Coffee for the young lady?

You broke my heart, this time I'll break yours.

Grey = Flashback/past


*Ring* *Ring*


[Yah, Yoseob, your girlfriends drunk again]

"She's not my girlfriend"

[Pick her up, she won't go until you pick her up]

"-sigh- I'm on my way"

Eversince I met this girl, shes been claiming that I'm hers. I don't have any special feelings for her and I made that clear.


"Sorry I can't return your feelings"

"Why? You already have someone?"

"No, it's not that..I'm just...not into relationships right now..."

"Then I'm your girlfriend till you find someone"

"That won't work out Hyewon It's-" A kiss was placed on my lips...It was my first aswell...!

"I'll see you tomorrow oppa" 

It was hopeless trying to tell her that we're not together. No matter what, she'd just block out the things I tell her and continue to pretend that we're a couple.


[At the pub]

"Oh oppa.. you came?" She stood up and leaned towards me, I held onto her shoulders to prevent our lips from meeting. The smell of alcohol was strong.

"Why're you so drunk? You could hardly stand up straight!" I told one of her friends to take her to my car while I pay for the alcohol she managed to drink. 

I got inside my car, I sat on the drivers seat for a couple of minutes...


After paying I turned around and bumped into a lady, her drink spilt all over our clothes. She pouted.

"I'm so sorry" I bowed

"It's ok, I should've been more careful" She smiled charmingly. The lady left after saying those words, I watched her disappear into the crowd.

She had a stunning smile that could fool anyone into thinking that she had no worries.

I couldn't help but wonder... The smile she wore... Was it just to cover up the pain she's going through...?


[Next day]


I woke up and sat on the edge of my bed. It's already 1pm, completely clueless of how I got home. As soon as I stood up my head began to hurt . Damn hangover... Coffee...its good for hangovers, and I know just the person who can make it, I opened my mouth to ask Yesung if he can make me coffee still thinking that he's here, when I realised that he is no longer apart of my life. Another pain shot through my heart. It was hard to forget about him. Am I the only one who feels this agony?


I took a shower, got dressed and made my way to the cafe just a few minutes away from where I live.

After arriving to my destination, I opened the transparent door and the chime of the wind charm reached my ear. I sat at the back corner of the room just beside the window. 

This cafe is a very meaningful place, it's where me and Yesung first met. The joy, the happiness, the uncontrolable laughter, it all happened here. All of it was created with my loved one, I knew that all those was bound to turn into torturing memories that was sure to bring me to my lowest point. I don't want to reminisce a single one, but it's impossible, it's just too difficult to forget and move on. The torment he brought me in this same cafe won't stop me from coming to the place that once brought me happiness. This place is full of regrets...

Not mine...But Yesung's. Your life will be full of sorrows in a matter of time Kim Jong-woon. 


Did Yesung plan to leave me from the start? Those 2 years we've been together thrown out the window after he's been gone for 7 months. Has he been cheating on me with that girl all along? All sorts of questions kept popping up only to find that there are no answers. Infront of him I will not show any care about this matter, as if I was never curious of why he left me and as if I was never hurt when he broke my fragile heart into tiny little pieces. 


"Coffee for the young lady?" A voice snapped me out of my thoughts, I looked up, he flashed me a smile, and I returned it. He put the tray he was holding on the table and poured coffee on the mug then placed it infront of me, from the tray he took out a tea spoon, some sugar, milk and biscuit. He left after that. 

But I havent ordered anything yet...

I took a sip of my drink. It was different from how they usually serve the coffee. I like it. 

He must be a new employee...  

It's already been 15 minutes ever since the guy served me the hot drink, and I'm not even half way to finishing it. I've been in deep thoughts. The chair opposite me was dragged out, I looked up to see who dared to disturb me, it was only the guy who poured me coffee earlier. He sat on the chair, placed his elbow on the table and his chin cupped in his hand supporting his head. I lifted an eyebrow up, in return he smiled. I just stared at him expressionless, waiting for an explanation why he's sitting with him. 

"Your coffee's getting cold...want me to get you another cup?" I noticed that he wasn't wearing the uniform anymore, he must've finished his shift.

"No, It's fine" I took a sip of the coffee not looking away from his eyes. He won't stop with the smiling. It's annoying. 

"What?" I asked sharply. 

"Did you have a hangover?" 


"Did you ha-"

"I know what you said...why're you asking?"

"Cause yesterday it looked like you drank a lot"

"Yah! Are you stalking me?!" 

"....hahah!! Lady I just happened to bump into you yesterday and today. That doesn't mean that I'm stalking you" He was still laughing. 

"Oh you're that guy..." I stood up and bowed "Sorry about that..." 


She doesn't look apologetic to me, normally girls would bow repeatedly and apologise non- stop as if their lives depends on it. But she's different, she's not even bothered.

"No worries, It was also my fault" I stood up and bowed. After exchanging our apologies, I was the first to sit back down, she was about to sit down, the wind charm chimed. She froze on the spot.


As soon as I heard the chime of the bell. It was an instinct to look the direction.

It was Yesung and the girl he was with before. They came in. Everything was in slow motion, my ears blocked any sounds that can be heard, it was as if the two of us were the only ones in the room. My eyes met his, it was only for a mere second but it felt like an eternity. The pain once again lingered as soon as he disconnected our eye contact. I sat back down I was lifeless, my tears about to fall. 


"Yah..." I heard the lady's voice and so I looked at her. Her voice was wavering, I knew she was trying to hold her tears back. 

"Since it was your're gonna have to repay me"

"" I was confused. 

"Treat me out the whole day tomorrow" She lifted her head up and looked straight into my eyes, she smiled weakly. 


"Sure~" He said cheerfully and smiled, his smile reminded me of a little kid after being given a lollipop. 


I can't let Yesung think that he made a big impact in my life. 



WOW 60 subscribers already! XD 

Thank you for dropping comments!! It's nice to know what the readers think! 

I'll try to update every week XD Oh and also read the foreword again guys! I added Joon's description right at the bottom :D

Keep commenting it's very much loved and appreciated!

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miiivp #2
School's , right? for me too. /sobs<br />
<br />
I really miss this fic. I hope you can find times where you can type and continue this. fightiiing~! :D
Oh my goodness! *pouts apologetically*I'm sorry for reading this now.I'm just preoccupied with mine.Anyways, I couldn't help but side with Yesung because he still has feelings for her.One question will Hyori ever get any signs from Joon that he likes her?? That's all I'm curious about.<br />
Please update soon, It is my favorite read and I can't wait to find out more. :)
I like it<br />
plz update soon<br />
thank u soo much
parkran_sung #5
It's been a while! Loved it still feeling bad for Hyori though :( Hope she'll be okay haha :D<br />
<br />
*Yoseob to the rescue!* LOL just thought of that line XD Update!
D; thats so saddddd.......but wut did her brother tell herrrrr? hope you update soon :)
AJDHADJSLKJSD- what doughnut?! <br />
At last you've updated! But it's too short!<br />
I'll only give you one of the sprinkles on the doughnut ok?<br />
LoveYMfromBFtrueGF #8
please do UPDATE !!!!!!!
U P D A T E ~ ! c:
nebiyatnbo #10
write soon! I feel bad for yesung. But i enjoyed it