
Drabbles and stuff

kind of meant to be three sentence fic; prompt fem!baeksoo with top!kyungsoo with finger and marking and hickies


The first time Kyungsoon met Baekhee it’d been fresh after she’s been accepted into the company, and immediately she was labelled as ‘competition’. Baekhee was charming, friendly, with a cute smile and friendly personality and she quickly won over her fellow trainees- people Kyungsoon had been friends with first.

Kyungsoon wasn’t sure at what point watching jealously from afar became pinning Baekhee against the floor to ceiling mirrors after practise and quieting any noise of protest by smothering her lips with her own. Nor was she sure why she felt compelled to gently run her fingernails up Baekhee’s sides, lifting her shirt up to expose a soft belly and tracing red marks into the skin. Baekhee slumped pliant against the mirror, breath hitching as Kyungsoon moved to lave her tongue against the girl’s neck, biting at the delicate skin and as her nails gripped at Baekhee’s hips in a way she hoped would leave bruises.

When she finally broke away Baekhee was smirking, hand at some point coming up to fist at Kyungsoon’s, challenge shining in her eyes. “So just how long have you been waiting to do that, Kyungsoon.” She breathed, sounding far more composed than she should be as Kyungsoon’s fingers skittered restlessly up her sides, catching at the edges of her bra, along the curve of her . She was so poised, so in control and it frustrated Kyungsoon far more than it maybe should have.

"Shut up," she hissed, withdrawing her right hand from underneath Baekhee’s shirt and sliding one, two fingers into . Baekhee chuckled, voice muffled as her tongue flicked against the pads of Kyungsoon’s fingers, pressing against the digits as challenge still shone bright in her eyes. Kyungsoon refastened her lips to Baekhee’s neck, teeth grazing against her collarbone and feeling a sharp twist of satisfaction when Baekhee gasped, Kyungsoon’s fingers sliding out of as her head fell back to thunk against the mirror.

With her left hand, Kyungsoon pinched the side of Baekhee’s , slowly moving in towards her and rolling it between her fingertips as her other hand, still slick with Baekhee’s spit, slowly caressed down her side to settle briefly on the curve of her hip. Forcefully she nudged Baekhee’s thighs apart with her knee, nibbling a trail of tiny bite marks along the smooth curve of Baekhee’s neck, below her ear, across her jaw as her right hand moved again, slowly working past the loose fabric to press firmly against her through the damp fabric of her underwear.

The moan Baekhee made shuddered through Kyungsoon like a shockwave, the other girl slumping forwards and biting viciously into Kyungsoon’s collarbone. Kyungsoon gasped in surprise, left hand moving to clasp at Baekhee’s side while her right hand continued to press at Baekhee’s , Baekhee’s hips jerking in small, aborted movements until she stiffened, teeth cutting deeper into Kyungsoon’s shoulder as she came. For a brief moment, the only sound was Baekhee’s and Kyungsoon’s heavy breathing, until Baekhee finally moved away, slumping back against the mirrored wall and slowly sliding down to the floor, hair array and a satisfied smile on her lips.

"Are you satisfied now?" she asked, looking far too smug for someone who’d just had an , and Kyungsoon found herself saying "no" before she even realised it.

"Good," Baekhee grinned wickedly, crooking two fingers to beckon Kyungsoon down towards her. Kyungsoon’s stomach clenched in anticipation as she obeyed.

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