V's nativity


 One day, God's angel told Baekhyun that he would get pregnant with God's child...


"Daehyun, we will have a child" Baekhyun said as he took his lover's hand. 

"How ?" He responded, skeptical. 

Baekhyun fidgeted with his fingers for a moment, trying to find the best words to explain this situation. "Well... I'm pregnant."

"But... But... How ? I mean, you're a guy ! You can't be pregnant. Or are you now a girl and have cheated on me ? Why ?"

"Dae, I'm still a guy... and it's God's magic. We will call this child V."


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Chapter 1: XD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
NanaJungCass #2
Chapter 2: GOD hahahaha this is hella hilarious! I found Youngjae character is the most interesting here.
He really a busy angel! Hahaha
Chapter 3: Merry christmas to you too author-deul!!!! ( ♥͡▽♥͡ )
Chapter 2: A year later and this story is still a Christmas fanfiction classic. I died laughing as much as I did the first time.

"I thought God preached voluntary poverty."

"Yeah...still, bring gifts. Expensive ones."

I love that exchange so much and the whole thing about adopting a son and naming him Jesus makes my day.

This fic is better the second time around, I swear.

I hope you had a very happy holiday season.
Chapter 2: This was hilarious! Wtf, I don't know all of BAP yet or ... Exo.. I'm ashamed of that, because my best friend will kill me for still only knowing the cute one and the weird looking ones.. Then forgetting the names again.. >_>
I'm sad now >_<

Lmfao, this was funny as hell.. This makes total sense too, like of course this happened, what else can explain how V was brought up into earth.. I can't stop laughing this was incredible.
Before I read this.. It okay to have laugh so hard that I can't stop? It hurts!!!! Aish
Chapter 2: oh god i love this fic! i swear it's hilarious!~ poor jongup lmao