All I Want for Christmas Is You

12 Days of Christmas
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YeJin' POV...

After 7 years, I am back at Seoul. Although Sydney is beautiful, nothing beats home. I really miss the sights and sounds of Seoul. Since I left Seoul to study in Australia, I have been waiting for the day that I am coming back home. 

I was waiting for my cousin to pick me up at the airport. I was traveling alone since Eomma and Appa couldn't accompany me because they could not leave our business in Sydney. I was fine with that because I still have Immo and Samchon and my cousin in Seoul. When my cousin, Seunghyun arrived, he asked me whether we should go straight home or go around in the city first. I chose the latter because seriously, I miss Seoul. I told him to go straight to Hongdae since I missed it the most. We went straight to my favorite samgyupsal restaurant. Everything was going well until I saw someone entered the restaurant. I was shocked. It was him...


Kai's POV...

My friends and I just finished practicing our dance. We got hungry so we went to Hongdae for lunch. I was about to protest when I saw which restaurant they were about to enter but I was out numbered so i had no choice but to follow them inside. I don't really want to go inside this restaurant. This restaurant reminds me too much of her. This place is just full of our memories together.

We found a seat near the back. When we placed our orders, I could not help but glance at our favorite table back then. I saw a couple sitting there. They were talking happily but when the girl looked around, I was dumbfounded. It was her. Yejin. She's back...


YeJin's POV...

I could feel someone staring at me. I looked around to see and saw Kai staring at me. I stared back at him but I immediately lowered down my head. I don't know what he is doing here of all places. I find it hard to believe that him, of all people, will go to this restaurant. Doesn't he remember that this place has been the witness to everything that we had back then? Am I really nothing to him?

Kai is my ex-boyfriend. We dated for 2 years. He was 15 and I, 14. He is my first love. I used to think that he was the perfect boyfriend. He was so sweet, caring and he is always concerned about me. He would ask me if I was okay and if I'm sick, he would always be the one who takes care of me. everything was just perfect that I have always thought that I was so lucky to have him as my boyfriend. But one day, everything changed.

He started becoming irritable and would get angry at little things. He would just suddenly yell at me whenever I asked him if there is a problem and he would always call me clingy whenever I ask him if I could come and watch him dance. I  got so fed up with his attitude that I broke up with him. I thought that he would stop me from breaking up with him but I was wrong. Instead, he told that it was a good thing that I broke up with him because he was just waiting for me to end up our relationship. He said that he was tired of being with me and that he needs to find something or someone new. 

I was mad and heartbroken that when my parents told me that we will be moving to Sydney, I did not protest. I packed my bags and left for Sydney just 4 days after our break up. Nobody knew that I left Seoul except for my cousin and his parents. When I arrived in Sydney, I told myself that I am going to stop thinking about Kai and just forget about him. I thought that I succeeded, but now that I have seen him, I can feel everything coming back. I can feel my heart beat faster again because of him. I knew that I have never really moved on. I knew that like before, I still love him...


Kai's POV...

I was happy to know that Yejin is back. I know that I have done unforgivable things to her. I know that I have hurt her and that I have broke her heart. I regret hurting her but I could not tell her why I did those things to her. I had no choice. Hurting her is the only way that I can protect her. I love her but I also don't want her to get hurt so I had no choice but to break her heart.

My family found out about Yejin by accident. I was told by my parents that they have found my future wife. I was to marry the daughter of their business partner as soon as we turned 18. I refused and told them that I have a girlfriend already. When they heard that, my father got so angry. He told me to break up with Yejin or he would ruin Yejin and her family. I was scared because I know that m

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should i consider continuing this although Christmas has gone????


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kim_seul_young #1
Chapter 8: Omo! My bad! I forgot to comment about Kai! Haha! Second chances are hard to give but most of the times it is worth it! Arranged marriages ... I'm glad that they got together and their son is adorable asking for a baby sister!
kim_seul_young #2
Chapter 9: Suho!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Long lost love theme was awesome. I love that soul mate concept. When will I ever find my soulmate? Hmmm...Lay check! Suho Check! Luhan check! Now all my biases are done! Hoping to read more from the other members! (^_^).....
kim_seul_young #3
Chapter 6: Daebak! I love the BF/enemies theme for Xiumin. It may be cliche but it works for me. Love the ending and the gifts... loving the necklace!

Again, a fluffy update! Loving it!
kim_seul_young #4
Chapter 5: Haha... Pokemon distracted you. =_=... For a brief moment I though Chen was the one that was going to donate his eyes for her. That would be so sad and I wouldn't want that. It was so sweet that Chen waited a year for her answer. The best things come to those who wait. Speaking of waiting, I hope you get some rest and not over work yourself. Neh? Love you always Babs!
kim_seul_young #5
Chapter 4: Aigoo! Luhan!!! He's like an angel here. A Christmas wedding? That's so sweet! Craving for more! I'm so jealous of you that get to update a lot! (^_^)...
kim_seul_young #6
Chapter 3: Finally! Lay! I've recently been interested in EXO and I think one of my biases is Lay (the other two are Suho and Luhan). I would have really wanted to be Sera and be Lay's gf! Haha... though I at dancing...

Another great update! (^_^)...
kim_seul_young #7
Chapter 2: Awww.... Tao is so sweet... I like the best friend idea! If I ever have a boyfriend I would want him to be as sweet as this. Awesome update author-nim.!
kim_seul_young #8
Chapter 1: Fluffy... Kris! This made me like EXO. Thanks for posting this Babs!
Melancholy_firefly #9
Chapter 1: Hehehe, 'Let it snow' is cute! 9 years of waiting. Kya! I want a boyf like this too XD

Please write about Tao's story soon! (Tao fan here :3)