Chapter 3


I decided to go to Vamp.Town next month. I didn't tell the others because i didn't want them to be sad. I was sleeping when my phone vibrated. I groaned. I answered.

"Yeoboseyo?" I said in an angry tone.

"Ermm , can we meet?"

"Who is it?"


"Errh , where?"

"XXXXXXX Street."

"Alright. Anyeong." Strange , if the girls call me ,their name will appear on my phone screen. Oh well. I slept. The next morning , i showered and ran downstairs. My mom was waiting for me. I tapped her shoulder. She flinched. 

"You okay?"

"U-umm , yeah." She said nervously.


"I'm having a bad feeling."


"I don't know... Be careful ,arasso? .. If it's dangerous ,use your powers but don't make it obvious."

"And if i will be "dangerous" , what should i do?"

"Just control."

"Haish , arasso." I sighed. I walked out and waved at my mom. I went inside my car and drove to the address that was given to me. I got out and looked around. I walked further inside and it was a dead end. And that's when i realised i was inside a dark alley. Damn . I cursed myself. I could hear footsteps coming near. Suddenly , someone whacked my head using something hard. I fell down ,hardly. But this time ,i could feel the pain. Why is this happening? Usually , i won't feel any pain. Argh. I stood up , just to receive another hard punch. I dropped to the floor. They whacked me with several things and started kicking and punching me everywhere. I was rolling side to side. I covered my face and endured the pain. Control.... Suddenly , i received another hard kick on my stomach that pushed me towards the wall. That's it. I stood up and slammed my hand on the floor , on fours. I looked down and my eyes starts to turn red. I looked up and gazed at them sharply. I growled. I could feel my fangs coming out of my teeth , growing inch by inch. I stood up and i transformed into a vampire. I jumped on one of them , their blood continously ,didn't care about the person. I jumped on other and . And it happens until all of them was laying down ,lifelessly on the floor. Pale. I dropped on the floor , panting. I transformed back to normal. Just then i could hear alot of footsteps coming here. . I grabbed my shades and jumped on the wall and hid myself. Wow ,i can do parkour? Yaay! No time for that. I looked down , and it's SNSD. Gulp! They were checking on the people. I could see them gasping and shocked. I ran and teleported myself to my room. Woah ,i would be dead if they see me just now. I wiped my sweat and went back to sleep , didn't bother to change my clothes. The next thing i knew ,it was morning. I got up and showered. And did my daily routines. I walked to school with my shades on. Just then , i could sense a few people following me. I moved faster , so did they. I moved slower , they mimicked me. I stopped ,  they did to , i turned around and one of them opened my shades. I arched my brows.

"The heck?" I said , grabbing my shades back.

"Sorry." Sunny said.

"What is wrong with you guys?"

" We're just making sure."


"About yesterday... We saw the same sunglasses you wear and the person's eye color is red ,so i was wondering.. -"

"If it was me?" 


"Seriously? I was helping my step-mom." 


"It's alright." We walked to school together , when the principal asked all of the students to gather at the hall. We walked to the hall and listened to the principal.

"Today ,  we received a bad news. Five girls were killed. Our students. And the strange thing is ,on their necks , there were a few teeth marks on them. I believe it's some kind of vampire. If you know or see any suspicous looking person , contact us immediately." I was having cold sweat everywhere. No way. 

"We will have a "checking" now to see if any of you are "one" of them. Teachers ,please proceed." 





A/N: Hey ,i'm back from my 2 days holiday. ^^ Woot. It's 12.36 AM. And my mind is probably not working well. Sorry if there's any grammar mistakes and if it's boring , i'm so sorry. My brain isn't working now. Tomorrow ,i'll update more interesting story , arasso? ;))

-Author'nim- ♦

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eunixw #1
Chapter 4: SeoKai! :D
eunixw #2
Chapter 3: 5 girls attacked SeoHyun on purpose? Could they be Hara and Gyuri? Hope Seohyun will be fine though..