Chapter 1

Two Broken Hearts

Yunhwa woke up to the sound of her cell phone ringing. She fumbled for it, before finally getting a hold of it.


"Yah! Are you awake!? It's 10AM!" Yunhwa slightly pulled away the cell phone and looked at the screen. Sure enough, it was her friend, Jinhee.

"Wae? I stayed late at work last night, so let me sleep..." Yunhwa was about to end the call when Jinhee yelled.

"HOLD UP! YAH! I need to tell you something!" She said. Yunhwa sighed as she sat up. There was no way she could get anymore sleep.

"What is it now?" Yunhwa asked, tiredly. "Okay, well, you need to get up right now, because we're heading out!"

"Heading out? To where? And why?" Yunhwa asked as she slowly got up. She put the cell phone on speaker as she fixed her bed.

"Well, the thing is...we're going to Ravi's welcome home party!" Jinhee answered.

"What!? Since when did I agree to this!?" Yunhwa yelled as she grabbed her cell phone.

"Uh, you didn't...but it'll be fun! Just hurry up and get ready! I'll be there in a jiffy, arasso? Okay!" Then she hung up before Yunhwa could even reply.

"Aish, and to think I'd be able to sleep in..." Yunhwa sighed and got ready. After about ten minutes, the doorbell rang.

Yunhwa was still wearing her pajamas when she heard her apartment door being opened and Jinhee calling out her name.

"Yunhwa, where are-- Oh, hi! You're still not changed?" Jinhee said, holding a coffee holder with two cups of coffee.

" was just told about a party 15 minutes ago," Yunhwa said, matter of factedly.

Jinhee laughed awkwardly before putting down the coffee and walking over to where Yunhwa was looking at two outfits.

When Jinhee got closer, Yunhwa had already grabbed the warmer looking clothes.

"H-Hey! I was going to help you choose one!" Jinhee said as Yunhwa walked to the bathroom.

Yunhwa chuckled and shook her head before closing the door.

"Oh, can you do me a favor, Jinhee?" Yunhwa called from the door.

"Neh!?" Jinhee answered. "Can you go get my brown combat boots!? Thanks!"

"Nae~!" Jinhee then went on the search for her boots. She walked over to the closet in the hallway where Yunhwa kept all of her shoes.

She looked through box after box until she found it. Jinhee smiled when she lifted the box, but her smile disappeared when she saw a picture of Yunhwa and Junkyu.

She sighed and shook her head, 'This girl...she really can't get over him can she? I hope she can handle today...'Jinhee thought.

"Got it, Jinhee?" Yunhwa called as she was grabbing her coat, and bag. Jinhee quickly shut the door before running towards Yunhwa with the shoes.

"Found them! Geez, you have so many shoes in there!" Jinhee said, sming. Yunhwa eyed her and laughed, "Of course! But you have more!" She flicked Jinhee's forehead as she protested.

"A-Aniya!" She said, rubbing her forehead, slightly smiling because of how she made Yunhwa smile.

"Let's go! Didn't you want me to hurry up so that we could leave quickly?" Yunhwa said, laughing.

Jinhee brightened up in realization and gave her a huge smile, "That's right! Let's go!"

She hooked her arms with Yunhwa as she locked her door.

"Assa! I got you to leave!" Jinhee said, clutching on to her arm. Yunhwa sent her a playful glare and pushed her away.


"I was kidding!" Jinhee said, coming back to her side. Yunhwa eyed her and shook her head at how playful she was.


After a while, the two women arrived at a complex for condos. They went inside after calling up to Ravi's apartment complex.

Soon enough, a young man came running down towards them.

He opened the door for them. "Annyeonghaseyo! You must be Yunhwa Noona and Jinhee Noona!" He said.

The two women raised an eyebrow and gave each other confused looks. Who was this boy?

As if reading their thoughts, he introduced himself.

"Oh, my bad! I'm the maknae of our group, Hyuk!" He said, bowing. They bowed in return, finally realizing why he knew them.

They all stepped inside and went up to the condo where Ravi was living in.

"So, do you all live together or something?" Jinhee asked. Hyuk turned around, walking backwards, "Well, no. It's actually N hyung's house, but we occasionally crash there. Ravi's staying there for now."

"Ohhh. How long have you guys known each other?" Jinhee asked. She glanced at Yunhwa to see if she was going to say anything, but Yunhwa wasn't even paying attention. Yunhwa was looking at the pictures in the halls.

"Hmm...I actually don't remember...haha! We've been with each other long though!" Hyuk said, giving them an eye smile.

Finally, they reached N's condo. Hyuk opened the door, "Hyung! Yunhwa Noona and Jinhee Noona are here!"

They heard a clamoring of steps before Ravi appeared in the hallway, smiling brightly.

"You're here!" He ran up and crashed the two into a bear hug.

"I'm sorry to hear what happened, Yunhwa. I shouldn't have brought it up yesterday," Ravi said to Yunhwa. Yunhwa's smile twitched but she kept it on, "Aniya, it's okay."

"Well, are you going to be okay if I told you he was here?" Ravi said, holding on to her shoulders.

Yunhwa's eyes widened, "W-What!?"

Jinhee grimaced as she nudged Ravi's shoulder, "You shouldn't have said anything."

Ravi turned his head to look at her, "Wae!? It's best she knows!"

"Still! Now she's going to want to leave!" Jinhee said as she crossed her arms.

Ravi copied her action, "Well, I didn't know she would do that!"

The two of them continued to bicker as Yunhwa sighed, and slipped past them to go to the living room.

She set her stuff down on the coach and sat down.

'Everything's going to be fine. It doesn't matter if he's here or not. Just stay calm, Yunhwa.' She thought to herself.

She sighed again before she was surprised by a greeting.

"Hello! I'm N! You must be Yunhwa, right?" N held out a hand to her.

She looked down at it before looking up at him, she took it cautiously, "Uh, did you know?"

"Well, Ravi's always so protective of you and his girlfriend."

"Girlfriend!?" Yunhwa asked, surprised. N nodded, "He didn't tell you? He and Jinhee have been dating for almost a week now."

"What!?" Yunhwa looked over towards the door as Ravi and Jinhee came towards them, bickering.

Jinhee stopped mid-sentence when she noticed the look Yunhwa was giving her. Her eyes widened as she ran behind Ravi.

"I think she just found out!" She said. Ravi looked at Jinhee confused before glancing at Yunhwa. His eyes widened in realization.

"Shoot. N-juhmma! Why'd you tell her!?" N looked at him, surprised. Then he facepalmed, "Oh, shoot! That's right!"

N raised his arms in defeat, "Mian!" Then he ran to the kitchen.

Yunhwa crossed her arms, glaring at the two.

"Spill. Everything."

"Yunhwa~! Don't be so're even scarier like that..." Jinhee said, laughing nervously. Yunhwa only raised an eyebrow as she leaned back on to the sofa.

"I'm waiting."

"Well, I just thought that it's be best it you didn't know because...y'know. And then I forgot to tell Ravi about your...predicament before he came back. I'm sincerely sorry!" Jinhee said, taking her hand into hers.

Ravi did the same, "Come on, saeng! Don't be so hard on her, okay?"

While the couple was begging Yunhwa for forgiveness, Jaehwan was looking on with a small smile on his face.


Everyone's attention snapped toward's his direction. He quickly wiped it off and cleared his throat awkwardly.

Leo went up to him and turned him around, "You smiled?"

Jaehwan shook his head, "So? It's not that big of a deal, hyung."

Ravi ran up to him, "Yes, it is! You totally took Taekwoon hyung's position of being expressionless after all the drama!"

Leo shot Ravi a glare and kicked leg, "Yah."

Yunhwa observed the situation and noticed that the man who they were talking about was the same one Ravi was talking to at the coffee shop.

"Who's that?" Yunhwa asked. Jinhee looked over, "Oh, that's Leo--" then she pointed to the man Yunhwa had seen yesterday, "And that's Jaehwan."

Yunhwa's mouth formed an 'o' in realization.

Ravi winced as he turned around when he heard his name being called by Hyuk.

"Ravi Hyung! The bakery just called and said that they can't make your cake!"

"WHAT!? WHY!?" Ravi yelled, his face dropping in sadness. Hyuk shrugged, "I don't know!"

Ravi's shoulders dropped as he sighed, "No cake is no party."

Jinhee pouted but then she tapped Yunhwa, "Yunhwa! You can bake your cake!"

Yunhwa looked at her with wide eyes, "What!? Why would I do that?"

Ravi ran towards her and squeezed her, "Dongsaeng~! Please make a cake! It won't be the same without one!"

Yunhwa sighed and looked away as Ravi did aegyo. "Aish, fine. But stop with that face!" Yunhwa said, pushing him away.

"Do you have everything?" Yunhwa asked as she made her way to the kitchen. She found an apron on the table and put it on.

"Uh, yeah. N hyung tried to bake a couple days ago, but it didn't turn out that well, so...yeah. We do!" Ravi said as he grabbed some of the ingredients for her.

"That's great to know..." Yunhwa trailed off. She looked through her notes on her cell phone as Jinhee walked in.

"Oppa, you're lucky that Yunhwa always has her recipes on her cell phone!" she said as she grabbed another bowl on the drying rack. Ravi laughed, "That's true! I'm so glad my dongsaeng knows how to cook!"

Yunhwa looked up at the two after a while of silence as she read through the directions and ingredients. They were standing next to each other awkwardly and wouldn't meet each other's eyes. Yunhwa sighed, "Please stop that. I approve of your relationship, okay? It's fine to show skinship in front of me. I don't mind."

The couple sighed. "Are you sure? I mean, I don't want you to feel...y'know." Ravi said. Jinhee nodded along, "Yeah, plus you never take any of these heartbreaks well! And oppa invited him today..."

Yunhwa sighed again, "It's fine. I'll just stick to myself, like usual." Jinhee pouted, "But that's no fun..."

Yunhwa gave her a small smile, "I told you, I'll be fine. I've done it before, haven't I?" Jinhee and Ravi sighed, giving up. Ravi then decided to leave the two girls alone and go help s with decorating. He saw Hyuk and N blowing up balloons and hand them to Hongbin to put on the wall. Leo and Ken were still putting up streamers.

As Ravi surveyed the work, he got a call.


"Hyung! Which apartment and floor are you guys on?" It was Chaejin. "Oh, we're on the fifth floor, room 538."

"Okay! See you later hyung!" Chaejin said, excitedly. Ravi ended the call and glanced back at the girls' direction. He was exceptionally worried for Yunhwa.

"Ravi! Where else should we put the decorations?" Ken asked, taking Ravi's attention away from them. He looked at Ken and got an idea.

"Give those to Leo hyung, he'll know what to do. Ken hyung, I have a favor to ask!" Ravi motioned him over and stepped into a hallway, away from everyone as Ken followed.

"What?" Ken asked. "Hyung, I have a favor to ask you."

Ken nodded, waiting for Ravi to say what he needed.

"Ken hyung, I need you to be Yunhwa's boyfriend for today."




ANNYEONG! Okay, first chapter is up! Did you guys like it? I hope y'all did...

Hehe! Anyways, Ken has been on my mind soooo much and I've had so many plot bunnies for this story!

Hopefully, I can update again soon!!



This chapter was not checked over for errors. I probably won't check over any of my chapters for errors...until months later...just a fyi! :)

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Chapter 3: god this chapter is so adorable >.< I wish I was Yunhwa in this situation goddamnit
Chapter 2: wahh~~ this story is really cute so far~ loving it!!! authornim, fighting!
Chapter 3: This story is so adorable!! Thanks for the update!!
Chapter 2: ahhh ken < 3
lol i'm looking forward to this story c;
ExoticShawolAegyo #5
Chapter 2: Yay chapter 2!! :D Junkyu how could you consider a beautiful girl as luggage?! lol but I really liked this chapter, update soon!
Chapter 2: More more! Do it for the lack of Ken on here! Pleeeease?? :3
ExoticShawolAegyo #7
Chapter 1: Oooh... this story seems like it'll be interesting :)