Chapter 17 - Forgotten Love (Part 4)

The Pre-existence Seekers

I encouraged myself along the way to the castle, padding through the thick bushes of white roses and thorny undergrowth and I was at the main gate. Madam Victoria's castle looked more magnificent in the daytime as compared to what I saw last night. Under the bright sunlight, it still emit that sinister aura, similar to last night. I was stopped by 2 guards when I walked near to the main gate. I raised my voice to slightly high pitch and informed them that I was here to be hired as maid. The guards allowed me to pass through and directed me towards the castle.

When I stepped inside, I felt icy cold breeze coming from the castle. The interior of the castle was very dim except for some lit candles along the way. I felt it was like the creepy haunted place that I had watched in the horror movies. It gave me a suffocating feelings and I looked around my surrounding in case some ghosts appeared and scared the hell out of me. (X_X). It was better to be prepared so that I could subdue any evil beings. I walked deeper into the hallway and there did not seemed to be anyone inside. I followed the guards closely in case I lost my way in this huge premises. I would leave the sightseeing later when I am successfully hired.

Finally, I was told to go into a room after passing through long hallway and turns. I saw that there were a few young girls inside the room and I felt sad for them. They did not know what they had gotten themselves into by coming here as maids. I stared at them, trying to see if I could find Jane here. Jane should probably resembled the girl who came to 'Twist of Fate'.

I realized that the girls were looking at me strangely and I suspected that my appearance and black hair were the main culprit. I am quite proud of myself that I had delicate features which could pass off as a girl. (^_^). I saw that the girls started whispering among themselves and my next guess was that they were talking about me. 

" Silence." A loud voice boomed in the room. A plump middle aged lady entered into the room. She wore a light yellow dress but it was so fitting and tight that her layers of fats could be seen. I chuckled quietly at the few layers of 'spare tyres' on her waist and bum. Her brown curly hair was bunned up, high on her head and she had dark rings underneath her eyes. She looked like the typical female villian in the movies and so the script writer did not exaggerated it as I saw it now, personally, a few centuries ago. 

" My name is Rosie and I am the house keeper here." I saw Rosie glancing at us and her gaze stopped at me for a few moments before she continued," You are here to be hired as maid and I respect compliance of orders from all of you. Hence, you are all to call me Madam Rosie." Subsequently, she raised her finger and pointed in my direction," You. Where do you come from?"

I felt all eyes were on me. " I came from an Asian place." I squealed in my high pitch voice.

" Asian place?" Rosie was pondering over my reply before a female voice sounded.

"An Asian girl. How special!" The voice was from a lady dressed in a y red long gown. I felt dizzy for she was a stunning beauty. She had her red hair styled up high like bee hive and thus exposing her white neck. She was walking in as graceful as a swan and her purple iris shone in the room.

"Greeting, Madam Victoria." Rosie bowed at her. I was shocked that this beauty was the famed Madam Victoria, the legendary demoness. She was indeed beautiful and any man would definitely be smitten by her. Madam Victoria should be in her 40s but she just looked like she was in her 20s. I gasped, thinking that her blood-drinking-and-bathing regime did the miracle on her! I could feel goosebumps on my neck and arms. Madam Victoria came to me and a wave of fragrance lingered on the air. She held out her hand and caressed my cheek, " Such smooth and supple skin. Does Asian girl possesses such good complexion?" I saw greed in her eyes.

"Not, not really." I started to stammer. The way that Madam Victoria gazed at me, seemed that she could not wait to devour me and I felt that I am like a lamb waiting to be slaughter. I am born in the year of sheep and so I used lamb here.  (O.o)ll    Don't tell me that she was thinking of draining my blood for consumption and bathing so as to achieve my complexion? Did she know how much I invest in the beauty product back home, the exercise I engaged in and the strict healthy diet that I had. I felt my hairs standing and dreaded taking up this task. Maybe, I should let Hyesung assigned Eric hyung here. But wait, Eric hyung would be too muscular and ugly to pass off as a girl, I am not sure if cross dresser existed in this era. 

I gave a feeble smile at Madam Victoria," My complexion pales in comparison to Madam Victoria. Madam, you have the face of an Angel and figure of devil, many would envy you for it." This bootlicking skills applied everywhere as no one will dislike to hear praises and compliments.

"Oh my, Asian girls are really sweet talker. Oh yes, you shall be my personal maid to serve on me then."

"Personal maid.." I felt my legs turned weak and almost gave way. I am cursing myself for what happened now.

" You should show your gratitude to Madsm Victoria for letting you to be her personal maid. Many would dream to get this position." Rosie nudged me. 

Before I could say anything, a male voice came from outside, " Mother, let her be my personal maid." The voice sounded familiar and I recalled hearing it somewhere. I turned towards the direction of the voice and I saw that same pair of purple iris. I was surprised, he was the older boy that I saw this morning- Andy. What shocked me was that he was Madam Victoria's son.

" Master Andy." Rosie bowed to him. Andy did not say anything but looked at Madam Victoria expressionlessly. 

"Of course, Andy. As you wish." Andy nodded and left the room.

"Go after Master Andy. You are his personal maid now." Rosie nudged me again which almost caused me to tumbled forward. Geez, this fatso sure was strong. I scrambled hurriedly out of the room to go after Andy. I saw Andy far down the hall and I started running in order to catch up with him. I did not want to be lost in this huge castle. Soon, we came to a room and it was a big bedroom which I presumed to be Andy's bedroom. It was dim as the windows were blocked by the thick maroon velvet curtain. There was only a candle lit on the side table. 

" I told to leave, didn't I?" Andy's voice was cold. I shivered that Andy recognized me. Though I could not see his expression, I could sense deadly glance at me. " why did you disguise as a maid here?"

"Well, I needed a job and money and so I came here."

" You will regret. You better leave now."

I could not leave without rescuing Jane. I had to complete my task here. Wait a minute, what Andy meant by I would regret? Did he knew what Madam Victoria was doing? I decided to test him.

"Master Andy, what do you want me to be your personal maid?"

"I felt like it."

"So, what should I do as your personal maid?"

" Serve me my dinner first."

I sighed. This Andy, though a pretty boy, but was very cold and aloof. I followed Andy to the dining hall. The dining hall was lavishing decorated with crystal chandelier handing in the ceiling above the long teak table. Silver candle holders lined on the middle of the table. The table napkins were made of fine silk and all the silver cutlery had the symbol of the Cristo family. The dinner consisted of bread, smoked meat,cheese and vegetables which did not look appetizing to me. I missed my favourite kimchi stew, pancake and jakjiangmyeon. Madam Victoria just ate a little bit before she left the dining hall. Andy and Jinnie were sitting together by the side of the table.

Once Madam Victoria left, Jinnie motioned me to go to his side. "Brother Dongwan, why are you here and in woman's clothing?" Jinnie giggled at me. 

" I needed a job and money and I came here to work as maid. By the way, I am known as Wannie here." I whispered to him. I started to pity myself that in my last task, I was the servant and now, I was the maid. Why did I have to go undercover as lowly servant and maid? 

" That is great. I got someone to play with me. Beside, this attire suited you." Jinnie gave me a mischeviously grin before he resumed to his meal.

" You are here to work and not to talk." Andy interrupted. It was only then, I realized Andy's presence. I saw that he cut the meat into bite size and gracefully put it in his mouth. Though I dislike him, his mannerism really fit for a noble class. Whether his sitting posture or the way he eat or the way he wiped his mouth using the napkin, he was gracious and it was a pleasure watching him.

"Change." Andy turned to me.

"What?" I was confused. 

"Napkin. Over there." Andy pointed at the end of the table and rolled his eyes at me, as if I was an idiot.

"Aishi." I quickly walked over to take the napkin and I cursed that it was place so far away. I also cursed that Why in earth Andy wanted to change napkin where his was still clean??? I returned to Andy and swapped the napkin and I accidentally upset a glass. The glass of red wine splashed onto Andy's white shirt. 

" Oh no, I am sorry." Instinctively, I reached for the nearest cloth to wipe Andy's shirt. However, I heard a loud noise as well. Oh my gosh, I pulled the table cloth and the plates, wine bottle all came crashing at us. 

" I had finished." Andy stood up and left. His voice did not sound angry and neither did his face showed any anger. Andy definitely had very good manner and EQ. Jinnie stared at me with his eyes and mouth wide open.

"You are not allow to sleep till you cleaned up the mess." Andy looked at me coldly. Thereafter, he turned to the other maids," No one is suppose to help!"  I cursed at Andy and I took back my earlier praises for him. He was taking his sweet revenge on me!


By the time, I cleared to the mess, my whole body was aching. I had never work so hard in my life even in 'Twist of Fate'. It was my first day as a maid here and it was a horrible day. I wondered if I could survive here. I am having a headache as I am clueless towards my task. Where was Jane. (T.T)

I looked out at the windows and saw that the skies was dark. Suddenly, I felt like exploring this castle to see if I could find Jane. I wanted to complete my task soon and return home. I decided to make myself invisible so as to explore the castle without any worries. I concentrated on my bracelet but no talisman appeared. Strange! I tried again but still nothing appeared. Oh , don't tell me that I forgot to pack it along. Maybe, I am not suitable for doing task. If Eric hyung knew about this, he sure to make fun of me non stop and Hyesung would nag at me non stop. I calmed down after a while and continued with my exploration without my invisible talisman. Well, I could utilize other talismans should I needed any help and besides, there was no one around now. 

I took a candle with me and started to explore the castle. I also made markings along the way so that I could find my way back. I walked for quite sometime but there was nothing suspicious at all. I wondered where were the girls that were kidnapped. Was there a secret chamber for holding the girls? While I was thinking, I heard footstep and I blew out my candle and hid. I saw a maid walking about and looking around as she walked. I followed her to see what she was up to.

The maid passed through long passage way, walked several turns and came to the courtyard. She kept walking till she stopped at a large tree. From the moonlight, I saw her face. She was one of the maids at the dining hall earlier. Her eyes seemed hollow and she seemed to be sleepwalking?  What happened to her and what was she doing here?


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shhhinhwaCJ #1
Chapter 74: Hi, it has been a long time since I was on AFF. I want to say that I really love your story, especially this one. I've been reading it all over again. It seems like a long time since I read it. It is like my childhood ^_^ And know I am finally going to university!!! I am growing up fast haha~ Please write more fantasy stories! Love you :)
Chapter 72: Done with the 2nd time, pain a 2nd time
Chapter 15: Things spotted when re-reading T.T vampires were angels. And hyesung's unease to send wannie to a place full of vampires.
Just dropping a comment to say I am going to read the story again and I am fangirling over it to other shcj. =X
kill3rpuppy #5
Chapter 72: This story was absolutely amazing!! So M was suppose to be a version of Minwoo right? I don't know I just couldn't picture it properly with him having long white hair and blue I just couldn't see it. My favorite pairings were when dongwan was with emperor Minwoo and when he was with Minu. This is probably one of my favorite stories and even though it is already so long I was sad to see it end lol
miaamaryllis #6
Chapter 74: I love this alot ^^ your stories are always very amusing and fun to read.

However I am abit confused about one part - are Minwoo and Minu both reincarnations of Aska as well? ^^ It was quite heartbreaking to read how both Minwoo and Minu wanted Dongwan to stay (esp for Minu!!!! :() But Im glad in the end Dongwan and M can be together ^^ M is really so sweet, and Dongwan is just such an adorable dork XD Absolutely loved the plots and the characterisation

Cant wait for the sequel!
Chapter 74: Best story ever. Hands down. Omg it was such a good read! Thank you for the wonderful story, author-nim. (:
shhhinhwaCJ #8
Chapter 74: Yay!!! Sorry for not reading it earlier!!! You did not disappoint me at all~ It is the best~ Love this story so much!!! Love the naughty Dongwannie!!! I love Hyesung!!!
Autumnaree #9
Chapter 72: this has been an amazing story. WOW! Just WOW!
fallendrops #10
Chapter 74: Oh my god it's been a long time since I visited aff and I didn't know you make a bonus chapter orz
thanks a lot for the bonus chapter. I really enjoyed it. But awwww poor andy to be blamed for what wannie did :< /and shout out for jinnie to be andy's boyfriend here/