Recommended: What To Read.

Title: Red Skys and Royal Cards

Author: Wynter

Chapters: 85

Status: On-going

Genre:  Fantasy, Magic, Paranormal

Characters:  Exo, Sky [OC]


Story Foreword: 

The world isn't the same as it once was. The blue sky I used to look up at, with the fluffy white clouds, has vanished and replaced with a sky so red it looks like blood.

The people aren't the same either. Our way of life has changed so much, but you would only know thatif you are one of the few who knows why it has changed. 

But if you want to know what really happened to the world and what so many are oblvious to, I ask that you hear my whole story through and no just brush me of as some crazy person. 

My story will shatter your views of the world and I apologize in advance but everyone should know of the war that is happening right in front of them even if they can't see it.

I will tell you how I was shoved into this war without even knowing I was part of it.

A world of secrets and magic.

A world of cards.


My Comments:

I love how well the writer develops the characters, especially Sky. She doesn't try to build her into the damsel in distress but also doesn't try to turn her into a tough soilder who can get through anything. Sky is easy to relate to and reflects exactly what I would be feeling at that time. The writer allows you to get into the heads of the characters allowing you to understand them more.

Although the only problem I had with this was that sometimes she would write too much about what they were feeling that I felt that she was repeating the same thing over and over again. At times there would be three paragraphs between a conversation and it kind of lost me half way through the chapter. But then again that is only my opinion.

One of the other things was that there were far too many typos. Sure everyone makes mistakes, I do too, and there's nothing wrong with that. But it got to the point where it seemed like she hadn't read over her work. However, she did at one point mention that she was going back and editing it. 

So it's all good.

I only found this story last week and now I'm suscribed and eagerly waiting for the next update!


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Chapter 11: the story was a bit like 'my love from the star'
coolskyblue07 #2
Chapter 8: Finallt =D thanks author! ^^
coolskyblue07 #3
Can you please give a story that isn't with OC? I want OTP... Can you? Thanks.
itskyle20 #4
wow this is an awesome thing