Chapter 32 - Only Love ( Part 6)

The Pre-existence Seekers

The next day, I followed Jin to the Royal Shrine and once again the sight awed me. Outside the Royal Shrine, the Sphinx was guarding it and the stone steps leading to the entrance of the Royal Shrine was bathing in warm light orange glow. The green bronze heavy stone door was shinmering as well under the sunlight. I recalled my lessons with Hyesung: the shrine of Ancient Egypt was very different of the Ancient Greece. Ancient Egypt's mystical attraction was hidden within their shrine while for Greek, it was projecting it's majestic out for view. Egyptian probably preferred their mystical power hidden within layers of protection.

Once we stepped into the Royal Shrine, the grand hall came to my sight and there were probably about hundred of stone pillar li ining at the 2 sides of the hall. The sun slowly leaped up into the skies and peeped into the hall, coloring the pillars and I managed to see the delicate carvings on the pillars. This gave me a strong silent majestic feel! Each pillar was carved with the images of various gods of Ancient Egypt and looking around the tall pillars, I felt really tiny. I am not talking about sizes but the feel of the vast universal. Now I think I could understand why the Egyptian kept theirs hidden because you could feel the awe of their great gods here and had the mighty respect towards their gods.

After admiring the grandeur of the Royal Shrine, I was led into a side chamber where I was assigned with some clerical work such as going through the scrolls, paintings etc. This was a relaxing job and the symbolic wordings of Ancient Egypt could not hinder me as I could them easily and I was really fascinated with what I was reading. If only this ability could work in present time, I would not have to struggle through my studies... Aarrrhhhhh.

While I was sulking, I happened to see Andi. He was really unhappy to see me here and he gave me a very stony cold face. I was not surprised to receive this treatment from him and I could not be bothered by him as my aim was to complete my task quickly and return back home. I definitely did not wish to be involved with anyone in this task because this was a internal power struggle which could be frightening which hi recalled from the drama that I seen. You never know when you could get to see the riding sun the next day!

Soon, the sun set and my job at the Royal Shrine ended. I was stuffing myself with food when I reached Jin's Residences. Hyesung did not tell me that in Ancient Egypt, they ate only 2 meals! There was no lunch because they had early dinner followed by early sleeping time. Basically, their lives revolved around the sun. While I was savouring piece of lamb chop which I presumed to be lamb, I saw Jin standing by the entrance and leaning against it. He amused by the sight of me devouring the food.

"Is there anything?" I tried to speak after swallowing my food before I grabbed my wine cup.

"You seemed to be adapting well to the life here." Jin chuckled as he entered. " How is your day at the Royal Shrine?"

I nodded my head and stopped eating. " I am doing well except that Andi disliked me or rather hated me to his bones."

"That is because you are a outsider and you could work in the Royal Shrine. Plus you break the curse on Queen Torya which Andi, the highest Priest, was unable to do so. Naturally he felt that you are a threat to him." Jin smiled.

"Does Andi dislike Queen Nafada? She is a foreigner too." I casually posed this question.

"Who know." Jin replied after a short pause and his expression had a sudden change. I had heard from Hyesung that Queen Nafada married King Minu not due to empire alliance like ancient China, which was to strengthen their ties and to fight off other countries. It seemed that Queen Nafada was from foreign lands and she was hailed as one of a god's followers as she was brought up serving the god. In simple term, she lived like a nun. This sort of marriage was very common here as the people really worshipped their gods to the max.

I could guess Jin's thinking. I suspected that Queen Nafada knew Andi at the Royal Shrine as she had to worship and performed ritual sometimes. Probably through those time and interactions, Andi fell in love with Queen Nafada. Andi's one sided love or Queen Nafada also.....

"Queen Torya requested you to see her in Palace tomorrow." Jin broke me from my thoughts.

"What?" I was puzzled by this? Why would Queen Torya wanted to see me?"

"You are not willing to go?" 

"Even I am unwilling, I still have to go, right?" 

"Oh you know. Good."

"Of course, I still treasure my life."

"Dongwan, think this as a prestigious event. Many would be dying to go if they are in your position."

"Oh alright." I felt that it could be tiring to talk to Jin as you had to guess his thinking and reasons behind his words plus he could read you easily too.

"Rest early then Dongwan." Jin ruffled my hair and he left. I wondered what would be in store for me tomorrow.....


The next day, I entered the Palace alone as Jin had to attend to some matters. I am okay with going alone as I assured Jin that I knew my way in the Palace. Besides, there were guards escorting me as well. I passed by the large waiting waiting and to the huge garden. I motioned the guards to wait for me at a distant while I wanted to explore the garden. I was early for the appointment to see Queen Torya.

I saw some pretty red and yellow flowers and I decided to go closer to take a look. When I was nearing them, I saw someone squatting there. He turned around after hearing my footsteps, I supposed. Oh that handsome face and the silky black hair! Oh my gosh, wasn't that King Minu? I was frozen in my step as I did not know how to react.

King Minu was surprised to see me and suddenly, his expression changed. "Get away!" King Minu shouted and I was puzzled. Immediately, I felt something big dashing towards me and I just managed to jump to my side, flat on the ground. I  held my breathe as I saw my attacker, he or rather it. It was a lion! It's brown eyes were staring fiercely at me and it growled.

"Warrior!" The lion looked away from me when he heard King Minu's voice. It went obediently to King Minu and snuggled itself to King Minu like a cat purring to its master.

"! Why was there lion here?" My heart was still beating wildly. I almost became a lion's breakfast? I did not realize that I said my thought out loud. I was not able to cast my shield earlier, !

"Lion, you are referring to Warrior? He is my personal guard and the finest!" King Minu spoke and eyed me from top. " Warrior only obeyed my instruction and he will attack anyone who came near me. Perfect kill! But I had to admit that your reaction was fast else, you will be the number to Warrior's kill." King Minu smirked.

Who in the right mind would keep a lion as a pet!  I rolled my eyes. No wonder King Minu did not have any guard with him now.

"Oh I should thank you for saving my life." I was being sarcastic.

King Minu raised his eye brow at me," You are injured."

What? I looked at myself and indeed my left wrist was bleeding while my right wrist was bruised. Thankfully, my bracelet was still intact.

"Oh no. Would it be infectious?" I spied my bleeding left wrist which was probably due to the scratch from the lion.

"Infection?" King Minu looked at me suspiciously.

"If the wound is not treated properly then it will be infectious. A kind of serious disease." I tried my best to explain.

"Oh, I see." King Minu walked to me and yanked me up by my waist. King Minu pulled me towards the lily pond," Here, wash your wound."

"Wait! The wound had to be washed under running water!" I said gruffly and took my hand from his gripe. The next moment, I was dumbfounded. I was expecting King Minu to flare at me for my insolence but he just scoped some water and poured over my wrist. Luckily, my wound was not serious and the wound was cleaned up after a few washes.

"Aishi, can you tie your lion up in case innocent folks got killed." I was thinking of a dog leash.

"Innocent? You?" King Minu pointed at me and u nodded. "Warrior listen to me and I will not restraint it!" 

"Your Highness, I am making a move as Queen Torya is waiting for me." I stood up and bowed to King Minu. Before I left, I glanced sternly at the lion!

Queen Torya was pleased to see me and I switched my bracelet to my left wrist to conceal my wound. I had a nice chat with Queen Torya and enjoyed the fine delicacies that was brought in. They tasted so nice! Suddenly, there was some commotion outside and Queen Torya summoned one of the attendants to check.

" Queen Torya." The attendance ran back and she was pale. " His Highness's Warrior had turned insane. It is attacking everyone! It would not obey his Highness."

'Warrior? That lion'. Immediately, I rushed outside without thinking. I ran towards the commotion and saw that the lion. It was stalking an attendant who was now trembling badly and she was crying. The lion was going to pouch on her anytime as it slowly advanced to her.

"Your Highess, what are we going to do?" I turned and saw King Minu nearby but his expression was cold.

"Do not hurt Warrior." King Minu replied.

"But she will be dead." The guard replied.

"So what! She is just a slave!"

I was pissed off. Just like the fat wealthy man! King Minu did not care about human life. I stepped out towards the lion and there was shrieks from the crowd. " Stop! Stand right there!"

I ignored King Minu's instruction. " To you, she is a slave but to me she is a human being and her life is precious!" I continued advancing at the lion. I intended to use the talisman to freeze the lion's movement but I recalled that I had a spell which allowed me to communicate with animals. I chanted the spell and then I walked over to the lion, placing my hand in its head. I looked into the lion's eyes and it whined before it's expression turned gentle.

"Quick get away from here." I spoke to the attendant, without leaving my sight from the lion. She quickly crawled away to the crowd.

"Your Highness, Warrior did not turn insane. There was a thorn piercing on its paw." I took away my hand.

"What? How did you know?"

"Your Higness, Warrior told me himself." I bent down and looked at it left front paw. Warrior stood quietly even when I lifted it's paw. I saw the thorn and plucked it out. Warrior gave a low growl and came snuggling at me, even started my face playfully.

"He is definitely Messenger of Bastet."

"He could speak with the lion and tamed it. Unbelievable!"

I heard whispers among the crowd. Well lion is also the cat family member and so everyone was affirmed that I am Messenger if Bastet! 'Ponk!' I saw the crowd fell on their knees and bowed at me. "Wait. Don't!" I tried to stop them. However, someone hugged me tightly.

"Messenger iof Bastet landed at my Egypt. Glory and Riches will come soon!" I heard King Minu's voice over me ears as he addressed the kneeling crowd. I was shocked by the crowd and most of all being hugged by King Minu. 

"No, I am not...." King Minu hugged me even tighter and hissed," Don't talk!" When King Minu released me from his hug, he gave me a 'do not speak anything' look.

"Minu, he is the Messenger of Bastet and so he must stay in the Palace. I will feel more at ease." Queen Torya suddenly appeared and spoke.

"What! I do not want...." King Minu grabbed my left wrist and , I felt pain due to my wound. I glanced sternly at him.

"Mother, as you wish."

"But...." Ouch, I felt King Minu pinched my . I glared at him but he just smirked and winked at me. I quickly jumped away from his evil arms. "Yes, but I will continue working at the Royal Shrine."

"Sure!" King Minu smiled naughty at me and his lips. I quickly baded my farewell and took my leave to pack up from Jin's residences. I now had very poor impression of King Minu! He is a weirdo and big ert!

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shhhinhwaCJ #1
Chapter 74: Hi, it has been a long time since I was on AFF. I want to say that I really love your story, especially this one. I've been reading it all over again. It seems like a long time since I read it. It is like my childhood ^_^ And know I am finally going to university!!! I am growing up fast haha~ Please write more fantasy stories! Love you :)
Chapter 72: Done with the 2nd time, pain a 2nd time
Chapter 15: Things spotted when re-reading T.T vampires were angels. And hyesung's unease to send wannie to a place full of vampires.
Just dropping a comment to say I am going to read the story again and I am fangirling over it to other shcj. =X
kill3rpuppy #5
Chapter 72: This story was absolutely amazing!! So M was suppose to be a version of Minwoo right? I don't know I just couldn't picture it properly with him having long white hair and blue I just couldn't see it. My favorite pairings were when dongwan was with emperor Minwoo and when he was with Minu. This is probably one of my favorite stories and even though it is already so long I was sad to see it end lol
miaamaryllis #6
Chapter 74: I love this alot ^^ your stories are always very amusing and fun to read.

However I am abit confused about one part - are Minwoo and Minu both reincarnations of Aska as well? ^^ It was quite heartbreaking to read how both Minwoo and Minu wanted Dongwan to stay (esp for Minu!!!! :() But Im glad in the end Dongwan and M can be together ^^ M is really so sweet, and Dongwan is just such an adorable dork XD Absolutely loved the plots and the characterisation

Cant wait for the sequel!
Chapter 74: Best story ever. Hands down. Omg it was such a good read! Thank you for the wonderful story, author-nim. (:
shhhinhwaCJ #8
Chapter 74: Yay!!! Sorry for not reading it earlier!!! You did not disappoint me at all~ It is the best~ Love this story so much!!! Love the naughty Dongwannie!!! I love Hyesung!!!
Autumnaree #9
Chapter 72: this has been an amazing story. WOW! Just WOW!
fallendrops #10
Chapter 74: Oh my god it's been a long time since I visited aff and I didn't know you make a bonus chapter orz
thanks a lot for the bonus chapter. I really enjoyed it. But awwww poor andy to be blamed for what wannie did :< /and shout out for jinnie to be andy's boyfriend here/