Christmas Day

Miracles In December [An EXO Christmas Collection]
Track no. : 02
Main character : Kris and Haemi
Cameo : Lay
“Oppa, you’ll be home for Christmas, right?” Haemi cooed over Kris.
“Mmhhmmm,” Kris just hummed. But in actual fact he won’t. His schedule was being horrible and he has to work on Christmas Day. However, he didn’t want to tell Haemi yet. He didn’t dare to break her heart when she’s feeling elated at everything she believed at the moment.
“I’m excited. It will be the first time spending it together,” she rested her head on his arm. She can’t reach his shoulder, of course. Her man is too tall for her but that’s not a reason to not love. They gazed at the serene sea.
“Thanks for taking me out.”
“You said you wanted to go to the beach,” Kris reminded Haemi. She simply nodded.
* * *
Five days before Christmas and Haemi had asked Kris to go out to buy some decorations for their house and Christmas tree. Kris made an excuse that he was lazy and tired from working the day before but Haemi is an aegyo queen. No was definitely a word that won’t come out of Kris’ mouth once she unleashes her power.
“Do you think gold looks nice? Or silver?” Haemi held up two different faux stars.
“You look nice,” Kris carelessly said, staring at Haemi’s face. 
“Kris…come on. I’m serious here. The faster we choose, the faster we can go back home. And you can go back to sleep,” Haemi told him. She felt guilty for bringing him out when he deserved a good rest. But no one can do Christmas shopping alone.
“Take the gold. Stars are yellow and twinkling. Glittered,” Kris took another faux star and held it up in front of Haemi. She mused over them, though not for long because she liked them and got 10. LED lights for the tree, scented candles and more decorations.
“Haemi, no.”
“But they’re so pretty,” Haemi whined when Kris had objected to buy new cutleries.
“Look look. They have red and green handles. Christmas,” Haemi tried to persuade.
“It’s only six for a set. And they’re expensive. Plus, we already have forks and spoons and whatever. If we buy these, our guest won’t know its worth. They might just bring it home without us knowing,” Kris explained his reasons to not buy them. Not that Haemi didn’t know. He just wanted to make himself clear.
“We’ll get new ones next year, okay honey?” Haemi nodded. She pursed her lips and glanced around. Nothing really caught her eyes. So Kris announced that they’re done and paid for everything. Haemi wanted to buy more stuff, she is a girl but looking at Kris’ lethargic state she shook the intention out of her mind.
* * *
“Hyung, did you tell your wife yet?” Yixing suddenly asked after they finished their practice for the reunion concert.
“About what?” Kris asked back, panting while wiping off the sweat from his face and neck.
“You’re not going to spend Christmas with her,” Yixing reminded him.
“Oh darn it! No. I forgot,” Kris cussed. He was mentally slamming his head against the wall for forgetting.
“You better tell her soon. Three more days to Christmas, hyung.”
“How about you? Did you tell Hyemun yet?”
“Did I? Remember when I stayed over at Luhan’s?”
“Ouhh. She actually kicked you out.”
“Better than her calling our manager to complain. That will be much more embarrassing than to be kicked out hyung.”
“Yixing, you can’t just follow whatever your wife tells you. You need to be the alpha male,” Kris said with much confidence.
“An alpha male wouldn’t tell his wife he’s working on Christmas Day?” Yixing shot back.
“Oh shut up!” Kris hissed.
“I’m just kidding hyung. You’ll be fine. Haemi’s nothing like Hyemun. She’s a million times more patient,” Yixing complimented Kris’ wife.
“So why did you marry Hyemun in the first place?”
“I don’t know. Love makes you do crazy things. And it’s not like I don’t have places to go whenever I’m kicked out,” Yixing burst into a fit of laughter later on and Kris joined after.
* * *
A fine late morning on Monday, Haemi was cooking brunch for Kris because she couldn’t wake him up for breakfast. He had gone back after midnight the day before and she wanted to make sure he’s not out of sleep again.
“What are you cooking?” Kris’ deep voice startled Haemi and she accidentally cut herself.
“Kris! Gosh,” she quickly turned the tap to clean the blood.
“I’m sorry,” he apologised and quickly took a Band-Aid from the first aid kit. He helped Haemi to dress the minor cut.
“Your favourite. Sausage fried rice,” Haemi replied Kris after the Band-Aid was secured. Kris smiled at her. A thought that rushed in his mind made his smile fade away.
“I need to tell you something.”
“Can you tell me later? After I’m done cooking,” Haemi lightly pushed Kris body and went back to cutting up meat and vegetables.
“It’s really important.”
“Kris, after I’m done cooking,” Haemi repeated.
“Okay,” Kris walked towards her and pecked her cheek before going upstairs to shower.
“So, what did you want to tell me?” Haemi asked once they had sat at the dining table.
“I have a schedule,” Kris started.
“Of course you do.”
“On Christmas.”
“The manager suddenly told us yesterday. And I can’t say no. I’m really sorry,” Kris had lied about the first part. He planned it quite a while ago. He would tell Haemi about his Christmas schedule just a few days before the day itself, lie that it was a last minute thing so that Haemi won’t be too angry at him.
“Oh. Okay,” Haemi plainly answered. She didn’t yell a second time but the disappointment was crystal clear. Kris almost died at the pang in his heart by looking at his sad wife. 
* * *
Haemi looked at the clock for the thousandth time. It was already late evening and she was tired. She had served the guests alone.
“He has work to do,” was the same answer given to every question that was asked about her husband’s whereabouts. She didn’t mind answering but her heart died, fragment by fragment every time. She knew Kris was going to reach home the next day, probably around 3 or 4 am. A lonely Christmas it was.
After cleaning everything up, she took a tub of ice cream, sat on the couch and entertained herself with a movie. The screen was bright but her mind was off. She had imagined spending Christmas morning cuddling with her beloved husband on the bed and listening Kris’ lame jokes as he tries to entertain their guests. But that stayed as her imagination.
Haemi planned to stay up late to wait for her husband to get back. To wish him ‘Merry Christmas’ before going to bed. She didn’t want to miss the timing. She didn’t want to wish him the next day after waking up. She waited for him with anticipation. The same feeling she had when she waited for him to come for their Christmas date just a year ago.
* * *
“Where are you?” Haemi asked through the phone.
“I’m on the way.”
“Hurry up. It’s cold,” Haemi shivered.
“Well, you can always go in the cafe, you silly,” Kris had sneaked up behind her and gave her a hug. That day was spent with warm chocolate, a decorated, ginormous tree in the middle of Myeongdong and opening the present which took their relationship to something bigger. To something worth a lifetime commitment. It was the Christmas of her life.
* * *
Kris was not back yet and the ice cream tub was already empty. It was around 11 when Haemi’s eyes were defeated by fatigue and she had dozed off on the couch. 
“Honey, I’m home,” Kris’ voice was full of joy but no one answered back.
“Honey? Where are you?” Kris looked around and finally found her on the couch. He sat on the floor and kept his eyes on her. The girl, no, woman…the woman he married to is beautiful and all he wanted was to give up on everything and just be by her side. He extended his hand and touched her face.
“Haemi,” he called out. And her eyes fluttered open then. She was tired but not enough to not be awakened by her husband. She rubbed her eyes and turned her head to the clock. It’s not 12 yet.
“Merry Christmas, my love,” she wished him. And it’s still Christmas.
“I’m sorry,” unexpected words.
“For what?” Haemi was worried. What did he do wrong? Was he cheating on her? Did he make up the schedule excuse to spend time with his mistress?
“For making you do all this alone. I should have been there for you. I want to make it up to you. What do you want as a Christmas present?” Haemi chuckled to see his husband in that state. She is the love of his life after all.
“I already got my Christmas present from Santa.”
“From who? Your friends beat me to it? What? Santa? You believed in him?” Kris was bombing her with questions. But all she did was shook her head.
“I asked Santa for you every year. You’re always here. What’s not to believe?” Haemi held her husband’s face and a calm smile formed on her lips. Kris was the miracle that came every Christmas, the present that she would only ask for. Kris leaned in and kissed her on the lips. A Christmas kiss sealed it all. The kiss got longer, and deeper and soon, they were on the bed making love.
* * *
“Good morning,” Kris greeted Haemi with a grin when she opened her eyes. They were still on the bed, warmed by body heat and blanket.
“Good morning,” she replied back. She buried herself into his embrace and took in his scent. Kris kissed the top of her head. He’s perfect. This moment’s perfect. Everything’s perfect. 
“Do you want to go out today?” Kris asked. He’s off for the day and he’ll have the time to fulfil all of Haemi’s wishes.
“No. Let’s stay in.”
“Don’t you want to see how the city is celebrating Christmas?” Kris was wondering to himself too.
“No, Kevin Wu Yi Fan,” when Haemi calls him by his full name, there was nowhere around it anymore.
“I love you,” Haemi spoke, entirely grateful for the presence of her husband.
“I love you too,” and that day was the first time they had spent the whole morning on the bed. A wonderful morning of cuddles, kisses and sweet nothings.


A/N : This was originally a one shot by niryee which she asked me to edit. She wrote about Chuseok but that's too long to celebrate yet, so I changed it to Christmas. I hope she doesn't mind....I hope you enjoyed reading it :)

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the pairing was unexpected but yeah i like it :) kekekeke
Your stories are great! ^^ Though it is quite similar to most stories, you managed to interpret the emotions you wanted to portray to the readers, so you really did a verrrry good job~^^

Chapter 4: These story so beautiful :)
Oh lol tasha. Wait this isn't my request right?
Where is da storeyhhh? I can't wait ahahahahah