Chapter 3

Two Broken Hearts

As they arrived in front of Yunhwa's apartment complex, she murmured a quiet 'thank you'. She got out of Ken's car to see him getting out too. 

"What are you doing?" She asked. Ken shrugged, "I was told to get you home." 

"...and you did..." Yunhwa said, confused. "This is your apartment building. Not your home," Ken said, matter of factedly. Yunhwa rolled her eyes, "So? It's fine if you just leave me here.." 

Ken furrowed his eyebrows, "No, it's not. I wouldn't want my girlfriend to get hurt by some strangers." He emphasized the word 'girlfriend' before smiling at her. Yunhwa made face as she walked inside. 

Ken followed behind and walked up next to her. Yunhwa could feel his close presence, but ignored him. She went to the elevator and punched in her floor. Just as she was about to close the door, and older man came stumbling in, clearly drunk. 

Yunhwa's eyes widened in surprise and started to feel uneasy. Ken narrowed his eyes slightly, watching the man's every move. 

"Floor 5, pleasssee," the man said, slurring the words. Yunhwa punched in the fifth floor before standing on the other side closer to Ken. 

"Are you alright, sir?" Yunhwa asked, slowly and cautiously. The man turned towards her, tiredly. "What? Of couurse. Why, you're soooo pretty!" The man reached out a hand towards her as she slowly back away. 

Yunhwa's breath hitched in , before a hand came into contact with the man's. "Sir, I think you've had way too much to drink tonight." Yunhwa looked at the person who the hand belonged to and sighed in relief. 

She had forgotten Ken got on with her since she was too focused on the drunken man. He was also way too quiet. The drunk man glared at Ken before shaking out of Ken's grasp. "Yah!" he said, pointing a finger to Ken, "You! Leave me and my girl alone!" The man reached for Yunhwa again, but this time, Ken stepped in front of her. 

"I think you're wrong, sir. This woman is mine, not yours," Ken said, his voice strong and hard. Yunhwa could feel her heart beat somewhat faster at the words he had said, but pushed the feeling and thought away. 

"What!? Yah! She's m--" The elevator doors opened to level five, making a 'ding'. The man turned around and squinted to look at the level. He turned back around and pointed at Ken again, "Yaah! This isn't oveeer! She's miiine. Miiine!" The drunk man said, before stumbling out. 

Once the doors closed again, Yunhwa sighed in relief. "Thank you, Ken-shi. I don't know how I would've survived if you weren't here!" 

Ken turned around and looked at her, "Didn't I tell you I had to go with you? And you were the one who said you'd be "fine"," Ken said, chuckling. Yunhwa couldn't help but to smile and nod, "Fine, fine. You got me there." 

Ken smiled softly as Yunhwa looked down to fix her scark. There was just something that was making him want to be near her. Was it the resemblence to his ex? Or the way she was like him? Ken had no idea. 

As they reached Yunhwa's floor, Ken snapped out of his trance and stopped staring at the back of her head. He followed once again, silently, as she made her way to her apartment room. 

Once they got there, Ken quickly memorized her door number and noticed her sigh, tiredly. She punched in her passcode and opened the door. "Would you like anything? It's the least I could do for taking me home," Yunhwa asked, walking in and taking off her shoes. 

Ken shrugged, "Sure, why not?" He followed her inside and shut the door before taking his shoes off. He walked more into the apartment and notided how small, but homey it was. 

"Nice place you got here.." Ken murmured. Yunhwa nodded, heading to the kitchen, "Yeah, it's pretty small though. I mean, it doesn't need to be any bigger either. It's just me here in the city." 

Ken hummed in answer. He looked around and looked at some of the photo frames she had. He noticed one that had a child-like looking Ravi in it. He picked it up and chuckled, seeing his hyung making a funny face at the camera. 

Ravi's arm was around a young girl's shoulder as they both made silly faces. Another boy was on the girl's right hand side, arms over hers as well. 

"Who's this?" Ken asked, holding up the picture. Yunhwa looked up from setting the kettle of water on the stove. 

"Oh, that?" Yunhwa walked over and peered at it. She smiled, softly. "That's Seyong Oppa, " she pointed to the other boy in the photo, "--me, and of course, Ravi." 

Ken chuckled and nodded, "So it's true. You guys did know each other for a long while." Yunhwa laughed, "Of course! I would and could never forget all the memories we made and all the pranks we did!" 

Ken nodded as Yunhwa walked away and back into the kitchen. "I'm just going to make coffee, if that's alright with you? Don't want you getting tired and into an accident this late." Ken laughed, "Gee, thanks for worrying." 

Yunhwa chuckled as she took out her coffee mixes and creams. Ken continued to look at photos she had up and noticed a class picture. It was a freshmen class. Ken's eyes widened as he saw the name of the school. 

It was the same name as the one he went to. 

He looked down at the class teacher's name as well. His eyes and mouth widened as he gasped, quietly. It was his same freshmen class. How could this be!? 

He searched the photograph and sure enough, he was near the right corner of it. Then he searched for Yunhwa's face. After a couple minutes, he found it. She was wearing glasses and didn't have bangs. Her hair was parted to the side and with a little clip in it. 

Her smile was small and innocent as she sat next to the teacher. He noticed that she posed with a simple peace sign, slightly apart from the other girls around her. 

Then he noticed something. 

Nayoung, his ex, was two people away from Yunhwa. 'How is this possible!? How come I never noticed Yunhwa? She was in my class in freshmen year!' Ken thought. 

"What are you staring at so much?" Yunhwa called, interrupting his thoughts. Ken snapped his head up and stared at her. " were in Ms. Ryu's class!?" 

Yunhwa slowly nodded, "Yeah...but that was freshmen year. I switched to a different highschool after that one year, why?" 

Ken shook his head, ", it's nothing." He set the picture down and walked towards her as she put the finishing touches on the coffee. 

"They look delicious..." he murmured. Yunhwa smiled, "Really? That's great! I hope it's to your liking..." she trailed off as she sat on her stool, watching him as he took a sip. 

Ken sipped from it and was surprised. It was great! It suited his tastebuds well! "It's so good! Way better than what they usually have at the coffee shops!" He said. 

Yunhwa chuckled, shaking her hand, "No! No, it's not! Stop lying!" Ken chuckled at her cute gesture before taking another sip. He noticed how Yunhwa was now more relaxed and at ease after he complimented her. 

"So...where are your parents? I saw a picture of them earlier I think," Ken asked. Yunhwa set her cup down after taking a sip, "They're in the country side. They didn't want to move her with me, though they decided to send me here." 

"Oh..." Ken said, realizing that Yunhwa was alone in he city. 'Explains why she can get so attached to someone...and not be well after a break up' he thought. 

" gets lonely sometimes, but luckily I have Ravi and Seyong who occasionally come and check up on me. Now I have Jinhee too." Yunhwa sipped from her cup. 

"So, mind telling me something about you?" Yunhwa asked, looking down at her half-full cup. 

Ken sighed, "Hmm...well, I've known Ravi since my junior year in high school. I was born in 1992, April 6...I have only one girlfriend." 

Yunhwa looked up at the word, 'girlfriend'. "You have a girlfriend!? Then why are you playing around with me!?" 

Ken sighed, "Well, according to Ravi, she's not my girlfriend anymore." 

Yunhwa looked at him, confused. "What do you mean?" She was sitting up straight, waiting for his answer. Ken looked down at his cup then back at her. 

"Nevermind." Yunhwa leaned back into her chair, a bit disappointed. "...but I don't want you to get into trouble because of my problems..." she said quietly. 

Ken looked at her and studied her expression and stature. She was slouching in her chair, staring down at her coffee, both hands on the cup. 'She seems so could anyone ever break up with her?' He thought.

"I won't get in trouble. Trust me. The only person I could get in trouble with is Ravi," Ken said, trying to lighten up her mood. Yunhwa cracked a small smile at his attempt. 

"That's Ravi...always overreacting." She said, taking a sip of her coffee. 

Ken glanced at his almost done cup and took one last sip, finishing it. Then he glanced at the clock on her wall. It was already 11PM. 

Then he stood up which grabbed the attention of Yunhwa. "Y-You're leaving?" He nodded as he put his coat on, "Yeah, it's late. I'll text or call you tomorrow or something." Yunhwa nodded as she followed Ken to the door. 

He gave her a last smile and 'goodbye' before walking out. 

She watched his retreating back and once it turned the corner, she closed the door. 

She stood behind the door and sighed. 'Why am I feeling like this again!? Pabo, it's only for six months! You absolutely can not fall for him!' She thought to herself. 

Yunhwa backed off the door and grabbed both their cups to wash. After washing the cups, she then headed to sleep.


Friday had come quickly for Yunhwa. It seemed like just yesterday that Ken had taken her home. Speaking of Ken, Yunhwa would occasionally get texts from him from time to time. Their conversations weren't long, but he usually started most of them. 

Yunhwa was untying her apron for the end of her shift when she heard someone tap the bell in the front. She quickly took off her apron and ran forward. 

"Anny--Oh, Ken!?" Yunhwa stopped where she was and stared at him. He waved with a smile, "Hey," he said. He leaned over the counter, crossing his hands together. 

"Are you ready for the double date?" He asked. Yunhwa made a face and shook her head. 

"No." He laughed as she came out from behind the counter. Ken followed her to a nearby table and sat across from her. 

"Well, too bad. Deal with it. Hyesung said that they were going to come here," he said. Yunhwa put her head on the table, "Oh, that's just great. My horrible ex boyfriend and my annoying cousin are going to go on a double date with my and my non-real boyfriend," she mumbled. 

"What?" Ken asked.Yunhwa lifted her head off the table and shook her head, "It's nothing." She fixed her bangs and made sure her outfit was presentable. 

Just then, they both heard the bell on the door ring.They both looked up and sure enough, it was them. Hyesung looked around the café until she met eyes with Yunhwa. 

She waved enthusiastically and pulled Junkyu over. Ken got up to move next to Yunhwa, but Hyesung pushed him in and sat next to him. "Annyeong Unnie! Are you excited!? I am! Omo, oppa and I have only gone to the amusement park once!" 

Yunhwa gave her a small smile and scooted further away from Junkyu. He glanced at her before turning back to Hyesung. 

"We should leave as soon as possible. Usually, not that many people are there at this time." Junkyu said. Hyesung nodded along, "That's right...well, let's go then!" 

Hyesung grabbed Ken's arm, which took him by surprise, and pulled him out of the chair. "Let's go!" Yunhwa furrowed her brows a bit at the sudden skinship, but pushed it away as Junkyu got out and stepped aside for her to get out. 

Yunhwa was taken aback by his action, but quickly moved along to catch up to Ken and Hyesung, who were already outside. 

She found him next to his car and about to climb into the driver's seat. "Yunhwa! You're sitting next to me!" He called. 

She nodded and headed that way. She quickly opened the door and stepped in as Ken started the engine. Once they all piled in, they were on their way. 

"Lotte World, here we come!" Hyesung cried out. She nudged Junkyu, "Oppa, aren't you excited too!?" Junkyu gave her a little nod, "Yup! Of course!" This then encouraged Hyesung to start blabbering about their past dates. 

When they got to the next red light, Ken glanced at Yunhwa. She was staring out the window silently and was sitting very stiffly. He took one of her hands in his and squeezed it, reassuringly. 

Yunhwa was surprised and looked back at Ken. The light had turned green again and he was looking ahead. She glanced down at their hands and her breath hitched in as her heart started to race. 

She held on tightly to his hand in return. This reaction made Ken feel unexpectedly happy and proud. 


"WE'RE HERE!" Hyesung yelled out as she ran ahead. She stopped right in front of the doors and waited for the rest of the group to join. 

"Unnie! Oppas! Hurry up!" She said once they were nearer. Junkyu chuckled, "We're coming.." he ruffled her hair and put his arm around her shoulders as they walked ahead, leaving Yunhwa and Ken lagging behind. 

Yunhwa sighed and looked down, "He did that to me too...Lotte World was our first date..." she whispered. Ken had heard her and felt sorry for her. "Hey," he said, grabbing her shoulders, "-I'm sorry. I was a bit rash in making the decision of coming." 

Yunhwa shook her head and got out of his hold, walking ahea. "It's fine...I'll get over it." 

Ken sighed and watched her continue to walk ahead. He jogged up to catch her and grabbed her hand again. "Y'know what? We're going to do this together. We'll end this together." 

Yunhwa looked down at their hands and then back up to his face. He was softly smiling down at her and she couldn't help but to smile back. She was slowly starting to feel better. 

"Thanks Ken." He nodded as they walked in, hand in hand. "That should be 'oppa'. Not just Ken." 

Yunhwa's smile widened, "Arasso, oppa." Ken smiled back at her and dragged her along, running towards Junkyu and Hyesung. 


"Oppa, I have to go to the bathroom. I'll be back," Yunhwa said as she gave him her purse. They had already been at Lotte World for two hours and were now going to eat. 

"Okay, is there anything you would prefer to eat?" Ken asked, setting his coat down on the chair at the table they were going to sit at. 

Yunhwa shook her head, "No, I'll eat anything, really." Ken laughed, "Okay! Don't worry, I'll get you the yummiest!" Yunhwa laughed at him and went to the bathroom. 

When she came back, she was surprised to find no one at the table except for Junkyu. She was weary to go and sit down, but Junkyu already spotted her. She sighed and went towards him. 

"Hey," he greeted. Yunhwa nodded, "Hi." There was an awkward silence as they sat there, not looking at each other. 

"Happy birthday," Junkyu said suddenly. Yunhwa's head instantly shot up and looked at him. He slid a small card across to her with his head down. Yunhwa's eyes were wide and was open. 

"I...I..what!?" She asked, confused and surprised. Junkyu then looked up at her with a small smile on his lips, "Typical of you to forget your own birthday." 

Yunhwa thought for moment. He was right. It was March 1, her birthday. "Uh..I, uh, thank you." Junkyu nodded. Yunhwa took the small envelope and put it into her bag. 

She looked back at Junkyu and he looked back at her for a moment. Then he opened his mouth, about to say something, when Hyesung's shrill voice could be heard calling him. 

"JUNKYU OPPA!" she came running up and sat down next to him. She had two hotdogs and set it down in front of him. 

"I put your favorite toppings on there!" She said, passing it to him. Yunhwa glanced at it, "Junkyu doesn't like mustard." 

Hyesung glanced down at the hotdog, "Oh! Mian! Here, have mine." She gave hers to Junkyu instead as he stared back at Yunhwa. Yunhwa glanced away from his surprised eyes and surveyed the area for Ken. 

"Where's Ken Oppa?" She asked Hyesung. "Oh, he might still be at the hotdog stand. He said he was going to get the drinks too." 

Yunhwa's eyes widened, "What!? Yah! You left him back there!?" Hyesung shrugged as she took a bite of her hotdog. Yunhwa was about to run, when she saw Ken walking slowly, balancing two drinks and two hotdogs. 

"Oppa!" She cried out, running towards him. He gave her a small smile as she neared him. "Oppa! Why didn't you call me or something to help you? Why didn't you tell Hyesung!?"

He shook his head, "Nah, I got it! What kind of man would I be!?" Yunhwa nudged his arm as she took the hotdogs. They both walked back together and sat down next to each other. 

Hyesung raised a hand, "Sorry I didn't help, oppa! I thought you had it!" Ken shook his head and gave her a smile, "It's fine." 

Yunhwa shot him a glare at his response before looking at Hyesung. "Hyesung-ah. Next time, you have to help! Even if he says no, okay!?" 

Hyesung rolled her eyes, "Okay, okay." Junkyu slightly smiled at the scolding and continued to eat his food. 

Then all conversations ceased as they ate their food. The first to finish was Hyesung. "Ah, I'm so full!" She said, patting her stomach. Yunhwa took another bite of her hotdog, nodding slowly. 

"Oh! I almost forgot! Unnie, how did you know that Junkyu oppa didn't like mustard?" 

Yunhwa choked on her hotdog. Ken instantly hit her back as she swallowed the piece down. She raised her hand to signify she was okay and took a sip of the soda. 

After a couple of coughs, she answered. "W-What!?" She asked. Hyesung crossed her arms, "How did you know Oppa didn't like mustard?" 

"I...that's because...we--" "Hey, Hyesung-ah, don't bother the birthday girl. Plus, we've been friends since highschool. What kind of friend would she be if she didn't know?" 

Ken perked up. 'Bitthday girl?' He thought. He glanced at Yunhwa as she nodded, not looking at Junkyu. "Yeah...friends." she mumbed. 

"Ohhh! That explains a lot of things!" Hyesung said, clasping her hands together. She chuckled and then started to rant on about her suspicions of the two. 

"-and then I thought that maybe you two were exes, I mean, how awkward and weird is that!? Right!?" Yunhwa started another fit of coughing. 

Junkyu lightly tapped Hyesung's arm, "Hyesung-ah, I think maybe you should stop." 

"Wae? I was just talking...but okay. I will." She pouted and sat still, finally. 

After they all finished their meal, they decided to head out. As they piled into the car, everyone was rather quiet; tired from the long day full of rides.

Hyesung had instantly fallen asleep as soon as she put her head against the window, which made the whole ride back home quiet. 

"So, where should I drop you off, Junkyu?" Ken asked, looking at him from the mirror. Junkyu seemed startled out of a trance from looking outside the window.

"Oh, uh, you can just take us both to Hyesung's place. I'll probably stay with her a bit before heading out," Junkyu answered. Ken nodded, "Okay." Junkyu gave him the address and Ken drove there. That was the end of the conversations in the car. 

Finally, they got to Hyesung's apartment. Junkyu poked her awake. "Hyesung, we're here. Time to get up!" She sighed and turned before opening the door and getting out. 

"Thanks for the ride, hyung. I'll see you around, Yunhwa." Junkyu gave them a wave before stepping out. "You're welcome!" Ken called after him. Junkyu nodded and turned around to help Hyesung to the lobby. 

Once they got in and no where in sight, Ken started the car again. Yunhwa sighed in relief. "The date is finally done!" She stretched in her seat as Ken chuckled at her reaction. 

"You can just drop me off at home, Ken." Ken nodded, not answering. She turned and looked out the window to see the beautiful evening sky. It was a pink, red, and orange color. As she was gazing out at the sky, she noticed that they had passed her apartment complex. 

"Oppa, where are we going? You just passed my place..." 

Ken nodded, "I know. I just thought that maybe we could go on our first date alone tonight as well." 

"N-neh!?" She said, surprised. Ken nodded as he continued to drive along. "Where are we going?" She asked again. Ken shook his head, "It's a secret!" 

She pouted and leaned back against her seat. By now, the sky had gotten redder and darker as the sun set lower. Finally, they came to a stop. 

"Come on! Hurry!" Ken ushered. He quickly got out with a dumbfounded Yunhwa behind. He took her hand and pulled her along until they got to the middle of a small park that was in downtown. 

He sat down and pulled her down with him. The sky was quickly getting darker as they sat there. The wind was starting to blow cold air too. 

"Oppa, why di--" "Shh! Look over there!" Ken pointed to a lamp post in the farthest corner of the park. Yunhwa was confused. "What do you mean?" 

Ken glanced down at his watch, "3, 2,1!" He pointed to it. Yunhwa glanced at it as it was now getting dark. After a couple of seconds, the light came on. 

Yunhwa gasped in surprise as the other lights soon in a domino effect. Each light and made their way into the middle. Yunhwa watched in fascination of the beauty a simple light could have. Then the two lights next to either side of them , completing the rectangle of lights. 

She laughed in amazement, "That was amazing!" She turned to Ken with a bright smile and was caught by surprise when she felt something come over her head. 

She gasped in surpise and then glanced down. Around her neck was the dark blue circle/infinity scarf he had been wearing earlier today. 

"Happy Birthday. Why didn't you say anything to me?" Ken asked. Yunhwa pulled at the big scarf, "You never asked." Ken nodded, "That's true...well, at least keep that scarf as a birthday gift from me to you."

Yunhwa nodded and pulled it up over her nose to cover herself from the cold, "Okay! But won't you be cold?" Ken shook his head, "I'm fine. I've got many more scarves at home." 

Yunhwa nodded as Ken got up. He stood up in front of her and held out a hand. Yunhwa glanced at it and then back at him. "What?" She asked. Ken rolled his eyes and took her hand, "Come on. I'll buy one thing for you today since it's your special day." 

Yunhwa nodded as he took her across the street to the stores around downtown. Luckily, some of them were still open. 

Yunhwa pulled the scarf up to cover her face again and breathed in the scent. It smelled of Ken and his cologne she had ready gotten used to. 

She smiled to herself in happiness. 'I wonder if we could just stay like this forever...' 



안녕! (Annyeong!) What's up!? I hope y'all liked this update! I'm OFFICALLY 2 years old on AFF! YAY! My two year anniversary! Hehe, technically, it was yesterday since now its 1:30AM where I am. 

So, like usual, leave me comments! I love reading them! 

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Chapter 3: god this chapter is so adorable >.< I wish I was Yunhwa in this situation goddamnit
Chapter 2: wahh~~ this story is really cute so far~ loving it!!! authornim, fighting!
Chapter 3: This story is so adorable!! Thanks for the update!!
Chapter 2: ahhh ken < 3
lol i'm looking forward to this story c;
ExoticShawolAegyo #5
Chapter 2: Yay chapter 2!! :D Junkyu how could you consider a beautiful girl as luggage?! lol but I really liked this chapter, update soon!
Chapter 2: More more! Do it for the lack of Ken on here! Pleeeease?? :3
ExoticShawolAegyo #7
Chapter 1: Oooh... this story seems like it'll be interesting :)