Untitled One

the next day.

UGH, you just dont wanna to go to work, with this swollen eyes and messy looks. but once agaim, you've got to live. you hav eto face it. so you ended up, wearing glasses, white blouse, and jeans. you tied your hair up. and walk to work. you drink a lots of coffee to boosted your moods. and here he come. with the body guard and ready to take some shots. with his smile as always, he greet you politely. today is going so slow. everytime you see him, you feel like crying. but you hold it. you swallowed the tears. you and him have this small conversation about the theme of the photo, he laugh over your weird pronounciation. UGH, he did it again. showing his white pearl teeth and his great laugh. and the idiotic you, falling over him again. and you smiled, and laugh with him. time goes by. and he become comfortable with you, now he talking to you without his hand folded. somehow, you're happy because a small thing.

and this is it, the good bye. his photoshot is done. and same like yesterday, he offered his hand and you shake it. you smile and thanking him for the time and the opportunity, and vice versa. you want to hug him so bad, but you cant. so you shake his hand slowly. but you cant pause the time, he must go. HE MUST GO. and there he walks away from you, giving you his back to look to. you feel like crying. you walk slowly to ladiesroom (toilet). and crying. not because he's not yours. not because he have a girlfriend. because you realize how you love him, after all those things happen. you're happy to have this amazing opportunity. you're glad that your 3years in japan ended up with this. and you realize no matter what, you just cant stop loving him. no matter what. you'll always pray to god to protect him wherever he is, to make him stronger day by day, to make him beloved always, to make him happy. 


cause he deserve much of love and he's worth to fall for.

-the end-

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