Toothpaste and Morning kisses

Dae & Jae of B.A.P

Toothpaste and Morning kisses


”Sit.” Daehyun commands and pushes Youngjae down onto the toilet seat.


With a toothbrush in his hands he continues to take advantage of the younger boy’s half asleep state. “Now say ahhh —“ Youngjae complies and opens his mouth.


Daehyun huffs when he sees his boyfriend not even making an effort to wake up properly. He holds the brush firmly in his hand and along with a layer of minty toothpaste, he gently scrubs it over the top of pearly white teeth. “Yah, do I have to do everything for you?” He complains and he scrubs. “Aish, you always tell our fans you’re so proper, what will they think when they figure you’re too lazy to brush your teeth in the morning?”


Youngjae’s eyes finally clears and he looks back at Daehyun unimpressed. “That we go to a dental clinic?” he retorts, which sounds more like a foreign language  of awah wa whoo with a toothbrush moving vigorously behind his upper jaw teeth.


It earns him a slap on the thigh. “Don’t start with me.” Daehyun says and narrows his eyes before he gestures for Youngjae to spit out the foam in the sink. The younger does and returns to his seat on the toilet lid. “Nnghh —“ Daehyun widens his lips and presses his teeth together for display.


Youngjae imitates and for a second his fellow band member is satisfied.


The brush goes up and down and Youngjae tries to turn away at times when Daehyun’s hand slips and it hurts because the hard end of plastic digs into sensitive flesh. “Sorry, sorry.” Daehyun mumbles, he cups Youngjae’s cheek and goes 10 times slower and gentler so Youngjae forgives him.


“From now on, I’ll refuse to kiss you if I don’t smell the mint in your breath.” Daehyun says and gives his lover a meaningful look and purses his lips to emphasize his point. “Got it?”


Youngjae rolls his eyes but then stares at Daehyun with a glint of mischief.


The troubled boyfriend stops the scrubbing and straightens himself up. Youngjae follows, but instead of bending over the sink to get rid of the mint tasting foam he leans forward and presses his lips firmly against Daehyun’s.


He pulls back, takes in his lover’s scrunched up face and grins cheekily.


“Got ya, baby.”



Thank you for reading! :D




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trymyluck #1
Chapter 1: morning toothpaste kiss
trymyluck #2
Chapter 1: morning toothpaste kiss
jessica_lemondrop #3
I love you for writing all these wonderful fics~~ *please have a green tea ice cream cone*
Chapter 4: Love love love love all of these :)
Chapter 3: Ahhhhhh the DaeJae feels really :)
Chapter 2: Ahhhhhh totally cute :)
Chapter 1: ahhh too cute for reals!!!! Toothbrushed mouthed kisses in the morning.. too cute =]
Chapter 4: so adorable ;__; im still confused at some points tho,cuz i still dunno wut Dae had said in the beginning n then next,why Jae was that furious when Dae said the truth,but after time he it sth from the fansign?this is still cute related to reality or not~
Chapter 4: This was soo good and I really enjoyed reading it. I loved the part when Daehyun blurts out what he thinks and feels about Youngjae! Then what Youngjae writes to the fan. Oh so good! oxoxoxoxo
Chapter 3: Oh this was soooooo awesome! I love, love, love that Daehyun was being jealous over Youngjae's many pictures of Junhong when he, himself, had many photos taken by Youngjae that he didn't know about! Youngjae being all worried and angry but then when Daehyun says what he says and Youngjae lets him see the many pictures that Youungjae has of him..oh so cute! I really, really, really enjoyed this! oooxox