Riding Lessons

Warped Affection

                Luna leaned against the counter with the phone pressed to one ear and her other hand rubbing her forehead in annoyance.  “Baby, I’m sorry the boys lost the game but I’ve already got something scheduled for tomorrow,” she exhaled slowly, trying to be understanding about his predicament.  It was always easier to breathe when he wasn’t looming over her, expression changing at the drop of a hat.  She could speak more freely over the phone and not worry about the way his hands tightened into fists; the way his jaw clenched when he became annoyed; how he would sometimes glare at her as if she had done something wrong in not understanding him the first time he said something.

                Humming under her breath, she nodded along sympathetically and wandered into the living room while he ranted about how the other team had been cheating and the referees hadn’t done their job and absolutely none of it had been his fault.  His boys had been just fine and even if the first string had gotten tired, they were more than able to keep up with the rest of the offense.  Just as quickly, he jumped topics though and started lambasting her about being busy when he needed her.

                “Kris.  That’s not fair,” she chided, folding up on the couch with her knees to her chest and the other arm wrapped around them loosely.  “It was a last minute lesson scheduling and no, I can’t just shove it off on somebody else,” Luna told him firmly, jaw clenching in irritation.

                Of course that meant she didn’t love him and she should have kept her schedule open because she is supposed to know that games are always hit and miss.  Apparently, it was her job to know ahead of time when he would need her…  When he demanded to know who she was meeting with for lessons, she stifled a sigh and ran her fingers through her hair tiredly.

                “You know I can’t tell you that, baby.  It’s against policy.”  That much was true, but she knew he wasn’t going to be happy if or when he found out that they were friends of Yongguk’s.  Even less so if he knew her neighbor was going to be helping her.  Luna’s eyes narrowed when Kris started to take offense and she resorted to his players as an example, “Like you can just go giving the information of your team just like that?  Same principle,” she explained flatly.  “If you’re so concerned, you can see for yourself, but I am giving lessons tomorrow.”

                Her face crumpled further in irritation when he went on about her setting up plans without running them by him, which she didn’t often do mind you, but it was horribly bad timing.  For another moment, she let him continue, feeling more and more guilty about her choice but she covered her face with her hand and forced herself to take a deep, quiet breath.

                “Listen,” she interrupted him carefully, gesturing with her hand in front of her.  “I’ll be free after the lesson, which shouldn’t take more than a couple hours at most, and I’ll be available all day Sunday so we can get together then.  I will happily discuss how awful the refs were with you and your team or whatever else comes up.  I just can’t early tomorrow.”

                She closed her eyes as she listened to him bemoan her schedule and finally managed to get him off the phone with the promise of spending time with him later if he wanted.  Quite frankly, she would prefer a little more time to get her thoughts together but then felt bad about trying to avoid him just because she didn’t want to give an answer to his question the other night.  She still didn’t know what she was going to tell him…

                “Aish!” she groaned, clasping the quiet phone in her hands as she leaned her head back against the couch.  What was she doing giving lessons tomorrow anyway?  If Yongguk hadn’t been so insistent and… pleading, she might have been able to turn him down.  But it was honestly the first time she’d seen him even attempt some sort of aegyo and the end result had her equal parts surprised and confused.  Laughingly, she agreed, if only to console him for his incredibly awkward attempt, rather amused by the interesting shade of red his ears had turned after the fact.

                Despite Kris’s irritation with her, she was rather looking forward to lessons though.  It had been a while and it was always nice to show newbies the joy of riding.  Supposedly, they were very good friends of Yongguk’s, which could be a good thing…  If he was any measure to go by as far as friends were concerned, she was rather looking forward to meeting them.  Now if she could just get to bed and be ready for the morrow, she’d be golden.

                Focusing on the task at hand, Luna continued to brush out Ginger, the roan mare they’d had for almost forever, hide beginning to gray with age.  She was by herself, with Minseok and Victoria in the house, she was more than able to prep two horses for the afternoon.  Neither she nor Yongguk would need one since they’d only be relegated to the training ring, probably guiding them on foot.  She was so focused on the mare in front of her that she almost completely missed the sound of someone coming up the center walk.

                “Morning, Luna,” the deep, familiar voice greeted, a smile evident in his tone.

                Luna beamed in return and looked over her shoulder to see Yongguk coming to rest in front of the stall.  “Morning, Yongguk.  You’re really early,” she laughed, moving the brush up Ginger’s neck, sliding over the supple flesh with long .

                “I figured I’d give you a hand if you’d let me,” he chuckled, nodding at her once with a quick glance around.  “Himchan and Jongup should be here before too long.  The one’s always early,” he rolled his eyes in amusement and pointed at the next stall down.  “You working with Prancy again?”

                “Yep.  He’s good and reliable,” she assured him with a sidelong glance.  “If you could stay on him, anyone can,” she winked in a gentle teasing manner.

                “Hey,” he laughed with a gummy grin.  “I’m not that bad.”

                “Anymore,” she nodded, jerking her head towards the old gelding.  Yongguk frowned at her in amused annoyance and she laughed, “Why don’t you go ahead and get him ready.  We’ll wait to saddle them up when your friends arrive,” she explained easily, dropping the brush to switch to a large toothed comb for the mane and tail.

                “Yes ma’am,” Yongguk saluted easily, jogging to the office to retrieve another bucket of brushes so he could do his part.

                Luna paused what she was doing to watch him, a small smile tugging at her lips.  He was always so excited around her and the horses; so eager to help out.  It was nice.  When he stepped out of the office, he noticed her looking at him and flashed her a bright smile, waving mutely and she felt her cheeks flush.  He really did have a nice smile.  Ducking her head shyly, she laughed and returned her focus to Ginger, pleased by her easygoing manner this morning.  She was bigger than Prancy, standing closer to Wind’s Playmate’s height, but just as easy to get along with.

                According to their conversation yesterday, neither friend had riding experience but at least the one was very excited about it.  The thought made Luna smile.  She always enjoyed enthusiastic clients because they made the job that much more fun.  By the time the pair had gotten the horses brushed out and ready for their gear, she perked up as she heard a couple new voices heading their way, paces slow and hesitant while they apparently looked around.  A glance at her watch showed they were half an hour early… just like Yongguk said.  She waited to see what he was going to do before she opted to step out and listened when she heard him respond first.

                “Channie.  You made it,” he announced, deep voice easy to hear as it carried through the air effortlessly.

                “Gukkie!”  Luna had to stifle a laugh and grinned when she heard the name.  That was an interesting nickname indeed.

                “Ugh…” Yongguk groaned, the sound accompanied by a smack and she could just imagine him hitting himself in the forehead with his palm.

                “You know you love it,” Himchan teased, calling his friend over.  “Look, Uppie.  This place is amazing.  Oh!  And they have a white horse too!” he gasped, clearly ecstatic.  Obviously they were looking at Luhan’s show horse, Majesty, the dainty mare a sight to behold when she was clean and brushed out.

                “I like the red one,” the newest voice announced and she could only presume it was Jongup.

                Taking that as her cue, she stepped out from behind the mare and waved in greeting.  “Good morning and welcome to Heavenly Stables,” she announced, slipping free of the stall as Ginger shifted in place, shaking her head slowly.

                “Morning!” the more slender male directly beside Yongguk greeted brightly, apparently Himchan if the sound of their voices was any indication.  He had sharper features than either of his companions, with short black hair and kind dark eyes, but he was all smiles and… well, cute was the only way she could describe him.  “You must be, Luna,” he exclaimed, closing the distance between them swiftly with his hand held out while the other two hurried after.  It was amusing that Yongguk looked slightly nervous and Jongup had yet to show a change in his facial features.

                “Yes.  That would be me,” she agreed, accepting the handshake easily.

                “It’s so good to finally meet you, Miss Luna.  Yongguk has told me so much about you,” he admitted with a gesture towards the taller, flushing male who coughed uncomfortably into his fist.

                “Has he now?” she laughed with a raised brow in his direction while he shrugged mutely and looked around, trying not to make eye contact.

                “Quite,” Himchan answered knowingly with a glance at his uncomfortable companion.  “He said you were talented and attractive, and I had my doubts because he could go on and on, but look at you,” he exclaimed, glancing up and down her figure in an admiring manner that he somehow managed to pull off without being creepy.  “You could be a model my dear!  Couldn’t she baby?” he asked with a glance at his quiet companion while Yongguk coughed at the side again, a flush creeping up his neck as he made a point not to look directly at her.  He wasn’t able to maintain it though and flushed even further when their eyes met for a moment before he turned away, rubbing the back of his neck.

                Jongup just smiled and simply nodded in easy agreement, further fueling the blush that invaded Luna’s cheeks as well.  “Really now,” she laughed shyly, ducking her head in embarrassment while she waved her hands in front of her, trying to compose herself.

                “Channie,” Yongguk partially growled in warning as he elbowed his friend in the ribs, still keeping his gaze down.

                “Ow!  I’m just saying,” he pouted at Yongguk, sighing with a roll of his eyes.

                “He’s always like this,” Jongup leaned in to assure her, offering his hand in greeting politely.  “I’m Jongup by the way.  Nice to meet you,” he bowed over her hand in a polite gesture with an entirely disarming and charming smile.  He had to be younger than the rest of the group with an innocent face, narrow eyes that smiled all the time, and dark brown hair that crowned his head.  Even though he was dressed in a t-shirt and blue jeans, it was obvious he was at least fairly fit by the appearance of his arms as they extended from his sleeves.

                “Aish!  I forgot to introduce myself properly!” Himchan wailed, throwing his hands up in distress.  “I’m Himchan; Gukkie’s best friend and Uppie’s boyfriend,” he announced proudly, winking at her in a playful manner.

                Yongguk just smacked his hand over his eyes and groaned quietly while Luna looked at him in surprise.  These two were best friends?  They were honestly night and day…  “Well then,” she exhaled quickly, still flushing from his earlier comment.  She had to clear as she reclaimed her hand and gestured back towards the horses.  “If you’re… um… ready, we can begin the lesson?” she prompted, still struggling to regain her calm.

                Himchan stood up and visibly seemed to take hold of himself, reining his enthusiasm in just a hair.  “I’m sorry, Miss Luna.  I’m simply excited is all.  Though you really are very pretty,” he assured her while he reached over to take Jongup’s hand in his, squeezing lightly.

                “Just Luna, if you please,” she smiled, hands clasped in front of her while she shot the still flushing Yongguk another quick glance.  He seemed just as taken aback by Himchan’s response as she was so it was likely entirely unexpected for the most part.  “And I’m happy that you’re excited.  That’s always a good thing,” she assured the pair, waving them over to the chosen mounts.

                “They’re so big!” Himchan gasped, getting up close as he stared at the two creatures with wide eyes.  “I want to ride the smaller one,” he leaned over and whispered to Jongup who just smiled and nodded in agreement.

                “That would be Prancy,” Luna introduced, opening the stall door for them.  “Have you ever been around horses before?”

                “Not really.  I’ve driven past them plenty of times,” he admitted, easing into the confined space with Jongup in tow.  Luna noticed Yongguk grinning in the back as he watched them, very much enjoying himself.

                “Well then.  I think you’ll be in for a treat today.  Yongguk started off on Prancy so you should be just fine,” she promised, patting the gelding’s neck fondly.

                “Is that so?” Himchan smiled slyly, looking over his shoulder at Yongguk who made a face back at him.

                “Yep.  And Jongup?  Why don’t we come say hi to Ginger,” Luna suggested, gesturing for the younger male to step into the stall next to them.  “She’s a bit taller but just as easy to get along with.  You can pet her if you’d like.  We’ll be getting them geared up shortly and then we’ll get you both going in the ring you probably saw on your way in.”

                “She’s so soft,” Jongup laughed once, running his hand methodically over the side of her torso, moving his way to explore her neck and mane, brows crinkling at the difference in texture.  His smile returned in full force though when he got to her head and she snuffled into his hand, the incredibly soft skin of her nose and whiskers tickling his palm.

                “There you go,” she smiled, rubbing Ginger’s forehead fondly.  “Alright.  So we’ll walk you through the gear and how to go about mounting and once you’re on horseback, you can get used to riding a bit.”

                It didn’t take them long to get sorted out about who would be working with who.  Himchan very quickly established he preferred Luna’s instruction and Jongup was fine with working with Yongguk, though the latter was suspicious of his friend’s motivation.  Luna noticed him exchanging words with Himchan before they traded places so she could help the other male get ready.  They were an interesting pair to be sure.

                “Alright Himchan,” she smiled, taking her place beside him as she inspected the gear.  “Let’s get you and Prancy ready,” she explained with a nod towards the saddle and bridle.  As she worked, she talked about what each piece was and how one went about tightening the girth strap, letting him give the final tug so he could see how it felt.  When Prancy inhaled to keep it loose, she slapped his shoulder in an amused, chiding fashion and nodded at Himchan to try one more time, seeing him cinch it another notch, to his surprise.  She put the bridle on, showing how there was a space at the back of their jaws where the bit rested behind their teeth and it was far too amusing seeing him cringe when he thought the horse was going to bite her.

                In short order, they had both Himchan and Jongup seated and ready, waiting patiently for their guides to lead them towards the ring.  Grabbing Prancy’s reins, Luna advised Himchan to watch his head and legs as they passed through the stable entrance.  A glance back showed Yongguk doing the same for Jongup, a bright grin on the younger male’s face while he held tight to the saddle horn in front of him.  Looking up at Himchan, she could see a similar, almost giddy expression alight on his visage.

                “This is nice,” he smiled, playing with Prancy’s mane between his fingers, his other hand gripping the saddle horn firmly.

                “Just relax and feel the way he moves under you.  You’ll adjust soon enough,” she promised, starting in a wide circle.

                “So do you give lessons often?” Himchan asked, looking down at her curiously as he played with whatever he could put his hands on in front of him.

                “I compete in jumping competitions mostly but it’s nice to instruct from time to time,” Luna admitted, running her palm over her hair smoothly.  “How’s it feel so far?”

                “This is so exciting!” he grinned, looking back at the other pair following them.  “Isn’t it, Uppie?”

                “Ne!” he chirped in agreement, grinning from ear to ear so that his eyes practically disappeared.

                “You good, Yongguk?” Luna asked just to be sure.  He wasn’t actually instructing but since she was taking point, if they had any questions, they could just call ahead so she was good with him helping out for the day.

                “Just fine,” he assured her with a thumbs-up.

                She nodded in approval and focused her attention back on Himchan.  “Alright.  Why don’t you hold the reins now and we’ll see about getting you to steer then.”  Slowing down, she adjusted his grip so he’d be ready to try in a moment or two when he’d gotten used to the feel of them.

                “So how do you like Gukkie?” Himchan asked nonchalantly with a glance back.

                “Eh?  Well, he’s a good friend,” Luna smiled, looking down at her feet nervously as she chewed her bottom lip in thought.  She seemed to be saying that about him a lot lately.

                “Oh?  He really does think highly of you,” the rider assured her with a sincere smile.

                She laughed lightly and smiled, “I think a lot of him too.  He’s a good guy,” she admitted with a pat on Himchan’s calf, forcing herself not to look over her shoulder.  “He even won over my bosses on the first day.”  Luna grinned as she turned around to look at Yongguk pointedly.  “I still think it’s because you bribed Minseok to let you work here.”

                Yongguk tilted his head to the side in confusion before his mouth dropped open and he sputtered, “Hey!  Stop talking about me where I can’t defend myself.”

                “You’ll be fine,” Himchan waved back at him almost patronizingly.

                “Don’t even start, Channie,” Yongguk warned, elbowing Jongup’s leg as if he expected some sort of backup which never actually came.  Luna and Himchan laughed at the response before they heard Yongguk add one more thing, “And I did not bribe Minseok!”

                “He really didn’t,” Luna confirmed with a smile, walking beside Prancy as they continued to make their way around the ring.

                “I take it Gukkie usually helps you around the stables then?” Himchan asked casually, concentrating on the reins as opposed to her.

                “Ne,” Luna nodded.  “He’s still relatively new but he pulls his weight,” she admitted with a smile, glancing back at the taller male who was making sure Jongup was holding the reins in the correct manner, noticing belatedly that he was under scrutiny again.

                “Wasn’t there some sort of drunken escapade with that?  Something about him ending up in front of your door?” he chuckled in smug amusement, adding volume to the last part of his statement so the other two were bound to hear it.

                “That wasn’t my fault!” Yongguk defended himself with a plaintive growl.

                Luna blinked at Yongguk sympathetically before her attention was diverted back to Himchan, one raised brow.  She nodded slowly, “It was certainly an interesting evening but not bad by any means,” she smiled with a fond expression, letting her gaze land on the young man behind her.

               “So he doesn’t give you any trouble then?  Back when we were kids, he used to be a terrible punk,” he winked, smiling sweetly at Yongguk when the older male glared at him, suspicion evident since he couldn’t actually hear what they were talking about this time.

                “Really?” Luna asked, an intrigued smile crossing her face while she followed his line of sight, eyes crinkling as Yongguk looked at her questionably.

                “Yep.  When we met in the fourth and fifth grade, he’d just moved into the area and he was quite the little bully,” Himchan snorted with a roll of his eyes.  Luna covered with her hand and laughed, unable to picture that for a moment.  “Seriously.  He used to steal my lunch money like every day,” he glowered, wrinkling his nose at the still mystified older male behind them while Jongup just rode along, happy as could be.

                “I never would have guessed,” Luna admitted, patting Prancy’s neck.  “Why don’t you try steering for a bit?” she offered, nudging his knee carefully with her hand.

                “Sure,” he grinned without hesitation, easing into his role like he was born to it.  “We hated each other back then,” he added conversationally.

                “What changed?” Luna asked after a pause where they listened to the sound of Prancy’s hooves sifting through the dirt, accompanied by the occasional snort as he took a heavy breath.

                Himchan was quiet for a moment longer and he glanced back at the pair, smiling warmly.  “He moved up to the next grade and had to leave his little brother behind.  You’ve met Junhongie right?”  When Luna nodded in agreement, he continued, “Well, Gukkie’s little brother was a tiny thing back then and just going into the first grade.  He seemed to take a liking to me, which Yongguk hated even more, and I was more than happy to bugger him any way I could,” he laughed mischievously.  “It probably didn’t hurt I sort of took Junhong under my wing and shared my lunches with him.  The boy could eat!”

               “I can imagine,” Luna tilted her head in agreement.  “So you and Junhong were friends before Yongguk?”

               “Yep.  Junhong always carried a skateboard with him too.  Couldn’t ride it to save his life and it was falling apart at the seams but it was his.  So, when a couple punks in the…” he trailed off trying to remember what grade they were in.  “I don’t remember,” he admitted with a toss of his hands, inadvertently yanking on the reins and startling Prancy into veering away when he was confused by the instructions.  “Yah!” he yelped, clinging to the saddle horn with both hands even though the horse stopped a couple feet after the fact with Luna holding him.

                “Easy,” she cooed, petting Prancy’s cheek in a soothing manner.

                “You guys alright?” Yongguk called ahead, clearly worried, a similarly concerned expression on Jongup’s face too.

                “Ne!” Himchan responded quickly, though he was clinging tight enough to indicate otherwise.

                “You sure?” Luna asked instead, leaning close as she placed her hand on Himchan’s calf in a supportive manner.

                “Heh.  I just spook easy sometimes,” he admitted sheepishly.  “Keep going please,” he nodded at her so that Luna could give the all clear.

                She gave him a searching look and then took a breath, nodding once in agreement.  “Okay.  But let’s head the other direction for a bit.  We’re turning about,” she called over to Yongguk, gesturing with her hand to let him know.  For just a moment, she had the strangest feeling she was being watched and when she saw that it wasn’t any of her group mates, she frowned, looking around briefly.

                “Gotcha!” Yongguk agreed, catching her attention as he grabbed the reins to get Ginger and Jongup headed in the other direction with little trouble.  The younger male was back to grinning again, moving easily with the motion of the horse, clearly relaxed.

                “Show off,” Himchan muttered with a smile, gaze appreciative when they ended up following the pair.  He glanced down at Luna slyly, a smirk pulling at his lips, and added, “Quite a nice view we have here.  For both of them,” he winked when she looked up at him in surprise.

                Luna looked away as soon as he mentioned it and tried not to focus on any of the figures before her, settling professionally on Ginger at first.  But then her eyes started to wander with a mind of their own and because it felt rude to even glance at Jongup after Himchan’s comment, Yongguk’s toned form became her target.  Once there, she was temporarily unable to ignore the way that her coworker walked in front of her, muscled arms swinging loose at his sides and physique obvious beneath the dark blue tank top that hugged his v-shaped frame and covered part of his lower half.

                 Her cheeks turned red when she realized she was staring at his and admiring the way he walked…  The flush extended to the rest of her face when the thought occurred to her he’d been behind her a moment ago.  Had he… well it was that or the horse after all.  Aish…

                “Told you,” Himchan chuckled in satisfied amusement, easily catching where she was looking.  “Nice view!” he whistled ahead, keeping his gaze locked on Jongup but by the way Yongguk whirled around, both males flushing with embarrassed expressions, Luna knew the statement was meant for him as well.

                “Channie, you !” Yongguk growled when he turned to the side to hide his profile somewhat while Jongup was left without any options, though he didn’t seem to mind the additional attention.

                Jongup just blushed cutely, ducking his head as he turned in place and waved shyly back at Himchan.  “I know,” he admitted, turning scarlet before he faced forward, clearly happy with his comeback.

                Himchan’s jaw dropped open slightly in proud delight.  “That’s my baby!” he pointed at Jongup in excitement, grinning down at Luna who just looked out of place, if somewhat perplexedly amused by their exchange.

                Flustered, she cleared and brushed the palm of her sweaty hand against her pant leg, studiously not looking at Yongguk in the meantime.  “You were saying about Junhong?” she asked Himchan, though she still felt like she was being watched.  Maybe it was someone at the house.

                “Ah.  The little shrimp,” Himchan chuckled, seemingly diverted.  “Well.  Like I was saying, some punks tried to steal or break Junhong’s skateboard and I tried and failed miserably in defending him.  I got my beat that day,” he admitted with a wry chuckle as he shook his head, rubbing the back of his neck in embarrassment.  “And not in a good way,” he added in a teasing manner with another wink.

                “Um… okay?” she swallowed, unsure how to respond as the implied meaning registered, making her blush again.  Given how very open Himchan was, she couldn’t wait to hear how he and Yongguk had managed to become friends.  It seemed impossible.  Fortunately though, she didn’t need to ask, but an uncertain look at Yongguk showed that he was at least slightly concerned by her rapid change in facial expressions, at least when paired with Himchan’s smug look.

                “What happened next you ask?” he intoned with a devilish smirk at his best friend who simply glared back at him with a warning expression the younger man disregarded entirely.  “Would you believe my most hated enemy actually came to my rather late rescue and beat the tar out of those kids for messing with me and his brother?”  His smile turned genuine then and he gave Luna a warm look as he nodded, reaching down to press his hand upon her shoulder in an awkward position in the saddle.

                “Careful,” she urged, reaching to steady him as she made sure he didn’t fall out of his seat.

                “He didn’t care about much back then.  Certainly not about himself with all the fights he managed to make himself a part of.  He had the bruises to show it too,” he shook his head at the memory, eyes slightly dazed.  “But he was and still is very protective of those he cares about, which brought me under his protection when I tried to help his brother,” he laughed, scratching his head in confused acceptance.

                “So you got beat up trying to protect Junhong and suddenly you became best friends?” she asked, looking between the two uncertainly.

                “Well it didn’t happen overnight,” Himchan snorted with a dismissive wave of his hands.  “He was still completely full of himself and didn’t think anything could touch him but since he couldn’t keep an eye out for his brother like I could, he backed me accordingly.”

                “I can hardly imagine him,” and she gestured at Yongguk, “as a bad boy.”  Everything she’d seen of him, including the cute, drunk Yongguk, indicated he was anything but.

                “Heh.  He did have a bit of a name for himself,” Himchan laughed with a nod.

                “Hey Yongguk!” Luna called ahead, waiting for him to turn around so she could continue.  “You never told me you were a bad man,” she teased with a giggle, watching confusion and then irritation blossom over his face as he focused his attention on the rider beside her.

                “Himchan!” he growled, glaring at his best friend though he continued walking forward with a bemused Jongup smiling between them.

                “What?!” he retorted, all sugary innocence with his one fist pressed against his face cutely in a rather disturbing display of aegyo.  When Yongguk turned forward again, obviously muttering under his breath, Himchan leaned closer to Luna and whispered, “If he wasn’t as straight as they come and my best friend in the whole world, I would have made a move on him a long time ago.  He really is pretty much as good as they come.  Well, except for my Uppie anyway, which I have Junhongie to thank for,” he added with a giddy grin.  “Isn’t that right, Uppie?” he asked loudly, watching his boyfriend to see how he responded.

                Jongup perked up and turned around, confused since he didn’t know what the original statement was but he smiled at Himchan and waved with a nod, “Ne.”

                “See?  He’s so cute, isn’t he?” Himchan asked with a giddy smile, practically melting in place.

                “Stop teasing him, Channie,” Yongguk grumbled, well aware that his friend was up to something.  When Jongup just reached out to brush his fingertips against Yongguk’s shoulder, he frowned at the younger male and then sighed with a roll of his eyes, giving up for the time being.

                “Ah…” Luna trailed off, slightly caught off guard again.  As Yongguk continued to cast suspicious, irritated glances back at Himchan, she found herself looking at him speculatively, a peculiar fluttering sensation beginning in her stomach.  “Himchan?” she asked after a moment, expression pensive.

                “Hm?” he hummed in response, content smile in place while he watched Jongup in front of him, completely ignoring Yongguk for the time being.

                “What made him change?” she asked, looking up at the rider beside her.

                “What do you mean?” Himchan responded, meeting her gaze.

                “He’s nothing like how you describe him anymore,” she explained in confusion.

                “Well.  He is still very protective of his friends, but mostly…”  Himchan took a breath as his expression became serious and thoughtful.  “He grew up a lot when he had to take care of his brother.”

                “What do you mean?” Luna asked.  From the sound of it, he’d always taken care of him.

                “Yongguk is Junhong’s legal guardian,” he explained quietly, scratching the side of his face with one trimmed fingernail.  When the older male looked back again, his glare lost some of its irritation and he became more uncertain when he saw Himchan’s altered expression.

                “How?” she couldn’t help but ask, gasping in surprise when she realized the unintentional question slipped past her lips.

                Himchan just chuckled in understanding and reached down to squeeze her shoulder again.  “That is not my story to tell.  You could try asking him though.  He just may tell you,” he promised with a knowing smile, giving Yongguk a warm grin as he straightened up and seemed to take on a different air in a matter of seconds.  “So!  Do we get to try anything besides walking in circles?” he asked, completely veering off onto another topic and keeping Luna so off-balance, she didn’t know what to think; one way or the other.


(a/n:  Well then.  So much for a short chapter.  And to think I was trying to shove this one with the other Yongguk one.  >.>  Right...  But we've a bit more backstory and some rather embarrassing moments between our group.  Bahaha.  It's not entirely as comedic as I intended but it was still fun to write.  Anyone else catch the 'Bad Man' reference?  heh

I know how it's going to end, I just have to write it out now.  I would give you an estimate but I'm usually wrong.  Leaning towards four but don't quote me on it.  lol  In the meantime, I do hope you've enjoyed the latest update and that you're looking forward to the next one!  hehe  Thanks for reading and take care!)

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Huzzah! New poster/title and I'm working on touch ups after my latest review. ^_^ - 01/14/14


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Chapter 11: "She’d have to see if she couldn’t get Youngjae to show her the pictures later." -should be "if she could get..."?
sincesince #2
Hello dear author,
how have ubeen doin? I'm doin just fine..lol
Did you just changed the title of
this story?I dunno maybe I'm
wrong or maybe i miss you so
much so i post it here in case you
will reply something. Anyway, maybe i wrong and need to get my eyes check cuz i'm
suffering on fever.. :))
Chapter 16: AAAAHHH THEY ENDED TOGETHER AQSEGFBKJOJFZ heol but it has already ended T_____T i will miss waiting for the quick satisfying updates of this fic! totally had spiced up my holidays for the past few weeks (?) hehe
as other feedbacks, i love how yongguk had the support of everyone, and when he received the attire meant for luna, i was like omg no he won't be able to give to her sobs ;A; lmao and daehyun with hot wheels XD hahahahah that really humoured me, wtf is he thinking, bullying yongguk like that! kris had gotten what he deserved, altho for a short time. he deserved 30 years, not days! haha i just can't imagine him sitting still in jail, he would've picked upsome scraped of white debris and unleash his art on the jail walls XD
throughout, this has become one of favourites, in terms of writing, and story plot. plus it isn't everyday a good fic like this comes :)
oh, and a very happy new year to you! may your wishes for 2014 be achieved :3
Chapter 16: NOO ITS DONEEE. *CRIES FOR 2384627858 HOURS* THIS IS SUCH AN ADORABLE STORYY. Oh and when you said Yongguk shattered his bones in his wrist, it reminded me of my teacher cause the same thing happened to him when he was snowboarding trying to impress some girls. LOOL. But when his bones shattered, he was so shocked that he didn't feel anything. At all. Hes just like.
"Uhh. I think i broke my wrist."
Well anyways... best Yongguk/Luna story and i think its the first, but i don't care as long as there's a fic about them, my life is complete.
(I'm weird)
Oebmoon #5
Chapter 16: Happy ending!!!!
And Happy New year!!!
Thx for complete this story authornim ^^
sincesince #6
Chapter 16: And... Luna come back to Yongguk eventually. I hope they get married n raise lots of children, livin in prosperity ever after. :))

#Dear Author, do u mind if i ask u who's ur fav f(x) member and why?
Chapter 15: I really want to cry this is so sad. But cute at the same time... Cause i cant imagine Luna coming back and then they hug each other and... I cant explain it... Update soon :')
Damn woman, Kris Wu is cuckoo to the bone!

and after a while, I finally found a story in which Yongguk is paired with a female idol (my baby). Though I found the pairing is a little bit off, I don't think anybody else would fit his character in this story. and oh, I freaking love the way you write!
Chapter 14: One word: craaaaazzzzyyyyy...