Chapter 3

You Jerk, do i look like i like you ?

Shi won could feel Myungsoo's gaze boring into her body, and it felt like it was penetrating through her soul as well. Then, Xiumin walked towards her . He leaned in close and she gulped , "Make him taste the best espresso he had ever tasted in his whole life , making him stunned for words and make sure he regrets that he fired you." She nooded quickly and set to work, determined to get away from him as quickly as possible. When she saw that he left to check on the other students, she relaxed and begun to work on in . Soon enough, the scent of the strong brew came to life. Xiumin caught the scent and smiled. This was the first time she brewed such a powerful one , he thought. Meanwhile, Myungsoo had also caught on to the coffee scent, and wondered where was the smell coming from. He stood up , but Xiumin was faster than him . She gave the coffee cup and he smelt it. Tasting a little in the process. He smiled at Shi Won."Good Job , you found the correct mixture." He ruffled her hair and gave the cuo to Myungsoo. "Myung, your style. I tasted it . You should like it . The girl there made it specially for you as i told her you like espressos . " Myungsoo smiled ." Thanks bro." He tasted the espresso, drinking a little of it . OH, he felt it .  The power of the espresso. It was wonderful, as if coming from a powerful , like you suddenly felt as if yoi could do anything in the world. He then stood up to leave , not before glancing to the back of the girl's head. I will come here again. he thought." Hey Xiu, bud, i need to go now . I'll come here the next lesson. Just remembered what i had to do after that shot. It was powerful, like having your , you know ?" Myungsoo grinned when he saw everyone blushing from his open-minded statement. He saw the girl not paying any attention to him. Oh well, at least she made him this cup of coffee . He patted Xiumin on the shoulder . "See you the next lesson!" And he walked out. Shi won sighed a breath of relief when he walked out. " Good job everyone ! See you tomorrow !" She smiled as he walked ovee to her . "Good job! That was the first espresso you made here right ?" She nodded ." Well, that was the best ! You've got approval. I should definately send you to the competetions ." Hee eyes widened. "No, Mr Kim, i can't . My standard is not as good as yours yet . " He chuckled. " You sure can . You'll do well, dont worry. I know you channeled all your hate into that coffee thats why he said that statement at the end ." She blushed . Comparing a cup of coffee to ... that . "You can do it if you channel all your energy into a cup of coffee.All the best !" He told her and left . The others all left already . She packed up and closed up, praying hard that Myungsoo was not coming tomorrow.

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