Chapter 67 - Forbidden Love (Part 8)

The Pre-existence Seekers

And so I was left staying in the Heaven. The worst thing was that I was placed in the palace just right next to Sakan's palace! Everyone here did not seen to be surprised at all. Somehow, I felt that everyone here knew something but kept it a secret from me!

Siwon left in a haste but he left Gomdori behind. At least, I would not feel bored with the company of Gomdori.

"My dear Delia!" I recognized the voice - Aska's. Aska was the head of the Light clan and guard of the Heaven but he seemed to be very free. Or maybe he was skiving on his job. Aska would come and visit me once every other days and toured me round Heaven. I sort of knew my way in Heaven.

"Stop daydreaming. Come follow me! I am going to bring you to a special place." Aska grinned at me. 

We walked through forested path and came to a valley, full of white roses. There was a waterfall running through the valley and went into the lake. The surface of the lake was calm and it reflected a brilliant light which luminated the skies.

"Wow, amazing! How did you know of such a heavenly place?" I squealed.

"Hey, this is Heaven!" Aska chuckled," Have you forgotten my duty? I patrolled Heaven and so I knew every inch of land here in Heaven." Aska spoke proudly and narrowed his eyes. Looking at his long hair and the evil grin, he really looked like M!

"My dear Princess Delia, if you kept looking at me like this, I will...." Aska grinned even broadly.

I quickly woke up from daydreaming," I am not looking at you at all! I am looking behind you." I walked towards the lake.

"Be careful of the lake because it turn anything into white colour." Aska cautioned me.

I became extremely curious when I heard that. I pluck a stalk of grass and dipped it into the water. True enough, it turned white instantly.

"Wow! It's true Aska! Look!" I turned and waved the grass.

Aska smirked," Delia, do you intend to make your hair white?"

I bowed my head and saw that a chunk of my hair dipped into the lake without me knowing. I let out a loud shriek and tilted my hair out. Oh my, it turned white.

"Why didn't you warned me earlier?" I whined.

"I did caution you before."

"I mean you should warn me when you saw my hair was about to land into the lake!"

"Oh, I thought that you wanted to change your hair colour?" Aska chuckled. 

I stopped and stared hard at Aska. That smile! It was exactly like M! If only M could smile at me under the sunray....

"Would this fade and for my hair to regain it's colour?" I sulked

Aska turned and waved his fingers. Suddenly the white rose petals flew up and wove into a swing! I was amazed at Aska's magical powers.

I sat on the swing and swinged myself up in the air. I felt so carefree as if all my worries disappeared with the wind. I forgot myself, forgot my whereabouts and everything. My swing came to a stop abruptly and I saw Aska grabbed hold of the side. Aska's gaze was on me and in his silver iris, I saw the sunray.

"Delia, how do you find it here?"

"It was so beautiful?"

"Stay in Heaven forever."


"Why not, Delia?"

"A beautiful place may not be suitable to stay."

"So tell me, where is the suitable place?"

"Anywhere with your special someone."

"Special someone?"

"Someone who make you feel like the warmth of the sun."

Aska smiled," So Delia, I am...."

"Aska." A female voice interrupted us. I turned and saw the sihouettes of a male and a female. Both of them having the fiery red hair and the honey brown eyes. Prince Sungmin and Princess Freeya.

"Aska, why are you here? And with her!" Freeya did not sound too friendly. I hopped down from the swing and bowed slightly at them. Aska did the same. From Queen Yana's birthday, I knew that Freeya had feeling towards Aska. I bet that she had misunderstood something between Aska and me.

"Freeya, your manners!" Sungmin held Freeya's shoulders. Sungmin smiled at me before speaking to Aska," Aska, my mother wanted to see you." Sungmin seemed to be of respect to Aska.

Aska noted. Before Aska could say anything, Freeya spoke again," Aska, I will send her off."

On the journey back, Freeya ignored me.

"I dislike you!" Freeya spoke while we were reaching my palace.


"I will be Aska's bride in time to come. I like him."


"Though you are pretty, Aska will not fall for you!"


"Can you say something apart from Oh?" Freeya looked irritated.

"What did you expect me to say?" I sighed.

"You do like Aska?" Freeya looked surprised.

"What! Like him? No."


"Why do I have to like Aska?" I was confused. Freeya seemed angrier when I said that I did not like Aska.

"Aska is themost handsome god in Heaven. How could you not like him?"

"So what Aska is the most handsome god?" I found Freeya to be childish and in a cute way. "Won't it be good if no one like Aska except you?"

"NO! I will be happier if Aska is like by many others. But Aska can only like me!" Freeya glared at me," You better like Aska!"

"Huh...." I felt sweat appearing on my forehead.

"Actually, I did not really mean it when I said that I dislike you." Freeya laughed softly. Under the sun, she looked so beautiful like Queen Yana but in a different way. Freeya's ivory white skin shone and her cherry red lips was kind of alluring. She had this sweet girl next door feel. Just as I was mesmerizing her beauty, her expression changed and became emotionless.

"Brother Sakan..." Freeya's voice sounded tense.

Sakan nodded slightly but remained silent.

"I shall take my leave." Freeya left quickly.

"What happen to your hair?" Sakan's voice was still that cold.

"Prince Sakan, I believe that she came into contact with the lake." 

I looked up at Ray who was perching on Sakan's shoulder.

"Follow me." Sakan motioned me.

"Are you able to remove this from my hair?" I asked timidly.

"I have my way."

I followed Sakan to his palace. Sakan brought me to a room and I waited there with Ray. Ray was chattering non stop.

"Hey, don't you feel thirsty or tired?" My head was aching with Ray's blabbering.

"No. Why would I be tired from talking? I merely move my tongue?" Ray looked at me as if I am so stupid. He spread his wings and flew to my shoulder.

"But I am tired just by hearing to you talking non stop!" I pouted.

I was feeling tired and sleepy after waiting for sometime.

I must have doze off with Ray's further blabbering. Subconsciously, I wanted to scratch the itchiness from my face. I woke up all of a sudden. I realized that someone was caressing my face slowly, my cheeks, my nose and my lips. I opened my eyes widely and I saw the hand.

The golden iris, the stony expression. 

"I am taking my leave." I tried to get up.

"Your hair. I have not fix it yet."

I was not going to wait any longer for Sakan to fix my hair if he was going to molest me further. "Simple!" I looked around and saw a knife on the table. I chopped away the chunk of white hair. "Done." I rolled my eyes at Sakan and left.


Soon, it had been more than a month living in the Heaven. I was worried what happened between Siwon and Kibum.

At night, I had a dream. I was back in the Underworld and met Yesung. Yesung told me that Siwon and Kibum had a big quarrel after returning from the Heaven and to make the matter worse, Kibum left to the mortal realm. Till now, Kibum had not return. It was rumored that Kibum fell in love with a mortal and incurred Siwon's wrath. Siwon ordered Leteuk to bring Kibum back immediately.

I woke up in cold sweat. I was shocked that I was the cause of their quarrel and separation for thousand of years! I had to stop Leteuk before the tragedy happened to Siwon and Kibum.

What didn't any of them remember this incident when I was hunting for the orange Manjusa? A sudden fear formed in my heart. Did something happen to me? I mean Delia? I snapped out of my thoughts as I had to get to the Underworld urgently. I decided to look for Aska but I did not know where he was. Now, the next person I could think of for help was left with Sakan.

I hesitated before I set off to his palace. When I nearing Sakan's palace, Ray flew to me and he was talking non stop again. I had to interrupt and to tell Ray on the purpose of my visit.

"I will brring you to Prince Sakan." Ray guided me inside and we stopped in front of a golden door.

"Prince Sakan should be inside."

"Thanks Ray." I pushed the door quickly. I shrieked when I saw the room. It was a bathroom or a room with a bathing pool! The scariest thing was that the person inside was totally .

His skin was as smooth as marble and his body was perfect! Strong shoulders, flat and muscular abs with a clear defined waistline. His lips opened slightly. Coupled with the rising steam from the pool, his golden iris seemed pitless and my soul was about to get lost in his eyes....

"I did not see anything!" I managed to yell out before I fled out of the room. I wondered of I was dreaming of the scene earlier? 

I leaned again the doors and tried to calm myself. It was too much for my poor heart to take! Though it was not the first time that I seen him but it was at night then and in a forest. It was not as clear as what I seen earlier.

I slapped my head to stop my dirty thoughts. That bastard Ray! I am going to pluck off his feathers one by one! He knew that Sakan was bathing inside and he dared to lead me to him!

Shortly, Sakan came out with a white robe over his body. I was too embarrassed to look at him in the eyes. Geez, I am behaving like a girl! But then I am Delia and she was a girl. I had to act like a girl to be 'normal'.

"I should have made you gouge out your eye balls the last time!"

"Why are you so evil? Did you lose anything?" I muttered to myself. Sakan molested my face the last time and now it should be even!

Sakan combed his wet hair with his slender fingers. "Anything?"

"I need your help. I need to go to the mortal realm fast."

"Mortal realm?" Sakan raised his eye brows.

"Yes! I beg you. It is very urgent. I had to get there quickly else my father will do something that he would regret for a thousand years!"

"Oh so the rumour was true that your mother left to mortal realm." Sakan eyes flashed," Something happened that night was true too?"


" I heard ....." Sakan came close to me," He kissed you."

I think I stopped breathing! How on earth would Sakan know?

I nodded awkwardly," You should also know that Siwon is not my biological father."

I saw a complicated expression in Sakan's eyes," Of course! Siwon can't possibly be your father."

What? Did Sakan know the identities of my biological parents? Delia's real parents?

"All that aside. Can you help me to get to the mortal realm fast?" I was pleading.

Sakan did not say anything.

"Yes or no? Just state your condition except asking me to gouge my eye balls or marry you! I can agree to any of your terms!"

Sakan smirked," I am not interested in any favour from you except marrying me."

"WHAT!" I screamed.

Sakan seemed to be amused of my expression. I guessed I must have look really stupid.

Sakan walked to the windows and closed his eyes, whispering something. After a while, Sakan opened his eyes and I saw golden beam shot from his eyes out of the windows.

"I saw your mother and there was 2 men. One was a mortal and the other was. God of Sleep Leteuk."

"Please, I need to get there fast else it will be too late!" I grabbed Sakan hand.

"Close your eyes." Sakan held onto my waist and I smell a faint flora fragrance. When I opened my eyes, I saw Kibum and Leteuk not far from me. I stared at Sakan, as I was amazed at his power...

"Leteuk, I loved Siwon. He is just a fisherman who save me previously. Siwon must have misunderstood here. Leteuk, I will not let you harm Ryeowook!" I heard Kibum's voice.

"Misunderstanding? It does not look like it."


"I hate to tell you this Kibum. Siwon had decided to make Delia his concubine when she turned 500 years old."

"What! This can't be happening! Delia is our daughter!"

"Kibum, Delia is not your biological daughter."

"No, this can't be true. I will ask Siwon personally."

"Kibum, you know that I do not lie. The answer is the same even if you ask Siwon. Won't you be sad...."

"I....." Kibum dropped to the ground.

The conversation left Kibum heart broken and enlightened me. So this was what Leteuk said to Kibum to provoke him and made Kibum believed in Leteuk! So that was why Kibum told Siwon that he did not love Siwon anymore. Siwon trusted Leteuk and so he misunderstood Kibum....

"Leteuk, who said that my father is going to marry me?" I walked up to them. " I think it is better to call my father to check this with him."

Leteuk's face turned pale for he was alarmed to see my presence. Kibum looked at me sadly.

"Mother, I am aware that I am not your biological daughter but to me, you and father are! What father did that time was a misunderstanding and the way he expressed his affection for me was well wrong. No matter what, you hold a special place in his heart which no one can replace. Only you can cause him to be angry, upset, happy. You are the only one that father loves!"

"What Delia said is the truth, Kibum." Siwon's voice sounded. Kibum looked around for Siwon and he was so happy to see Siwon. 

Siwon came to Kibum and hugged him," My love. You are the only one that is in my heart! I was so lost without you for the past period of time. Do you know that?"

"Siwon, I....Ryeowook ever save my was a misunderstanding....."

"Hush, we can talk about all this later when we go back." 

Siwon glared at Leteuk," I am utterly disappointed with you. I forbid you to come to my palace for 30000 years!"

I could not help but to place my hand over my mouth to stop myself from laughing out loud. Siwon's punishment was the same: forbidding others to enter his palace.

"Delia, why are you here?" Siwon looked at with a weird expression.

"I came with...." I discovered that I was alone and Sakan was nowhere in sight. " with my own way. Father, bring mother home quickly!"

"Alright. You take care while in Heaven." 

I nodded. Siwon, Kibum and Leteuk disappeared. The moment that they were gone, Sakan appeared before me.

"My sincere gratitude to you. Everything has been resolved." I smiled happily. I had cleared up the misunderstanding and so the future tragedy would not befall on Siwon and Kibum anymore.

"I believe Siwon develops some feeling for you." Sakan muttered.

"It can't be and do not say such thing. Siwon is my father!" I stared hard at Sakan. I could sense that Siwon's feelings towards Delia exceeded that of a father and daughter relationship. But even if Siwon had feeling for Delia, Kibum was still very important to Siwon.

"By the way, why would Siwon appear here?" I realized this part.

Sakan raised his hand and a fat little bird flew down," I send Ray to get Siwon here. Some matter is best to clarify face to face."

"Delia, I am a super hero right?" Ray flew to me and tried to get into my collars.

"What do you think you are doing! You ert bird! I am going to pluck all your feathers!" I yelled and grabbed the fat Ray out. From the corner of my eyes, I saw a faint smile on Sakan's face.

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shhhinhwaCJ #1
Chapter 74: Hi, it has been a long time since I was on AFF. I want to say that I really love your story, especially this one. I've been reading it all over again. It seems like a long time since I read it. It is like my childhood ^_^ And know I am finally going to university!!! I am growing up fast haha~ Please write more fantasy stories! Love you :)
Chapter 72: Done with the 2nd time, pain a 2nd time
Chapter 15: Things spotted when re-reading T.T vampires were angels. And hyesung's unease to send wannie to a place full of vampires.
Just dropping a comment to say I am going to read the story again and I am fangirling over it to other shcj. =X
kill3rpuppy #5
Chapter 72: This story was absolutely amazing!! So M was suppose to be a version of Minwoo right? I don't know I just couldn't picture it properly with him having long white hair and blue I just couldn't see it. My favorite pairings were when dongwan was with emperor Minwoo and when he was with Minu. This is probably one of my favorite stories and even though it is already so long I was sad to see it end lol
miaamaryllis #6
Chapter 74: I love this alot ^^ your stories are always very amusing and fun to read.

However I am abit confused about one part - are Minwoo and Minu both reincarnations of Aska as well? ^^ It was quite heartbreaking to read how both Minwoo and Minu wanted Dongwan to stay (esp for Minu!!!! :() But Im glad in the end Dongwan and M can be together ^^ M is really so sweet, and Dongwan is just such an adorable dork XD Absolutely loved the plots and the characterisation

Cant wait for the sequel!
Chapter 74: Best story ever. Hands down. Omg it was such a good read! Thank you for the wonderful story, author-nim. (:
shhhinhwaCJ #8
Chapter 74: Yay!!! Sorry for not reading it earlier!!! You did not disappoint me at all~ It is the best~ Love this story so much!!! Love the naughty Dongwannie!!! I love Hyesung!!!
Autumnaree #9
Chapter 72: this has been an amazing story. WOW! Just WOW!
fallendrops #10
Chapter 74: Oh my god it's been a long time since I visited aff and I didn't know you make a bonus chapter orz
thanks a lot for the bonus chapter. I really enjoyed it. But awwww poor andy to be blamed for what wannie did :< /and shout out for jinnie to be andy's boyfriend here/