Chapter 2


Lesson was normal , all i had to do was listen. Well , i couldn't concentrate when people are looking at me. -_- The bell rang ,indicating it's lunch time. All students went to the cafeteria except for me. I wasn't in a mood to eat nor talk. I walked and walked , not knowing where i'm going. It's just how i wander around the city 5 years ago. My tears starts streaming down my cheeks. I sat on a bench at the field and cried. I didn't care if others see me in this state. I have to let it out. Just then i could see a few shoes infront of me. I looked up and it's SNSD. 

"Hey , um..Gwenchana?" Sooyoung asked.

"Ahaa.. Yeah.." I faked a smile.

"You're just faking it."

"How'd you know?"

"Because i know how you -"

"FEEL?! Wow ,yeah. You know how i FREAKING feel?! HOW?! YOU TELL ME!!? TELL ME , CHOI SOOYOUNG!!!!!!" I shouted at the top of my lungs letting it out until it was black. I woke up and my vision was blurry. I blinked to get a clearer vision. I looked beside me. The SNSD members are talking , not knowing i was awake so i decided to eavesdrop their conversation.

"Hey ,don't you think she's kinda creepy?" Sunny asked.

"Or you meant , weird? She is indeed creepy and weird." Yuri said.

"Just don't let her hear this. I think she's some sort of monster." Sooyoung said.

"Look Choi Sooyoung. Maybe it's just imagination. You've been playing games about monsters these days." Taeyeon said sternly.

"What if she is a monster? What should we do then?" Yoona asked with her voice cracking.

"What if i AM real , guys?" I said. All of them turned at me. Shocked was written all over their faces. I nodded.

"I am a monster." I confessed. All this while , i wouldn't be able to tell mortals that i'm immortal. My mom and dad left me because they had their reason. And this time ,they're the only one who knew me..

"Alright... I know you guys are shocked but bring me home please. I'll tell you when we get home." I said.

"But , if you're a monster , won't your family -"

"No." I said coldly. I don't want to remember about it. They left me just because i was a monster. 

"Let's go? ."

"Uhhh..Y-yeah.." They drove me to my house. They followed me to my house. Mrs Kang greeted me and my friend. Well , it's my first time having friends over.

"Well , if you're here , means you know -"

"Yes they know. I'm bringing them in." I said coldly.

"Hey , you shouldn't be -" I cut Taeyon off.

"She's not my real mom ,quit talking." I said. We made our way to my room after settling ourselves down , i locked the room so they won't escape. I smirked at them. And just what i expected , they were shocked.

"Y-yah! Stop scaring us ,we're going home now ,bye." Jessica said , making her way to the door ,just see it's lock.

"Well?" I said.

"We're queenkas ,you should respect us." Sooyoung said.

"Wow ,just as i expected ,queenkas has a HIGH place of all mortals." 

"Y-yah , i thought you're a kind girl." 

"I am. I was just scaring you. DUH." I said while rolling my eyes. I patted at the floor so all of them can sit. They hesitated but sat down. 

"So ,you guys are wondering why i was disrespectful towards my so-called "mom" , right?"

"Uhh , yeah."

"Well , when i was 9 , my parents left me , after knowing i was a "monster" or to be exact , "immortals." "

"What is immortals?"

"Immortals are called monsters. But there's bad and good. Mortals are humans. Like you guys!I said/

"Ahh...Ohh..." They said in unison.

"Anyways , i won't tell you what species i am. Or what "powers" i have. Just save me from trouble because i don't want to cause TROUBLE." I said , emphasising the word trouble. Yes , i don't want to cause harm to mortals ,like what i did in my previous school.

"Don't worry , we'll try our best." They said ,finally smiling.

"And before i forgot , Don't. Ever. Tell. Anyone. About. This. Or..." I showed the "You're-Gonna-Die" gesture. They nodded.

"So ,best friends?" Yuri asked.

"No ,sisters!" Sooyoung said.

"Agree." I said. With that we became as close as ever. And when they annouced that i was part of their group , i could see most of girls in the school jeered and scoffed. They probably would bully me , obviously. For example , when i was going to the washroom , a group of students came to me and splashed paint all over me. Luckily i was able to get extra uniform. And some other things. Which make it worse. I'm just scared that i won't be able to control it and let the power to get over me. Argh! Why is it stressful for me. If i hadn't be a vampire ,i wouldn't be like this! 

"Miss Seo?! MISS SEO! Stop dreaming!" The teacher said. Gosh , why won't she just call my name instead of that "SEO , SEO , SEO,SEO ,SEO ,SEO ,SEO ,SEO ,SEO" 




This is very stressful. I ruffled my hair and took a nap in the classroom. When i woke up , the others were gone. But their bags are still in the classroom. I guess they're doing Physical Education , then. I stood up and walked out , walking to the gym. Just then , i could hear Taeyeon's voice.

"Hey , should we tell the teacher?" Taeyeon asked.

"About?" Jessica asked , not really paying attention.

"Seohyun -"

"JUST , WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE SAYING?!" I said ,scaring almost all of them.

"Seohyun ,we can explain. We are doing this for your own good." Sooyoung said.

"For my own good? For pete's sake , Sooyoung! I've been surviving for 298 years and no one has said that!"

"How could VAMPIRES live that LONG?!" Yuri said.

"It's just how it is. Now explain. Why? Plus ,you can't lie to me. I can read your mind ,missys."

"Shoot! Fine , i'm just feeling guilty of keeping secrets." Taeyeon confessed.

"You felt guilty for keeping MY secrets? How about THEM?" Pointing my fingers to the others. It made sense though.

"Fine ,i'm sorry. Maybe i was out of my mind , please forgive me ,Seohyun-ah!~" Taeyeon apologised. Gosh , how can i not forgive this little midget here. I nodded ,she hugged me like there's no tomorrow. I coughed. 

"I'm running out of breath." She understood right away ,loosing her grips on me. I smiled and chuckled at how childish they are. I guess living longer is good. Just then a knock was heard on the door. Taeyeon opened it and saw no one. She looked at us with a scared look. Just then ,a guy stood infront of Taeyeon ,shocking her. 

"Taemin?!" I shouted

"My ,my. You've made good friends here ,don't you?"

"Just stop with it , and go straight to the highway."

"You'll need to go back to Vamp.Town." He said seriously.

"WHAT?! The last time i went there was 178 years ago. Well , it's impossible for me to remember every single detail there."

"I agree. I haven't been there for 279 years , yet i could remember clearly. Tsk. Woori maknae is getting old ,huh?"

"Y-yah! I might be the maknae in the vampire world but not here. I'm the oldest."

"How about me ,Hyunnie?" Just then a guy came from behind.

"Gosh ,Kyuhyun!" I hugged him tightly.

"How i miss my baby girl~" 

"Eww." I said. 

"Wait , we're confused here ,Seohyun!!!" 

"Well , when i was a vampire , i don't know my skills and stuff , so , both of them met me and went to the Vamp.Town. That place is only for Vampires who aged 200 years and more. People who below that are called underage. Pssh ,sounds like a nightclub ,huh? Anyways ,they help me with everything until an "evil" vampire came and destroyed every single "good" vampire. Luckily , we defeated him. But i guess they're back ,right , oppas?"

"How did you know?" Kyuhyun and Taemin said in unison.

"Well ,i might be the maknae ,but i'm the sensible and smart out of all vampires." I winked.

"Okay ,so you ready?"

"No way!"


"I need to stay with them for a while. I'll teleport myself in a month or two. I promise."

"Okay ,you made the promise." With that , both of the guys disappeared into thin air.

"Wow." The girls said.

"I know." I said.

"But why didn't you want to go? We can still meet , right?" Tiffany asked.

"Well ,we can't for a month or more worse ,years ,Fany." I said.

"So ,that's why you disagreed? How sweet of you. But when are you going?" Yuri asked.

"I don't know. But i promised them earlier. If i don't come back for 1-5 months , don't wait for me ,get on with your lives without me ,arasso?" I said ,i teared up abit.

"B-but , SNSD is not a group if it's not 9 , Seohyun!" Tiffany said ,while crying.

"Aissh ,it's not that i'm leaving now. Stop crying , pinky." I wiped her tears away that made her blushed.


A/N: Hey , i hope you guys like it. ;) Sorry for the boring chapter. ;) I like Taemin and Kyuhyun. WWOOOOOOOTTT!!!~~~ Hope you'll be with me and support me till' the end ,anyeong~~~

-Author'nim- ♦


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eunixw #1
Chapter 4: SeoKai! :D
eunixw #2
Chapter 3: 5 girls attacked SeoHyun on purpose? Could they be Hara and Gyuri? Hope Seohyun will be fine though..