The Initial Statements

The Crown Prince

“MARRY?!” A girl with long black hair, big eyes (covered in thick frames) and a pretty, meek face shouted at her parents, who looked equally shocked at her outburst. “AT THIS DAY AND AGE?! ARE YOU SERIOUS?!” She scoffed.

“We won’t lie to you, Saeyi.” Her father spoke up. “We’ve been refusing this merger with the Jung’s for years now, because of our pride—“

“AND NOW YOU’VE LOST IT?!” Saeyi shouted again.

“Ahn Saeyi!” Her mother shouted at her and she crossed her arms. She quieted.

“--But we’ve realized that if we keep on being stubborn, the Jung’s will treat us as enemies, they’ll buy us out as a competition—and we’ll be bankrupt.”

“Bankrupt?” Her eyes grew wide. Her Louboutin’s, her Louis Vuitton’s, her Hermes!! Her Porsche! She composed herself. “And so?” In truth, she could do away with these things, but they were the only reason why people really hung out with her. She had long admitted to herself that her manga-loving, book loving, and dressmaking self wasn’t as likeable as her bank-heavy, brand-laden, rich-as-hell self.

“And so?” She urged them to continue.

“We’ve arranged for the marriage between the Jung Corporation and the Ahn Corporation. That way, we still have a share and a stake at our companies—and theirs.” Saeyi nodded slowly.

“You’re saying, this marriage is the only viable option?” She clarified, “And that millions—“ she shook her head, “—billions of money are at stake?”


“Then all the better! We can live happily and simply!” She smiled at them. Her father shook his head in defeat.

“We’ll lose everything, Saeyi.” Her mother implored her. “If we don’t do this, we don’t just lose the money—you lose your school, our home—and the orphanage.”

“My orphanage?” She asked, her hands shook. “The kids are at stake too?”

Her parents exchanged glances and her mother sadly nodded.

She frowned. “—Okay, I agree.” Her parents exchanged relieved glances.

“Thank you, darling.” Her mother gave her a hug before sitting down beside her father again.

She nodded. “Is there anything else I should know about?”
“No…” Her mother smiled nervously. “Not right now.”

“Then, I’m off to school.” She gave them a small smile before heading to her Porsche.



“I’m fine with it.” The Jung’s second son replied to his parents.

"Really, son?" His mother asked, looking so relieved and happy.

“I won’t lose anything, right? I’ll still be free to do anything I want?”

"Why are you suddenly so amiable, son?” His mother asked bewilderedly. "I am so happy."

He shrugged. “You’ll push through with it anyway. We’ll be richer, more powerful and since this is just a ‘’contract marriage’ I can still do whatever I want, right?”

His father frowned. “Watch your tone, you ungrateful bastard!”

“Why?! I’m agreeing aren’t I? You can’t have hyung marry so I should be the sacrifice, right?!” He shouted back.

“Darling,” His mother appealed to him, “The Ahn’s daughter is your age. This is a good step for our family, please.”

“You don’t need to say it twice, mother, I already agreed.” With a final glare towards his father, he stood up and left for school.



First chapter for the introduction of the plot! :) More 'fun' stuff in the next chapters! Thank you for subscribing even before this chapter came out!!! I promise I wont disappoint hehe

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beejello96 #1
Chapter 3: i like this story!!>< why dont you continue this story?
Hope this will be successful!
haha, honey, I am not from In:Exordium staff :) the shop is called Tomoe :)