Chapter 28 - Only Love (Part 2)

The Pre-existence Seekers

"So it will be trip to the mysterious ancient Egypt?" I was very excited. I had been looking forward to visit one of the oldest civilization of the world and the most mysterious one of all, with the pyramids, Pharaohs, sphinx. Most importantly, ancient Egypt was the place of origin for spells, charms and witch crafts and this was the vital attraction for me.

"Yes and I will sending Eric there in a few days' time." Hyesung took a sip of his Long Black and flipped through some magazines.

"Sending Eric hyung? Teacher, please let me take up this task." I tugged at Hyesung's sleeves and whined. "Eric hyung had been to Babylon already. Send me to ancient Egypt okay?"

"You think this is an overseas trip." Hyesung had the 'amused yet irritated' look on him.

"Teacher, let me take this task. I promised to obey all your instruction : 1) Not to get involved with anyone and 2) Not to poke my nose into other unrelated people's business..." I whined and gave my cutest pout and eyes and expressions to Hyesung.

"Dongwan, don't do this disgusting expression to me! I think I am going to vomit. Fine, you win. I will send you this time."Hyesung pushed my head away.

"Teacher, I feel like kissing and hugging you now." I pouted my lips.

"Back off else I am changing my mind." Hyesung retreated far away from me. I just love to irritate Hyesung. (*_^). "You have to becareful as I will not be sending Eric for you. Just go and prepare for your task."

"Teacher, roughly which era will I be at?" 

"Let me see, probably sometime about 1000 plus years BC."

"Wow, it wil be ths oldest era so far me. Yeah. Ancient Egypt, here I come." I squealed and jumped about.

"To be precise, you will be traveling to the time that King Minu's reign and you have to prevent the Priest from having an affair with the Queen. But if you are unable to prevent the affairs, then you have to stop King Minu." Hyesung had a faint smile," I believe this should not be a problem to you, Dongwan."

"King Minu was the greatest ruler in the history of Egypt! King Minu was synonymous to the gloriest era of the history. Oh my gosh, I am so excited to embark on my task right away." I squealed further and much to Hyesung's annoyance.

"Dongwan, you are so noisy and I am having a splitting headaches due to your high pitched squealing voice. Aishi, get out before I change my mind." 

"Nooooo, Teacher. I will be good and I am going off this instant to pack my stuff. I love you Teacher." I made a loud smooching sound before I gave a flying kiss to Hyesung. I quickly ran out of Hyesung's office when I saw that he was trying to grab something to throw at me.

I was practically skipping and singing to my room for preparation for the trip. After making the blunder for my last task, I scrutinized all the stuffs that I intended to bring for this trip. Eric hyung teased me non stop after discovering my mishap and stupidity for the last task. I added sun block lotion and sunglasses in my belonging too. I do not want to get any darker than now else I will take over the title of 'African carpenter' from Eric hyung. I giggled when I recalled the little kid who called Eric hyung this funny nickname whereby he became pouty and moody for a few days. My last task...... I touched my necklace and wondered if M was okay. I breathed hard in order not to tears. I shook my head and continued with my packing. I wondered what would happen in this task?

I had a final check before I embarked on my task to ancient Egypt. In this mission, I wondered what would be waiting for me.


When I regained my senses, I was lying on soft grass patch but my eyes were still closed because I had let my nauseous feeling subsided.  I still could not handle the time travel part. I could hear sound of water flowing and I suspected that I could be near some water source such as a stream or river. The hot breeze blew across my face, bringing the scent of fresh earth and crisp vegetation. Not far away, I could hear bustling noise of civilization.... I had came to the past, some 3000 years plus ago and in ancient Eygpt!

After a while, I opened my eyes and the very bluish clear skies greeted me. It was so crystal clear and only a few straying clouds decorated it. I sat up and looked around. I was indeed near a river and could it be the famed Nile river? I rose to my feet slowly and I saw the sun rising up in the far horizon. The earth was shimmering in golden light and mist formed underneath my feet. Everything looked so sacred, tranquil and bursting with lives. Yes, I am seeing the ancient Egypt right in front of me and I was trembling with awe and excitement!

While strolling into the capital of Egypt, I was bewildered that it was far bigger and busy than I had thought. Rows of date trees, olive trees and palm trees were by the side of the capital. There were merchants, travelers, hawkers, shoppers of different race, countries and attires. Their different language, culture and costume gave another sight to this ancient civilization.

I also noticed the differentiation of the rich and the poor was not marked. You could find a small hut next to a grand house, tall building surrounded by low buildings. Camels, donkeys piled the street with goods, harvest on their backs. Though I am mesmerized by the scene, I remembered my objective here. I had to locate the Priest before he was punished, or rather tortured, by King Munu. And how on earth should I start my search or enquiries? 

"Oh damn." I slapped my forehead. Hyesung did not tell me the name of the priest! (•~•) now I am in a fix.... While I was cursing Hyesung silently and wailing on my poor state, I heard a commotion not far away and I saw a crowd gathering there. I was curious and I ventured over to take a look. I pushed the crowd and managed to see what was the commotion about.

I saw a boy about 7 to 8 years old lying on the ground and he was covered with blood stained wounds. His dark black eyes were staring fearlessly at the man who assaulted him. The man was terribly obese, dressing in finest attire and I presumed he was from a well to do family.

"What happen?" I asked softly to a old lady next to me. The language pill was indeed useful as I am speaking fluent ancient Egypt language.

"The poor boy accidentally killed that man's cat with the cart. Now the man is going to kill the boy." The old lady shook her head.

I was furious. A human life was lower than a cat's life!

"Stop!" I yelled at the man when I saw that he was dragging the lifeless boy up. I had disobeyed Hyesung's instruction of not getting myself involved in other people's business. Well, I could get a lecture from Hyesung later but the situation was critical.

"Stranger from foreign land, do you know who you are talking to?" The man looked at me haughtily.

"No, I am not interested. Didn't you hear me telling you to stop?" I stepped forward.

"Why you! Get him." The man waved his hand and a few servant looking men appeared. They were bigger than me and I smirked in my heart,"Catch me if you can!"

All the servants rushed towards me but instantly, they were flung to the ground. Phuahaha, they were repelled by the shield that I had casted. Simultaneously, the crowd began to stir and whispered. I looked at the man who had turned pale and was shaking.

"Who are you?" The man started to let go of the boy while I advanced towards him.

"Spare the boy! He just accidentally killed your cat." I commanded the man in my coldest tone.

The man was trembling as if he had seen a demon. Hahaha. I never knew my acting skills was so fantastic. "That cat was bestowed to me by the King. This lowly slave boy killed the cat and he had to pay with his life." The man trembled and spoke in one breathe.

"Will you spare the boy if I can revive it?" I pointed my finger at his forehead which was covering in sweats.

"Revive?" The man did not seem to believe me.

"Watch me!" I took my talisman and summoned an animal spirit. Of course, no one could see the spirit and I gestured it to take the body of the cat. Very soon, a black cat with light green eyes rose from the ground and came to me, purring at my feet. I cuddled the cat and turned to the man with an evil grin.

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shhhinhwaCJ #1
Chapter 74: Hi, it has been a long time since I was on AFF. I want to say that I really love your story, especially this one. I've been reading it all over again. It seems like a long time since I read it. It is like my childhood ^_^ And know I am finally going to university!!! I am growing up fast haha~ Please write more fantasy stories! Love you :)
Chapter 72: Done with the 2nd time, pain a 2nd time
Chapter 15: Things spotted when re-reading T.T vampires were angels. And hyesung's unease to send wannie to a place full of vampires.
Just dropping a comment to say I am going to read the story again and I am fangirling over it to other shcj. =X
kill3rpuppy #5
Chapter 72: This story was absolutely amazing!! So M was suppose to be a version of Minwoo right? I don't know I just couldn't picture it properly with him having long white hair and blue I just couldn't see it. My favorite pairings were when dongwan was with emperor Minwoo and when he was with Minu. This is probably one of my favorite stories and even though it is already so long I was sad to see it end lol
miaamaryllis #6
Chapter 74: I love this alot ^^ your stories are always very amusing and fun to read.

However I am abit confused about one part - are Minwoo and Minu both reincarnations of Aska as well? ^^ It was quite heartbreaking to read how both Minwoo and Minu wanted Dongwan to stay (esp for Minu!!!! :() But Im glad in the end Dongwan and M can be together ^^ M is really so sweet, and Dongwan is just such an adorable dork XD Absolutely loved the plots and the characterisation

Cant wait for the sequel!
Chapter 74: Best story ever. Hands down. Omg it was such a good read! Thank you for the wonderful story, author-nim. (:
shhhinhwaCJ #8
Chapter 74: Yay!!! Sorry for not reading it earlier!!! You did not disappoint me at all~ It is the best~ Love this story so much!!! Love the naughty Dongwannie!!! I love Hyesung!!!
Autumnaree #9
Chapter 72: this has been an amazing story. WOW! Just WOW!
fallendrops #10
Chapter 74: Oh my god it's been a long time since I visited aff and I didn't know you make a bonus chapter orz
thanks a lot for the bonus chapter. I really enjoyed it. But awwww poor andy to be blamed for what wannie did :< /and shout out for jinnie to be andy's boyfriend here/