Jongin & Kyungsoo

First Snow

Christmas Day

(a/n:      pink - sekyung      orange- kai       gray- christmas day by exo)


Kai put on his coat as he opened his flat's door to visit the market. He hates going out during weekends the most; much more when it's winter... he didn't knew being a human would be more troublesome, before when he was still a death god, his body can withstand whatever coldness or hotness there is in place, but now, he's very sensitive to cold. He just sighs but then he didn't regret turning into a human because it gives him a faint, if not vain, hope that maybe he'll meet that person this way... it's possible he'll be with that person again... and that thought is enough to make him warm inside. Indeed, he turned human.

In the long and cold season, that person is the only warmth that remains inside his coat... and he is getting filled with warm memories...

But he doubted this thought the moment he saw the tall golden blonde haired man in suit with eyes glowing red and whose skin is so pale that it almost seems sparkling in the middle of the day... stunned, he calls,


Then the man turned his way...






"I'm surprised you can still see me"

"I'm the one who got scared back there, for a moment I thought you're gonna reap my soul" Kai answered as he sat on the bedside of his room across the chair where Kris is sitting

"Nah. You... really are a human now. Hah, how come your fierce eyes turned so innocently soft? Man, what's happening to our world…"

It’s true. The Kai before has cold stern eyes maybe because his is colored as red as blood and he emits a reserved aura that even fellow death gods isolate him. Well, it need not to mention that he looks stunningly handsome too. And he may not be as white as others, but his tanned complexion just fits him perfectly for he seems shimmering with tiny fragments of gold. Maybe how most novels describe gods is true. From Sehun, Tao, Chen, Kris, Chanyeol and down to him; They are simply beautiful creatures.

"Why? How's your world these days?"

"Sehun-- oh, you even love sweets now?" Kris cut his story when he noticed the cake and some pastries in the center of the table where he's resting his left arm

"No. The landlady handed them to me; saying the new tenant, well the said guy next door who just moved sometime last week, made these for us, some kind of Korean culture I guess. Here." As he gave Kris a slice but the latter gestured 'no' so he placed it near him on the table instead as he went back sitting on his bed.

"Try it hyung, it's nice."

"Cake isn't my style."

"Hm... oh, what were you saying again? Sehun is...?"

"Sehun, that fool, involved himself with a human and Chanyeol has gotten lunatic too, he has sacrificed himself to save his subject."

"Chanyeol...? That Chanyeol hyung?! Whoa..."

"The hell, this is your entire fault, your example is also one of the worst"

"Hahahaha. Your irritation towards me is extreme hyung, that's probably why I can still see you even though you already lowered your presence"

Kris eyed him for a while as he started digging in the cake.

He states, "Oh, right, I've seen Sekyung... well, she's not what exactly like she is before but I knew it was her. Their soul is exactly the same."

Kai's expression totally changed like 180 degrees. Kris noticed it too as he adds, "Well, Aren't you lucky? Being reborn in the same period and same place is really a miracle..."

"Where... have you seen her?"

"You haven't met her yet?"

Kai lets out a short empty laugh "Too bad, not yet"

"Well, that person is just around here... so I thought you finally found that human... Anyway, this is really nice, who made this again?"

"Ah, that too, I haven't met him yet too..." Kai answered with his thoughts focused on different concern.







Kai took a random walk in the street that very night... though he tried his best to act cool in front of Kris, as expected, the latter's news to him has shaken him completely.

Sekyung is the only person who opened up Kai’s heart. But apparently, she is a human who lived in a completely different world from him. Yet she is the only one loved by him and the only reason he had himself turned into a human.

That person is just around here... is what he said


Wandering around at night is not his thing especially when it's damn cold. He look at the people busy themselves in buying presents, Christmas decors and such for Christmas day. He wonders what kind of feeling that is, waiting for Christmas day to come... it is the same as how he is feeling in waiting for that person to come and meet him?... Then in that case, it really is something to be excited for.

He then remembers Sekyung's last wishes as he strolls down the park

Kai, if there's a chance, I want to be born in the world where you are...
Where there is you and me

He went to the video store nearby his place

And I wish it to be in the place nearest to you...
So that you can easily find me
So that we won't waste another second in looking for each other

He then took a detour on the night market wishing that he may find a hint

It's fine if I can't be the same as before
As long as you can recognize me....
Just you would be enough.
I won't ask you to find me
I myself will go to where you are...


After going around the neighborhood, looking around and even though he won't admit, searching everywhere... he still wasn't able to see Sekyung.

He lets out a disappointed smile... Liar...





He went back to his apartment building and when he's about to go upstairs, the person on the second floor who is on his way down dropped his keys making its way down next to Kai's feet. This caused Kai to pick up the keys and face its owner--

A man slightly shorter than him with naturally big wide eyes, heart-shaped cherry lips, fair white skin tone and has a body frame smaller than an average man

The moment Kai exchanged glances at the man going down towards him, his heart flutters with excitement

I won't ask you to find me
I myself will go to where you are

"Um. Thank you... for picking up my keys" the man started soon as he stood properly in front of him

It's true. Kai smiles.

And when that happens, please love me again
Like how I fall for you over and over again.

"Kyungsoo! Hurry up, we're gonna be late" another guy said a little louder for his friend to hear as he's about to enter his car

"Ok. Wait!" the keys' owner replied and he turns again to Kai, "Thanks again" he bows and leaves

The white miracle that falls from the once dry sky
It seemed like it wouldn’t come true
The prayer that I was so desperate for even in my dreams



When Kai opened his eyes the next morning, he never thought another day can be this so much anticipating
Apparently, he stayed up all night for he was still in daze of the fact that he finally found that person

He didn't need Kris' eyes to confirm that he's the person he once loved
He felt relieved at how every beat of his heart tells him and assures him that he's the same person he has waited for forever
And even though Kyungsoo doesn't look even a single bit from before
He still feels exactly the same as what he felt back then for Sekyung
His eyes aren't the same but still send out the same sparkle every time he looks at him
He has a different voice but it still the same voice that sounds music to his ear
And even his figure is totally different but it's still the same frame that Kai wanted to hold in his arms for eternity

It's like the feeling of untying the ribbon of the present... that the person he has always waited for turns out to be his neighbor who just moved in. The same person who has always been sending him cakes pastries and all types of sweets

Before he didn't bother to know that the new tenant is working as a chef in a first class restaurant. That it's his first time in Seoul and that he's currently single and not dating anyone at the moment






And since that night, Kai wakes up early in the morning to catch a glimpse of Kyungsoo

As the latter is on his way to the market to buy fresh goods for today's menu, Kai follows him too. He watches him as Kyungsoo browses around the market and stuffs
He even laughs at himself at how he's near to being a stalker as he even eats in that restaurant just to follow Kyungsoo in his workplace

It is obvious how much he longed for this man. He only he could, he had him laid already oops, he meant held… again, he had him held already in his arms. But he can’t. He didn’t want to scare the other one. He sure got disappointed upon realizing that Kyungsoo never knew about his past life and that he didn’t remember a single thing about Kai but still he is thankful for this miracle. That is why he did not want to mess this up. He didn’t want to scare Kyungsoo of his advances. He wanted to take this slowly but surely. And he is not simply just stalking around; he tries his best to caught Kyungsoo’s eyes. To have himself in his field of vision, to make Kyungsoo’s heart squeeze a bit just by his stare. He knows exactly how to do it. He may have turned into a human but his godly charm maybe inherent and he knows it’s only a matter of time before he can captivate this man.





And just like any other nights, he waits at the bench nearby the restaurant to see Kyungsoo off to work

He closes his eyes for a while... he breathes out and wishes...

Please hurry up and remember me already...
And once again, fall in love with me...

The moment he opened his eyes, he got surprised. The man he has been wishing for the most is standing in front of him staring straight to his eyes

"Say... do we perhaps know each other before...?"

Kai smiled. He stood up and took a step closer to Kyungsoo

"It’s nice to meet you. I’m...


Every single day of getting to know you
The twinkling lights that decorate the streets
Among those, your eyes are especially like the star light
As if you’re melting in my arms, you come into my embrace

I know you even before you say your name
I recognize you the moment I saw you walk towards me
Even many years has passed, my love for you still remains
You look different now
But I know it’s you
And I loved you before I met you.

Just like the Christmas day
That I’ve always waited for
Just like the Christmas day
Oh! When I think about you
I get excited like a kid just like those days,
Just like that time
You’re just like Christmas day


gaaah~ hehe thanks a lot for reading this fic and subscribing
forgive me for being so messy in everything
early merry christmas to you guys
please look forward for the extras coming right up >;<~


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emilia90 #1
Chapter 6: could you make sequel for hunhan kaisoo and baekyeol?????
Chapter 2: oh god now I have to find some fluffy Baekyeol *sobs*
Chapter 2: Do you know how much I cried here?! Many tears XD Such sad CX I just finished reading this angst fic called Halcyon and I was desperate for some fluff. But this broke my heart ;A; and the KaiSoo and HunHan I cannot. And I read the epilogue, OMG thank you to whoever reincarnated Chanyeol!
hayarahma #4
Chapter 6: The bastard who stole my heart... omg i love that line<3
hayarahma #5
Chapter 5: HunHan<3 update more kaisoo please xD
Chapter 6: Yay Baekyeol happy ending ^^
Chapter 6: Baekhyun's last line made me smile. IT'S SO CUTE~
Chapter 5: Idiot couple in love. Hahahahaha. Omg HunHan <3
dvya_elfshawol #9
Chapter 5: Awesome! ! I love it!! :)