confused as to what was wrong with this kid. 


"Oh right sorry, I'm Mir." He said not making eye contact with me.


"Welllllllll okay then... Umm Erin, I sorta forgot to mention... but these boys will be our roommates too..."


"They are? How so? That's a lot of people don't you think?" 


"Yeah that's what we thought too.." Said G.O as thunder elbowed him in his side. 


"Well... My brother is in a group... A kpop group...these are his group mates. They are kinda famous."


I looked at her trying to wrap my head around this. Lots of questions were in my mind like 'Seungho is in a group?' 'He is famous?' 'We are gonna live with 5 guys?' And 'what the hell is kpop?'


But instead I just looked at her and nodded. 

"Oh. I never knew...well I hope we won't be a burden to you!" And I offered them all a warm smile. 


Seungho P.O.V.


After we talked for a bit more, Kyung mi and Erin found their rooms and started unpacking. And from the looks in the room I could already tell Erin was in trouble... 


She was a foreign girl. The boys aren't used to foreign beauties. What else can I say? 



told you i would update sooner this time~! haha

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imemyself07 #1
Chapter 3: Really looking forward to the updates :)
Chapter 3: NOW UPDATE!!!
Chapter 3: I c what u did there ^.^
solmalfoy #4
Chapter 3: Please update soon I love this story :)
Chapter 2: I'm curious now~ please update soon ^^
MelonCandy #6
Mirreeeeuuuuuuuuuuuuu~~~~~~ :D
Looking forward to his entrance xD OMG of course not north korea haha
Preferably.. I don't want any other member falling for her xD But if I had to choose, then Panda or Doong Doong it is! ^^