Chapter 1

Life With Boys

Hwang’s Residence


    Growing up, life was easy. Everything was given to her from toys when she was little to clothes, purses and  jewelry now that she’s grown up. She had everything and she could not complain about the luxuries given to her. She’s Tiffany, a 24 year old Business graduate from one of the most prestigious school in the world - Princeton. Getting to study abroad is also a luxury she was blessed with. In her world, money gets you everything. 


    Her dad owns one of the biggest company in South Korea, Hwang Industries, it focuses on many different things such as clothing, technology and even hotels, you name it. She’s the youngest of two, her brother Leeteuk manages the empire along with her dad. 


    Growing up and having the name Hwang made it hard for her to establish herself as her own. She really couldn’t go anywhere without anyone knowing who she is and that’s one of the downsides about living an easy life. 


    Ever since she got back from the U.S, her father has been nagging her about helping her brother out with the company, but she could not be anymore uninterested. It’s not that she didn’t care for the company, she was thankful for it, but she wants to follow her own path and not the one that was already made for her. However, being an heiress to a billion dollar company made that a little hard. 


“Dad, I know we’ve already talked about this, but can I please not work at the company yet? I mean I know I’ll eventually have to work there but can I do what I want to do even just for a little bit?” She begged my father.


She always dreamt of being something else but her dad says that she should just put in the effort into the business because it will actually get her somewhere. 


“Exactly, we’ve already spoken about this sweetie, and I’ve already said no.” 


He was a hard man to persuade. 


“But dad, please, pretty, pretty, please?!” She begged once more with puppy dog eyes. 


“Fine, 1 year” He was really a er for the eyes. 


“Oh my gosh. Really?! I love you so much! Thanks dad!” She said surprised.


    With her dad agreeing to what she wanted to do, she knew that in order to fully live her dream, she needed to move out of her dad’s place and find a place where she could do things without his help. 


    She wanted to make a name for herself, and she wanted to do it without the luxuries she knew he’d lend. 


    After much argument with her dad, she went online and searched for a place looking for a roommate. Tiffany’s dad wasn’t too pleased when he learned that she’d be moving out, but he really could not take away what she wanted to do so he let her be.  After all, he only wanted what would make his daughter happy. 


    After days of unsuccessful searches for a place, she finally found one. 


“Yes, hello, I’m calling for a room for rent, I saw your ad online and I’m really interested.” She said to the person on the other side of the line, almost begging. 


“Oh, okay.” The person responded. 


“Do you think I could come by anytime today to come and check the place out, I’ve been looking for a place for so long and  this one is the one I really liked because of the location and the place looked really nice as well.” Tiffany asked. 


“Sure, how about 3pm today? All my roommates would be here and we could interview you and see if you’re suitable to be our roommate.” The person said, almost too cocky. 


“Great! I’ll be there.” She excitedly said, as she hung up the phone. 


    Living outside the lifestyle she’s gotten used to would be hard, and she knew that. However, she wanted to to prove to her dad and herself that she could do it.


    She decided to get ready and head over to the place. 


The Guys’ House


    Tiffany wasn’t picky. Even though she was being born with all the lavishness she grew up with, she remained down to earth, a trait she got from her mother. She was open to live with anyone, either it be girls or boys, or boys and girls. She really was more concerned about getting out of her dad’s place than the gender of those she’ll be living with. 


    She knocked on the door, 2 maybe 3 times and a striking man opened the door. He was really good-looking. 


“Tiffany? You’re just right on time.” He said, almost speechless and caught off guard.


    She was breathtaking. 


    She was invited in and was given a tour of the possible house she’d be living in. It was a pretty decent size house, for a house being shared by 5 people. It has 6 rooms, 3 washrooms, a large kitchen, and a living room. With a roommate recently moving out, they needed to look for a new one to replace the one they just lost. Paying for mortgage, bills, and everything else gets a little hard so this was a way to help pay for everything without adding more stress to themselves.


“So, how do you like it?” He asked her. 


    She gave the sweetest smile, a smile that made men swoon.


“This place is beautiful and for the amount you’re renting this place out, it’s totally worth it.” She responded. 


“That’s great. So I’m just going to call the others so we can start the interview.”  He told her. 


    He headed upstairs to call the guys to come and meet the potential new roommate. 


“Let’s go guys, we really shouldn’t keep the guest waiting.”  He told them. 


    His name is Yunho, a 27 year old choreographer. He’s the oldest out of the 5. He’s talented, good looking and sweet. Any girl would be lucky to have a guy like him around. 


    One by one, they started to come down to the living room. 


    Tiffany could not ignore the fact they all seemed to be men. At first she wasn’t too fond of living with them but she needed to keep an open mind and see where this will go. 


“Hello, I’m Tiffany Hwang.” She quickly stands up and introduces herself. 


    The guys looked confused at first, they didn’t know that the guest would be a girl, and let alone that good looking. They started to introduce themselves to her one by one. 


    Seunghyun, a 26 year old writer. He’s aloof, romantic and great looking. A guy that every girl thinks only exists in fairytale. 


    Donghae, a 27 year old model. He’s playful, witty and handsome. A guy that would steal your heart the moment you lay your eyes on him. 


    Taecyeon, a 24 year old trainer. He’s disciplined, serious and gorgeous. A guy that every women think is ripped out of a page of a magazine. He was that dazzling. 


    And lastly, but definitely not the least, Yonghwa. A 24 year old poetic, mature and attractive song-writer. He’s the kind of guy that would make one fall in love with the first word he utters. 


“Have you ever been arrested?” Donghae playfully asked her. 


“No.” She answered as she shook her head. 


“What do you do for a living?” Taecyeon asked. 


“Well, I don’t currently work, but I’ll be able to pay for rent, if that’s what you’re worried about.” She shyly answered. 


“You said your last name is Hwang, you don’t happen to be related to the Hwang Industires, right?” Yunho curiously asked. 


    She nervously laughed at his question. Worried that if she told the truth, they wouldn’t let be their roommate. But if she lied, she’s just as worried they’d find out and kick her out. Everyone in South Korea knew about Hwang Industries, it might as well be a crime to not know this company. They supplied everything. 


“My dad actually owns the company. I hope this doesn’t affect my chances of getting to live here.” She wittingly answered. 


“Wait, so what’s an heiress like you doing here? I’m pretty sure you can afford to buy your own place.” Seunghyun quickly asked breaking his silence. 


“Long story short, I’m just trying to make myself my own person.” Tiffany said, keeping eye contact with Seunghyun. 


“You said Hwang Industries?! You’re Leeteuk’s sister?!” Donghae said, almost yelling. 


    Donghae and Leeteuk go way back. They played soccer today during middle school and remained friends until now. 


“I am. How do you know him?” Tiffany said, surprised that he knew her brother. 


“I went to the same middle school as he did. We’re actually still friends. I’ve known your brother for a long time, but how come I’ve never seen you?” He asked. 


“Well, I studied abroad and basically grew up there. I actually just recently got back here in Korea.” She answered, relived that this was turning out better than she had expected. 


“Do you know how to cook or clean?” Yonghwa asked. 


“Yes.” She answered with a smile on her face. 


“Well it seems like we’ve asked you just about every important questions we can ask. I’ll let you know tomorrow if you’ll be able to live here. I mean, the guys and I will have to talk about it for a bit.” Yunho said to her. 


“Okay thank you for giving me your time.” Tiffany said. 


    She left after a couple of hours. That took longer than any of them expected. 


“I say yes to her living here.” Donghae said. 


“No.” Taecyeon and Seunghyun said, almost in chorus. 


“Yonghwa?” Yunho asked him. 


“Let’s give her a chance. She seems nice and knows how to do things. Plus judging her because of her name is the sole reason she’s doing this. So why not?” Yonghwa said. 


    Yonghwa always was the sensible one. He seemed almost too old for his age.


“Seunghyun, what’s your reason to saying no?” The oldest asked. 


“She won’t fit in. Contrary to what Yonghwa said, it’s exactly her name that makes it hard for me to say yes. I really don’t think she’s what we’re looking for.” Seunghyun answered. 


“Taecyeon, what about you?” Yunho asked. 


“Like Seungyun, I don’t think her living here would be a good idea. Did you guys forget that she’s an heiress to a billion dollar company? She’s basically like royalty.” Taecyeon argued. 


“It’s not fair to say no just because of that reason Taec. Like Donghae and Yonghwa, I think we should give her a chance. And this needs to be unanimous.” Yunho said. 


    This talk turned into a very heated argument. Which led to Taecyeon and Seunghyun changing their minds and saying yes. Although not 100% on board with the rest, Taecyeon and Seungyun decided to let her live with them.

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I'll try and do better next chapter T___T!


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fantasticPink #1
Chapter 12: One of my favorite ff.. Update please :D
PinkMonsterHwang #2
Chapter 11: Update please~~
Chapter 11: Hmm~ I think Yonghwa needs some attentions from Fany too~ :3 Kekeke~

Update soon! <3
Chapter 11: Nice update! I hope the nect chapter would have more TopFany <3 I can't wait ^_^
Mosseille #5
Chapter 10: She is definitely my ultimate bias eversince i first know about kpop. Well it's yunho tvxq that brought me into this beautiful kpop world that i began shipping yunfany. But having sifany, hyunjoongfany and taecfany also bring wonders... despite all this sailing fantasies, I'd wish the best for khunfany <3
Chapter 10: Like the update, tbh I also have mix feelings bout Khunfany though I already knew bout them..
Chapter 10: taecfany moment please!^^
Chapter 10: Tiffany is mu ultimate bias too! I also ship TopFany as well, so I get how you are having mixed feelings now, but I really love your story! I hope you continue! Fighting!!!
angelstefenie13 #9
Chapter 9: Fantastic story,,
Keep update,,