Sehun & Luhan

First Snow

The Star

Once every year, Sehun's silver hair turns chocolate brown for a day while his crimson red eyes turn deep black,

His skin glitters like little droplets of diamond in the sky while it gradually fades as he descends on earth from above.
Like a scene from some movie, as the moon's radiance highlights his features, and if only you won't consider that he's wearing full dark suit, then the more he really looks like a fallen angel; which is a little ironic given that he's a death god.

The moment he touches the tip of a high building's rooftop he completely turned into a human. He started taking a good look at the city lights. He then came into the realization that he should have descended to the ground instead. Dropping to the ground wouldn't be hard... if he still has his powers... but now that he's totally human, just falling from the building sounds troublesome and painful. He then blames his once human ancestors about these abnormalities that happen to him. He inhaled... he indeed feels human... when suddenly; someone pulled his right arm causing him to lose his balance.
He crashed on the ground...

"Argh" sure it hurts. He felt something breathe under his chest so he lifted his face to glance under him.

An inch apart from him lays a man whose looks is something he can describe as somewhat breathtakingly beautiful.
That he didn't dare to breathe, it's as if he was smitten... the other seems to be as stunned as him too. He looked at Sehun with wide opened eyes and his mouth a bit gaped.

Sehun watch the other blink his eyes to look at him again, gulped, and asks,
"Are we doing this forever...?"

It would be nice if we're gonna do this forever though...

Wait, did Sehun just think about that?

He still can't grasp what just happened but he still gets up and sits across the other guy
Sehun stares at him for a moment then he shifted his focus on the other guy's lips as its corner appears lightly bruised
Without even stopping to think for a while, he watches his hand reach out to touch the other's lips

He has it in him. The notions that he can touch anything, own everything, and use anyone to his liking as he was brought up that way. That's why he doesn't bother a thought if he touches this man who seems to be giving him an eerie feel.
The other guy certainly got surprised as it cringes a little from the slight touch which made Sehun falter.

For the first time, the death god hesitated.

He cleared his throat and starts, "Its bleeding... the corner of your lips"

The other guy got aware and he touches his own lips to feel that it's actually swollen; he then rolls his eyes to Sehun and saw that apparently, he also got one on his upper lip.

"You too..." he halted and faintly blushes as he came to realize that they're the ones who caused that to each other.

Sehun doesn't seem to get it though

A cold winter night breeze brushed through their skin making the other flick his eyes. Sehun watch the other intently in his every move. Again, he's been starring at him.

The guy suddenly speaks, "You shouldn't think of doing that... you're still young, there are a lot of things that can happen--"

"What are you talking about?" Sehun asked even before the other finish his statement since it’s totally confusing him

"You're about to commit suicide just now right?"

"I'm not!" Sehun got surprised that the world is really actually fair, for if only this guy isn't dumb then he'll really be perfect... well too bad he is.

"That's what people say when they actually are! I saw you standing on the railings and about to jump, you even---"

"Whatever, this is crazy." Sehun got up and about to walk away when the guy grabbed his wrist.

"Where are you going?! I won't let you do that again somewhere else, my conscience will not be able to take it."

"Will you please..."




Luhan woke up the next morning when the sunlight is petting his cheeks... he moved a bit and felt a gashing pain on his back, actually it's not just his back, his whole body seems to be sore.
He's about recall what happened last night when something breathes beside him under the sheets. He slowly lifts the blanket and saw a bare man in his deep sleep.


His panic is starting to rise up.

"Crap, crap, crap,crap, aishhh"

He immediately got up but a sudden pang was felt on his back causing him to lose his balance and fall on top of the sleeping guy.

"Argh" the man groans while finally waking up.

Luhan tensed up from hearing his voice and when he realized that their skin are touching each other, he screamed

"Waaaaaaaaaa!" while getting off withstanding whatever pain he's bearing.

He grabbed the sheets to cover his body and leaned on the corner of the room.
Sehun too sits up still looking drowsy.

"Who--- Who are you?! What are you doing here?!!"

"You brought me here last night after you got completely wasted..." Sehun calmly answered.

"Then? You took advantage of me while I'm drunk?"

Sehun doesn’t wanna get trolled early in the morning so he faced him properly and says, "Listen here, the one who was between us is me"

"You may be the one who got but it's my that freaking hurts!" Luhan retorted while blushing furiously

Sehun got nothing to say, since he turned into a human, bizarre things happened to him one after another, he just wanted a break.

"You stay there and dress yourself, we're not done talking" Luhan ordered as he enter the washroom.

Looking at the mirror he saw his neck down to his chest full of hickeys

Oh Crap.



When things calmed down, two of them sit across each other on the kitchen table

"So basically, you're saying that I thought you're suicidal and so I dragged you along offering to comfort you when I got drunk instead so I brought you here in my apartment... did this and that, and that's it?"


"I remember the part on the rooftop, what are you doing there anyway? Any person would think you're trying to jump from there."

"You want to know the truth?"

"Yes please."

After Sehun told Luhan the truth, the latter got dazed
"You're a death god turned human and you landed there on the rooftop... ?"


"Are you kidding me?"

"I'm serious."

"Oh I see… so that’s what you want me reply? Pfft-- Hahahah, yah, you're good! You can even write a novel. It sounds so real" Luhan can’t stop laughing at the absurdness he’s hearing

"Well, I'm really good enough to make you ---" Sehun teased as he's irritated at the other guy's laugh but was cut when Luhan shove a wrapped kimchi on his mouth

"Hahaha, you eat! You're still growing so you better eat a lot."

"I'm serious though"

"Your age? You look young, still studying? Are you bullied at school?" Luhan asked while preparing to leave

"You're going somewhere?"


“I told you I can only stay here for a day"

"Then that saves me"


Luhan is used to people leaving him without notice. That's why he wasn't surprised when he came back home and Sehun is no longer there. It's even convenient for his part. Personal afflictions encourage commitments... and commitments urges obligations... and obligations are naturally tiring and heavy. He just doesn't wanna deal with that.



A day has never seemed this long for Sehun. And it's the first time for him to spend the whole day thinking about a certain person... he didn't know anything about him... not his name, not his age, nor his line of work but he found himself fascinated to him.

And he can't help it... as if he was put under a spell; he wanted to see him no matter what...


Sehun found himself standing in front of Luhan's door... in his human form... though he already told him before that he's actually a death god... for some reason, he hesitated appearing in front of him in his true form... okay... he's scared... that he might be shunned away if he did...

"What are you doing here?"

"Wow, that's cold. I miss you. Did you miss me?" He asked while entering through the door and making himself comfortable...

Then Sehun leaned closer to him appealing for a kiss but Luhan turned his head away, "I don't sleep twice with the same person”

Though Luhan is easily drawn to people with beautiful faces, they are also the type he avoids the most... for beauty comes with thorns and its true.

"But we are compatible... c'mon" Sehun cups his cheeks and gives Luhan a kiss.

Luhan really hates himself for being weak with beautiful creatures.




But this fascination of Sehun just keeps getting severed every time he sees this human. How a day not seeing him feels long like a hundred year is just the same as how a day seeing him feels short like a minute. He has surely lived a hundred years more than Luhan but he feels as if he's the younger one because everything about this is new to him and he learns a lot of things from him.

"Oh so these are your parents" Sehun looked at the photo on the living room table


"Are they in China too?"

"No. They're already gone. The plane they boarded on going here got crashed... so that's it."

Sehun frowns as he watches Luhan trying so hard to smile while sharing something painful. He realized that this human is actually stronger than he seems. He imagined how Luhan must have been alone all these years. He walks to his side and locks him in his arms. Then he made a little sweet vow... that he'll never let this man feel alone ever again... that he'll never leave his side no matter what happen. And he wondered to himself... is this love?




"I saw you wandering around down there in your human form... with a human." Tao started.

"Ah, really?" To which Sehun answered casually.

"Don't 'ah really' me. You know what I’m pointing out; what kind of drama are you planning to run?"

"Nothing really, just that I can't stop it myself too..."

"Break up now before it's too late. I tell you, it'll be painful. For us, the whole life span of a mere human being is just as short as how they see the fireflies' light. Does he even know you're a god?"

"Tsk. What's all this bitterness, Tao? Is Kris-hyung not loving you enough? Want me to love you instead?"


Sehun just laughs but at the back of his mind he thought… I guess I need to tell him properly huh...




Sehun decided to tell Luhan the truth but he still wasn't able to show himself in his death god form. Actually Luhan has been suspecting him at times too like when his eyes occasionally glow red without his volition or when his skin sometimes glisters when he got a bit excited by getting closer to him. But he ends up changing the subject... he realized that ever since he fell in love with this man, a lot of things that never seemed to matter before began scaring him...

"I... actually..."

"Wow. That’s the 10th time already... that you said that line..."

He sighs and he breathes in. But just when he finally got enough courage to tell him, a car whose brake appears to be broken came rushing towards them and before he knew it, he transformed into his death god form for a moment and pulled Luhan closer as he dragged him to the safer side in a flash light. It was only for a second but Luhan totally saw it himself, clearly.



Sehun watches the other tensed when he utters his name. He looks at him whose hands are slightly trembling in fear and whose eyes are staring at him as if he's some kind of creature...

"What... are you really...?"




"Do I look scary...?"

"No. You look y" Tao answered him flatly.

"I know. But why is he scared of me...?"

"Duh... Well, I told you it won't work."




It's the first time that Sehun felt no assurance at all. As if he has lost all his confidence in flaunting his true form but still he showed himself to Luhan...

"So this is what you really look like..."

"Am I scary...?"

"No. You're more beautiful like this..."

"Then why are you scared...?"

Luhan smiled, He sits on the couch of his apartment and starts,

"Let me tell you a story...  a white star fell upon the world one ordinary night where nothing special was going on, but after I lifted my head, I discovered something dazzling...

You shine the most in this world that you shine even on this lowest place.
I want to be closer to you, a little more so we can share that warm light

But it's something that I won't be able to reach no matter how hard I stretch my hands to touch it... that's why we won't work... because though we see each other, we never really got meet each other... because you are a star that I can't reach... and stars don't move from its place..."

Sehun just stood there as he looks at Luhan trying his hardest not to cry. He doesn't understand anything about him at all but he somehow feels him. He then wonders how if he's a human instead, will he be able to understand him even a bit? He wishes, that instead of souls, he could see others’ hearts instead, well not really others for all he cares about is Luhan’s. Not taking this heart breaking sight anymore, he walks out the room and just then that Luhan finally cried.




A week has passed... then a month... and in a blink of an eye, winter has again come... but Sehun's clock has frozen since that time... when he left Luhan alone in that room with a heavy heart. He kept on thinking that Luhan might be alone even today or he might be feeling lonely right now.And when he finally can't contain it anymore, he decided to see him once more... one last time.




Soon as Sehun landed on the ground, he immediately recognized Luhan from the crowd... he intended to just follow him around and watch him on his own but he never thought that Luhan would go to places that they usually went to before... and when they arrived at the park where they usually would sneak a kiss, he saw Luhan's tear fell from his eye... and before his mind can even think, his feet were already running towards him...

Luhan jumps a bit when he felt the pair of familiar arms embracing him from behind. He turned around and managed to hold back his tears...

"I'm sorry but I'm tired of this loneliness already. Please let me go."

"Well, I'm sorry too but I can't seem to let you go!"

"The me, who becomes weak whenever I'm with you, is what scares me the most!"

"You have no reason to be scared... because
If you're feeling alone, I'll desperately run towards you
If you're getting tired, I'll carry you on my back
If you're sad, I'll kiss you as you please and
If ever you're lonely, I'll hold you in my arms all night

But you have to pay me back with all your life... since you made me this madly in love with you... and it's the first time."

Luhan didn't answer... he gave a short kiss on Sehun making the latter surprised as he gathers Luhan in his embrace...

That's when Luhan speaks, "I always feel alone"


"There are times when I'm tired..."


"Seeing you makes me sad..."


"But not seeing you is so lonely..."

Sehun didn't answer. He planted a kiss on Luhan head instead...

"I love you."

"Me too."

Sehun smiled as he hugs Luhan tighter.

We might not be together for forever and the future for us might be vague but I want to treasure these moments that I want to spend my future with you and that I want to be with you now and always.

The snow becomes pieces of a star as it falls on top of the road
It embraces my footsteps that are a bit overwhelmed
Everyone is our audience in our drama
A variety of colors form drops and fill you up
I try to touch you but I’m only dreaming
For that one light in the thick darkness, I will try to move my footsteps.
You’re too far away, I see you but I can’t catch you, I send myself to you.
You’re too high above, your star light speaks of my dreams, I want to be next to you



I also keep on finding where’s the fluff part in this fic
Haha good thing I already told you guys from the start that I at writing one
Waaa~ sorry *bows* please still give me a chance in kaisoo pair T.T
And thanks a lot for reading and subscribing this fic, really really
I’ll do my best in the next shot… *doki doki*

p.s. gray italic parts are from exo's ' the star ' lyrics

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emilia90 #1
Chapter 6: could you make sequel for hunhan kaisoo and baekyeol?????
Chapter 2: oh god now I have to find some fluffy Baekyeol *sobs*
Chapter 2: Do you know how much I cried here?! Many tears XD Such sad CX I just finished reading this angst fic called Halcyon and I was desperate for some fluff. But this broke my heart ;A; and the KaiSoo and HunHan I cannot. And I read the epilogue, OMG thank you to whoever reincarnated Chanyeol!
hayarahma #4
Chapter 6: The bastard who stole my heart... omg i love that line<3
hayarahma #5
Chapter 5: HunHan<3 update more kaisoo please xD
Chapter 6: Yay Baekyeol happy ending ^^
Chapter 6: Baekhyun's last line made me smile. IT'S SO CUTE~
Chapter 5: Idiot couple in love. Hahahahaha. Omg HunHan <3
dvya_elfshawol #9
Chapter 5: Awesome! ! I love it!! :)