Christmas Day

Jongdae was smiling brightly, his lips curving as he walked down the street. The snow fell beautifully and formed a glistening layer that squeked under his feet. The colorful decorations filling the stores and buildings litted up Jongdae's face in beautiful colors. The christmas trees and gingerbread followed him wherever he went.
A warm feeling filled his heart as he walked with his big fluffy jacket, warm mittens and a red scarf with matching earmuffs. It was cold and he could see his breath in front of him, just like it was suppose to be on christmas and he was feeling amazing. 
Continuing down the road he reached an equally litted playground. Lights blinking in different colors. blue, green, red and yellow. 
And there in the midst of all the colors and lights, rocking back and forth on the swing, sat Yixing. Butterflies started swirling in his stomach and his heart felt like it would burst. The scene were so beautiful Jongdae really wished he had taken a camera with him but instead he stood there for a while, cherishing the moment.
He soon slowly approached the latter. Yixing lifted his face from the sand he was tracing with his foot when Jongdae stood in front of him. Jongdae was smiling brightly at him, the lights tracing his features with green, blue and red. The colors changing now and then.
Yixing rose to his feet, bringin their faces close to each other and looked in to Jongdae's dazzling eyes. They stood there just looking at each other for a while, each of them just cherishing the moment and the feelings that pounded in their chest. 
Yixing removed the bright red glove off the shorter boys hand and entertwined their fingers. Jongdae's hand feeling warm against his cold one. He looked into those eyes again and smiled warmly before placing a soft kiss on Jongdae's forehead, lingering there before pulling back with a dimple smile.
"Merry Christmas, Chen Chen"
Jongdae's eyes shined as he giggled at his boyfriend, bringing their lips together in a loving and soft kiss. 
"Merry Christmas" Jongdae laughed and hugged his boyfriends waist. 
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kkaepsongyehet #1
Chapter 2: Why haven't I checked your other stories earlier? Wae?? Gosh*^*
This cutenessoverloaddddd♥♥♥♥♥♥
ChenLay♥♥ one of my favorite shippings♥♥ there really happened that much. but you described sooooooo lovely and awesomely♥♥♥♥ gosssh♥♥♥
I want to do those things too with my boyfriend. future. Maybe...If I will ever have boyfriend... foreveralone(//^//) lol>\\\<
but yeeeah..This was awesome story aswell♥♥ loved it♥♥
So short comment>\\\<
nightingalesatnight #2
Chapter 2: The cuteness overload combined with the holiday season is perfection.
Chapter 2: Love this! Chenlay is so cute! c: