Chapter 2

Two Broken Hearts

"Ken hyung, I need you to be Yunhwa's boyfriend for today."

Ken looked at Ravi, dumbfounded. "What?" Ravi put his hands together, "Hyung, I don't normally beg or ask you for anything, but please do this just this once for me! Please!?"

Ken looked at Ravi, confused, "But why me? Why not ask Hongbin or N?"

"Because! We all know Hongbin's crushing on Zinni and N has his eyes set on Eunyoung! Plus, I thought maybe you could actually start dating. You both are alike and like many of the same things! And who knows, maybe you might start having feelings for her!"

Ken laughed, half-heartedly, "As if. I barely know her. How do you expect me to like her and have chemistry with her?"

Ravi looked at him with pleading eyes, "Hyung, please. Her ex is Junkyu and he's coming today. Matter of fact, he'll be here in a couple of minutes! Please, hyung. I don't want her to break down in tears. She's like a younger sister to me."

Ken sighed in defeat. There was no way Ravi would ever forgive him if he turned him down. "Aish, fine. But I can't guarantee I'll be the best boyfriend as of right now."

Ravi engulfed Ken in a huge hug, "Thank you, hyung! Thank you so much! I promise you won't regret it!" Ken patted his back before Ravi released him. Ken glanced over to the kitchen where his 'girlfriend' was working alone. The doorbell then rung and Ravi ran to get it.

Ken made his way over to the kitchen and leaned on the kitchen door frame, watching the girl from yesterday beat the eggs. Then he realized something. He forgot her name. Ken mentally facepalmed himself for not remembering.

"Yunhwa! Psst! Chaejin and Seyong just got here!" Ken looked up and saw Jinhee come from the other side of the kitchen.

' that's the name! It suits her...' Ken thought to himself. Yunhwa looked up from putting the flour into the bowl. "Really? That's great." Then she returned to her baking. Jinhee frowned a bit before walking off. When she did, Yunhwa stared at the measuring cup in her hand.

'How many cups did I put in...!?' she thought. She stood still for a moment trying to remember if she had already put enough flour.

"Three. You put in three cups so far."

Yunhwa was startled by the sudden voice in front of her. She looked up and saw the man she had saw yesterday leaning on the door frame.

"N-Neh?" she asked, confused. He pointed to the bowl and walked over. "That. You put in three cups of flour already." Yunhwa's mouth formed into an 'o' when she realized what he had meant. He stuck out a hand to her, "I'm Ken by the way. Ravi told me that I had to be your boyfriend."

Yunhwa's eyes widened, "What!? What did he say!?" Ken shrugged, "I don't know. Ravi told me to be your boyfriend for today, so here I am."

Yunhwa raised an eyebrow, "Right, and you agreed because?"

Ken rolled his eyes, this girl was cute but she was a bit slow. "Because--"

"NOONA!" Ken looked up at whoever yelled and slightly glared. Yunhwa had jumped at the noise and the arms that suddenly circled around her waist.

She looked behind and noticed that it was the one of the people she absolutely adored, "Chaejin-ah!" She eye-smiled as he did the same while squeezing her waist.

"Noona! Do you know how much I missed you!? Did you change your number!? All of us tried to reach you but we couldn't!" Chaejin cried, finally letting go. He looked at her up and down, "Noona, did you lose weight? Why do you look so thin!?"

Ken cleared his throat to signify that he was still there. Chaejin turned around, "Oh, Ken hyung. Annyeonghaseyo!" he bowed in greeting, but then cocked his head to the side.

"Hyung, what are you doing here in the kitchen with Noona?" he asked. Ken nodded towards Yunhwa and she made a litte face back at him.

Chaejin looked back at Yunhwa, "Noona...what are you doing here with Ken hyung?" Yunhwa sighed, "He's my boyfriend..."

Chaejin's eyes and mouth widened. "No way! have a--"

"Boyfriend!?" Seyong walked in, first greeting Ken with a handshake then grabbing a seat next to him. Yunhwa bit her lip, not liking all the attention. Ken sighed, feeling bad, when he noticed how uncomfortable she looked.

"Hi oppa..." she murmured. Seyong crossed his arms and looked sideways at Ken, "So, how long have you two been dating?"

Ken smiled, "We've been dating for a month now." Seyong nodded, "Really? That's great! Now, tell me Yunhwa," he looked over at her as she focused on mixing the dry ingredients with the liquid one, "-why did you change your number? And why aren't you ever home when we knock your door?"

Yunhwa shrugged, not looking up at him. She knew he was going to get the answer from her eventually since he was the one who knew her the longest. Ken raised an eyebrow when he saw Seyong get up and caress her hand before he walked out.

" it because of hyung?" Chaejin asked cautiously. Yunhwa gave him a small smile, "Aniya. I've just been busy with school and jobs. I live alone, y'know." Chaejin pouted, knowing she wasn't telling him the whole truth.

"Arasso..." then he grabbed her cellphone, smiling again. "Noona! I'm going to put my number in your cellphone again!" Before she could protest, he had already put his in. Ken's heart raced, hoping Chaejin didn't notice his number wasn't in there. Luckily, the maknae hadn't.

"Well, noona, hyung, I'll leave you two alone now!" Chaejin waved as he walked out. Ken had let out the air he was unconsciously holding in. Then he took her cellphone. "Yah! What are you doing?"

"Well, yeobo, you need my number, obviously," Ken said, punching in his numbers. "And can you at least try play along? I'm doing this for Ravi, and he wants you to be okay and happy. Don't let him down."

Yunhwa sighed, "Fine. But after this, we are no longer anything, got it?"

Ken nodded, "Of course. Why would I continue this if I didn't have any feelings for you?" Yunhwa nodded in agreement. "Fine." Then she looked back down at the bowl and her cellphone from time to time to check the recipe. 

Ken continued to sit and watch her and how she moved. He would occasionally ask her a couple questions about her life, but nothing too personal. 

'She reminds me of Nayoung...a lot. Andwae, Jaehwan. You're trying to forget this person, remember?' Ken shook his head, as though he could shake away the thought. Then the doorbell rang again. 

Ken looked up at the sound, but didn't pay much attention to it. Well, that is, until Jinhee came running in and shaking Yunhwa's arm. 

"Yah, he's here. And he's brought someone with him. Stay strong!" Jinhee said before skidding away again. Ken became alert and stared at the doorway Jinhee came through. He would finally get to see some interaction between the exes. 

Ken smiled to himself. "Aren't you going to go greet your ex?" He said, mockingly. Yunhwa looked at him and sent him a glare. "Shut up. I thought we were supposed to be a couple, Ken-shi." 

Ken smirked, and stood up. He had seen Junkyu catch his eye and slowly make his rounds of greeting everyone. Ken stood behind Yunhwa and wrapped his arms around her waist. 

He whispered in her ear, "Play along, well. He's coming." He could feel her stiffen a bit before slowly relaxing. He lightly poked her side, making her squeal. 

She swatted his hand, "Hajima~!" She said. She quickly covered when she realized how aegyo sounded it was. Ken chuckled and held her closer, "You're cute." He said next to her ear. 

Yunhwa blushed. Why was this stranger making her feel the same way Junkyu once did!? She bit her lower lip. There was no way she was going to fall this easily for someone again. 

Just as thoughts of Junkyu came up, he appeared in the kitchen. His eyes widened at the sight before him. 

"Junkyu..." Yunhwa whispered. She didn't know what else to say. He looked very different from the last time she had seen him. he looked like a man. No longer the cute, lovable, boy she fell for. 

She could feel Ken's arms around her tighten more as if to remind her that he was there. Junkyu stood there in the doorway, speechless. Yunhwa noticed him looking her up and down, before Ken spoke. 

"Annyeong, Junkyu-yah," Ken said. Junkyu gave him a small smile, eyes not moving from Yunhwa. Yunhwa could feel tears slowly brim her eyes. She looked down and poured the cake mix into the baking pan instead of at him. 

"Annyeonghaseyo, hyung. How are you?" Junkyu asked. Ken nodded and smiled, not letting go of Yunhwa. "I've been great. You? How was America?" 

Yunhwa could feel Junkyu's gaze on her the whole time he was speaking. "It was a lot of fun, hyung. I was able to study and do things without any worries and strings attached." 

'Without any worries and strings attached'. Yunhwa wanted to scream and yell at him. How could he say that to her!? 

Ken could feel Yunhwa start to breathe heavily, trying to control her breathing. He set his head on her shoulder and his hands over hers. "Oh, really? Well, I've been having fun here in Korea with Yunhwa. You know her right?" 

Junkyu finally glanced at him. Junkyu didn't answer for a moment, but when he did, Ken glared and clenched his jaw. 

"No. Why would I know a girl like that? She's not even that pretty," Junkyu smirked. 

"Oppa~! Where are--Oh, annyeonghaseyo." Yunhwa looked up at the aegyo-fied voice of a girl. Her eyes widened when she saw the girl encircle her arms around Junkyu's waist. 

The girl smiled at Ken before looking down at Yunhwa. "Oh! Unnie! Long time no see!" 

The girl was Yunhwa's cousin. 

"Hyesung..." she muttered. Hyesung smiled brightly, "Annyeong! Who's that? Is he your boyfriend? First love?" 

Yunhwa's expression went blank. She wiggled out of Ken's grasp and opened the oven to set the pans in to bake. Then she looked up at her. 

Hyesung was looking at her, patiently. "Ani. He's not my first love. My first love decided to be a jerk and leave me when he went to America. He didn't want any extra baggage or should I say, no strings attached?" 

Hyesung pouted, "Aw, really? Well, we should have a double date sometime! It'll be fun!" 

Yunhwa opened to refuse, but Ken beat her to it. 

"Of course. That would be great! I'm sure we'd love to do that sometime, right, yeobo?" Ken reached out and grabbed her hand, pulling her towards him and on his lap. Yunhwa only nodded. 

Hyesung smiled brightly, "Alright! It's settled! Are you guys open this coming Friday?" 

"Yeah, I think we are. If we're not, I'll tell Yunhwa to contact you," Ken answered. 

"Arasso. We'll talk to you two later!" Hyesung waved, leaving with Junkyu. Yunhwa watched them go and saw Junkyu glance back. He caught her eye and smirked. 

Instead of sadness, she felt frustration and anger bubbling in her. She stood up from Ken's lap. 

"What the heck was that!? I thought you said that after this, we weren't going to be anything!" Yunhwa exclaimed. Ken crossed his arms, "Yah, you want him to just win and see you suffer? You're giving him exactly what he wants!" 

"Well, I never said or asked for your help," Yunhwa murmured.  Ken sighed, "Well, it's too late. We're stuck in this together now." 


"--Happy Birthday to Ravi! Happy Birthday to you!" 

Everyone clapped as Ravi blew out his candles. He smiled up brightly towards all the people around him, "I just want to thank you all for coming. I don't know where I'd be if it weren't for all of you being a part of my life. I hope we can continue all of our friendships! And special thanks to my favorite dongsaeng, Yunhwa, for making this wonderful and beautiful cake for me!" 

Ravi pointed over towards Yunhwa's direction. Yunhwa was standing next to Ken and could see everyone turn towards her. 

"Aniya, it was nothing. Happy Birthday Oppa!" Yunhwa said, quickly. She didn't want any un-needed attention to be on her. Ken looked down at her and slightly smiled, before putting his arms around her shoulders. 

Yunhwa slightly jumped at the gesture, but relaxed when she heard the voice. "Yah, I should be thanked too! She's my girlfriend, and I helped!" Ken's statement had gained some 'aw's and laughter. Yunhwa looked up and punched his chest. "Hajima!" 

Ken laughed and pulled her closer; Yunwa's face getting as red as a tomato. Ravi raised an eyebrow in question at the sudden skinship. Then he clapped his hands, "Who's up for some cake and food!?" 

People started filing into a line to grab food and cake as Yunhwa pulled Ken away. She had pulled him into one of the bedrooms and closed the door. 

Ken stood in front of her with a playful smile, "Y'know, this is actually more fun than I thought," he said. Yunhwa rolled her eyes as she leaned against the door. 

"Why did you do that!? Stop showing to everyone we're a couple!" Yunhwa said, harshly. Ken raised an eyebrow, "Why would I do that?" 

She sighed, "We're practically strangers that pretty much just met. Plus, this was only supposed to be a joke, right? So, please just stop. I'm not ready for a relationship." 

Ken's expression softened, before he sat down on the corner of the bed. "...I know. I, honestly, didn't want this either, but now you're stuck with me. Since Ravi started it, and Junkyu already saw, we can't end. Not now. But maybe in 6 months? We told Seyong and Chaejin that we had dated already for a month." 

Yunhwa furrowed her eyebrows, "Why are you doing this? Didn't you have a girlfriend or something?  I heard a bit of your conversation last time at the coffee shop. 

Ken's expression darkened a bit as he looked down, "Don't talk about that. You don't need to know." 

Yunhwa crossed her arms, "Fine, be that way. And what happens if I still don't agree to this?" 

Ken scoffed, "What? You want Junkyu to win this whole thing? You've got to have at least some kind of pride!" She sighed again, "Fine. I'll play with you until 6 months are done. Then we're over! Oh, and we're still practically strangers. You didn't solve that yet." 

Ken nodded slowly, before reaching out a hand.Yunhwa raised an eyebrow at it, before taking it.

Ken gave her a small smile, "I'm Jaehwan. But you can call me Ken." 

Yunhwa returned his smile, "I'm Yunhwa. Nice to finally be formally introduced to each other." 

Ken's smile broadened before standing up next to her. He was taller than her. Yunhwa stood next to his chest and was surprised by the close proximity. He smiled down at her, and studied her features for a moment.

'Yunhwa...she's...pretty. Everything a man could want..maybe I can get another chance, like Ravi said. Then maybe, I can forget Nayoung...' Ken frowned at the other girl's name. He shook his head, as if to relieve his mind from the thought. 

"Come on. We should hurry up and out of here before they get any wrong ideas." Ken murmured. He took her hand and dragged her out, Yunhwa faltering behind. 

After a while, people started filing home. "Thanks for coming!" Ravi called to the people leaving. He waved before closing the door. He skipped back into the living room, "Time to start cl--" 

A huge wad of icing was put on his face. His mouth dropped open. "Y-Yah!" He looked at the person that put it on. "JINHEE! YOU!" He laughed and dived for her.

Jinhee squealed before dashing towards the kitchen where Yunhwa, N, and Hyuk were doing dishes and Ken and Leo were picking up trash around. "YUNHWA! HELP!" she yelled. 

Jinhee caught on to Yunhwa's waist and held her so that Yunhwa was facing the smirking Ravi as he neared. 

"Yunhwa, you habe five seconds to move. If you don't, you'll be attacked," Ravi said, smiling menacingly. Yunhwa's mouth widened, "W-What!? I never agreed to this!" 

"Too late!" Ravi used the icing and drew a smiley on her cheek. "Oppa!" Yunhwa whined. Ravi laughed as Jinhee ran away from Yunhwa's back. "Yah! Get back here!" Ravi yelled. 

Just as he turned his body, a whole piece of cake was smashed into his face. Ravi stood still in surprise,  before slowly opening his eyes. "'re dead." 

Hyuk laughed at Ravi before running out of the kitchen with Ravi trailing and yelling behind. Yunhwa soon followed, after grabbing some cake. "YAH! OPPA! COME BACK!" 

N turned around from washing the dishes, "Children! Are you all going to just leave me here to do this all by myself!?" No one answered him. N sighed before starting where he left off. 

Yunhwa squealed after succeedingly putting cake on Ravi's face. Now his face was mostly covered with cake, that mostly it was his eyes and mouth left. 

She quickly turned the corner and hid there as Ravi ran past her after Jinhee and Hyuk. Yunhwa held on to her chest and chuckled, gasping for air. Boy, was Ravi a fast and powerful pursuer! 

"You okay?" Yunhwa quickly turned around to find Ken behind her with a bag of trash. He was leaning against the wall and had the bag under his arm. 

Yunhwa nodded, "Yeah, I'm fine. I don't remember running this much or having this much fun since Ju--" she stopped herself as she realized what she was about to say. 

Yunhwa bit her lip, 'Great job, Yunhwa. You brought back memories of him.' She wanted to smack her head against the wall for her stupidity. Ken cocked his head to the side, curiously. 

"Since what?" He asked. Yunhwa looked down at the floor, "Nothing, nevermind." She then walked away from Ken and headed back towards the kitchen to occupy herself away from the thoughts of Junkyu. 

Ken had been following her and watched her as she grabbed a towel from the counter to help N dry the plates and cups. He chuckled to himself when he saw the icing still on her cheek. 

Ken grabbed a napkin and from behind, wiped it off. Yunhwa's eyes widened, turning around quickly. "W-What are you doing!?" Ken raised the napkin to her eye level, "Icing." formed into an 'o' after realizing what he did. 

N raised an eyebrow, "What are you up to, Ken?" He asked. Ken shook his head, "Nothing! I'm just helping a friend!" 

Yunhwa slightly furrowed her brows. 'Friends...right,' she thought. More thoughts occupied her mind as Ken sat himself next to her. She was too focused and caught up in her own self that she didn't realize he had been staring at her. 

Ken watched her hands slowly glide across the plates and cups and gently wipe them. He was captivated by the way she did it so gracefully and effortlessly. 

N cleared his throat which got Ken's attention. Ken looked up at him and raised his eyebrows as if to say, "What?" N smiled and shook his head, which left Ken confused. 

After a while, all the dishes were done. Yunhwa stood up from her seat, "I should get going. Thanks for having me over." She bowed respectfully towards N and Ken before heading out. She said her 'goodbyes' to the other members before she was stopped by Ravi and Jinhee. 

"Where are you going this late!?" Ravi said, stopping her from moving any further. Yunhwa looked at him, confused. "I'm heading home...where else?" 

"No! It's late! Something bad could happen to you!" Jinhee said, not letting Yunhwa pass. Yunhwa sighed, "I'll be fine, okay? Don't worry about it." 

Jinhee pouted, "But--" Yunhwa looked at her and Jinhee stopped. Jinhee sighed in defeat, "Fine..." 

But then, Ravi's eyes lit up. "Have Ken take you!" Yunhwa's eyes widened, "No! I'm fine!" She held out her hands, to stop him from saying anything further. 

"What? Did you say my name?" Ken said, walking in from behind Yunhwa. Yunhwa mentally facepalmed. She barely knew this guy and now he was taking her home!? 

"Take Yun--" "I can go by myself!" Yunhwa cut Ravi off. Ken looked at them, "What?" Ravi sighed, before looking at Yunhwa. "Yunhwa, Ken is going to take you home and that's final." 

"But I--" Yunhwa started, but Ken quickly cut her off, "That's fine. I was just about to head out too." He reached into the closet that held all the coats and took out one and a scarf. 

Yunhwa watched him before glancing at Jinhee and Raci. They gave her a thumbs up before waving goodbye. 

"Have fun! No monkey business!" Ravi called from the door, watching Yunhwa leave with Ken. Ken waved back as Yunhwa made a face at him. Ravi returned her gesture with a silly face. Then he made a heart out oof his arms, "I LOVE YOU!" he yelled. 

Yunhwa gave him a small wave as she walked away. Then he closed the door and left her alone with Ken who was a little ways ahead. 

"So, mind telling me where you live? I can drive us there."

Yunhwa sighed in defeat before telling him where she lived. Ken nodded as they both entered the elevator. 

'This is going to be so awkward..' Yunhwa thought as the elevator doors closed. 




Hey guys! An update! And second chapter! How do you guys like it so far? Please let me know in the comments below! Seeing comments is a great motivation! 

Plus, is it just me, or is there not that many Ken stories...? O_o idk..

But omg! In another month, I'll be two years old here on AFF! Haha! 


It wasn't checked over for any spelling/grammatical errors. 

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Chapter 3: god this chapter is so adorable >.< I wish I was Yunhwa in this situation goddamnit
Chapter 2: wahh~~ this story is really cute so far~ loving it!!! authornim, fighting!
Chapter 3: This story is so adorable!! Thanks for the update!!
Chapter 2: ahhh ken < 3
lol i'm looking forward to this story c;
ExoticShawolAegyo #5
Chapter 2: Yay chapter 2!! :D Junkyu how could you consider a beautiful girl as luggage?! lol but I really liked this chapter, update soon!
Chapter 2: More more! Do it for the lack of Ken on here! Pleeeease?? :3
ExoticShawolAegyo #7
Chapter 1: Oooh... this story seems like it'll be interesting :)