Pop the Question

Dae & Jae of B.A.P

Pop the Question


”Daehyun-shi, at what age would you like to get married?” the interviewer asks and puts the microphone near his mouth, awaiting and hoping for an entertaining answer.


They are after all on national TV.


The camera zooms in, filtering out the generation of idols and the enormous outdoor stage in the background. Youngjae, who stands next to Daehyun snickers and his lips curl in amusement round the nails he previously bit on, he throws an expectant glance at the addressed boy and waits along with the Korean population.


Daehyun smiles charmingly into the camera, fixes his stage outfit in case his *beep* gets exposed to millions of viewers. “Me?” he starts and flashes another blinding smile to no one in particular. “I want to get married as soon as possible.”


They all laugh heartily and Daehyun turns his head slightly to meet Youngjae’s eyes. “Now, is a good age.” He says at mere 20 of age.


“Everyone,” Youngjae leans forward to take up more of the screen and grins widely as he says: “Our Daehyunnie likes a woman who can cook at least nine side dishes and if you can think of having a soccer team of kids please call 088-XXX —“ He yelps when he is pulled out of focus by strong arms round his waist.


“What do you think you are doing?” Daehyun whispers in the other vocalists ear, not loud enough for the general public but definitely audible for their hundred thousands of fans.


Youngjae squirms and tries to wriggle out of the embrace, “I’m just helping you. We are always busy; this is the perfect way to get you a life partner.” The grip around him comes loose, but he can feel the hand that stays on his lower back.


The sweet interviewer observes them in amusement and the camera rolls continuously fortunately unable to catch every detail in front of the manufactured eye.


“It’s true, you are always on schedule.” She says into the mic and smiles at them. “Oh, what to do? How will you be able to get married when you don’t even have time to get a girlfriend, Daehyun-shi?”


“Yeah, what are you going to do Daehyun-shi?” Youngjae enforces the interviewer’s question and raises his eyebrow in challenge.


Daehyun smiles and his hand moves from Youngjae’s back to the his side. He squeezes gently.


“I’ve been thinking about that a lot lately,” he says dreamily and eyes twinkle into the camera. “By the looks of it, I think I might end up marrying Youngjae.”


They all laugh and Daehyun smile widens.


“Yah, what are you saying!?” Youngjae says incredulously and looks at him with large eyes. “Did you just propose to me on national TV?”


The question hangs in the air as clever fanservice and good variety skills on their part and remains unanswered until after the exchange of polite goodbyes as the camera moves on to capture their colleagues.


Daehyun and Youngjae enter the tent protecting the rest of the band and their staff from the blazing sun; they sit down on plastic chairs by the members when Youngjae decides bring up his question. “So were you?”


“Were you what, hyung?” Junhong asks and temporarily tears his eyes from his iPod to look at them curiously.


“I’m just asking if Daehyun popped the question.”


Daehyun gulps.


Suddenly Himchan forgets his mirror, Jongup stops dreaming, the leader opens his eyes from his rest and the maknae still stares at them.


“What if I did?” he retorts, trying not to mind s all too much.


Youngjae snorts and crosses one leg over the other. “Then you better ask again. There’s no way I’m going to agree to such a half-assed proposal.”  


“But it was in front of millions of people!” he protests and hears the other members chuckle lightly when he gets ignored. At least they are wise enough not to interfere, he thinks and turns his attention back to Youngjae.


He pouts when he sees his boyfriend inspecting his nails, sparing him absolutely none of his mind. In defeat he lifts his chair and moves it closer to Youngjae’s who is now biting on his nails out of habit.


He leans in and his eyes are big and sincere. “Will you marry me?”


The corners of Youngjae’s lips tug upwards and somewhere in the background they can hear Himchan hyung mutter ‘finally’ under his breath.


Youngjae stops biting his nails and turns to face Daehyun. “I’ll think about it” he replies coolly but his perfect white teeth show, undeniably in a fond smile.


Daehyun laughs softly and leans forward to steal a chaste kiss from his fiancé, because in Youngjae-language that’s pretty much a ‘Yes’.



I hope you liked it ^^




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trymyluck #1
Chapter 1: morning toothpaste kiss
trymyluck #2
Chapter 1: morning toothpaste kiss
jessica_lemondrop #3
I love you for writing all these wonderful fics~~ *please have a green tea ice cream cone*
Chapter 4: Love love love love all of these :)
Chapter 3: Ahhhhhh the DaeJae feels really :)
Chapter 2: Ahhhhhh totally cute :)
Chapter 1: ahhh too cute for reals!!!! Toothbrushed mouthed kisses in the morning.. too cute =]
Chapter 4: so adorable ;__; im still confused at some points tho,cuz i still dunno wut Dae had said in the beginning n then next,why Jae was that furious when Dae said the truth,but after time he apologized...is it sth from the fansign?this is still cute related to reality or not~
Chapter 4: This was soo good and I really enjoyed reading it. I loved the part when Daehyun blurts out what he thinks and feels about Youngjae! Then what Youngjae writes to the fan. Oh so good! oxoxoxoxo
Chapter 3: Oh this was soooooo awesome! I love, love, love that Daehyun was being jealous over Youngjae's many pictures of Junhong when he, himself, had many photos taken by Youngjae that he didn't know about! Youngjae being all worried and angry but then when Daehyun says what he says and Youngjae lets him see the many pictures that Youungjae has of him..oh so cute! I really, really, really enjoyed this! oooxox