When The Snow Reaches Your Cheek

Author's POV

Who would of thought that two months would give two very different people a chance to come close, understand one another in ways only stories books told?

After that one cool morning getting a cup of coffee, Amber and Kris found themselves meeting almost everyday.

Amber would wake up earlier than usual to accompany Kris on his way to work, talking about their interest, their families, friends as if they had known each other for years.

The elder learned quickly that is was easy to stop smoking countless packs of cigarettes a day when he had  more desire to take the petite woman out every chance he could. 

Their mutual friendship turned into something more on the Eve of Christmas when Kris had called up Amber to walk among the city light with him despite the slight snowfall when they met up at their usual cafe.

"Amber!" Kris called out as he turned the corner of the street to see his bleached blonde companion standing in her usual spot, hands tucked deep into her leather coat and face nuzzling close to keep warm.

Once her eyes spotted him from afar her scrunched up posture stretched out taking a few steps forward to met him half way, wrapping around his waist to collect as much warmth as she could.

"I'm freezing out here Kris!" her facing muzzled by the thickness of his coat refusing to look up.

"I told you it was going to be colder-- Wait!"

Kris then pulled Amber from his grasp giving her a stern look.

"Well I didn't think it would be this free--" before Amber could speak anymore she felt a thick but soft fabric wrap around her neck.

"Now you have no reason to yell at me?"

He flashed the younger one of his signature gummy smiles that only made her blush like a rose, thankfully her face disguised by his scarf.

"Are you ready?"

"Wait... Aren't you cold?"

"Nah. I have you to keep me warm."

With that Kris took Amber's hand, intertwining their fingers together before finding a new home in the latter's own coat.

"We are going for a walk."


As they walked down the still busy streets of China, lights of the holidays and decorations littered the streets for all eyes to see. Snowflake lights flickered up tree trunks and bodies rushing to finish up their Christmas shopping before it was time to close up shop. Even after the stores closed and all was open are small food stands, the two continued their slow pace enjoying each other's presence.

Kris had something in mind that would either make or break him. In truth be told, he liked Amber, a lot. The way she smiled every time he would make a stupid joke, whenever his face scared off anyone they talked to and all she could do was giggle softly and rub his back telling him he wasn't scary at all. He knew their time would end soon since Amber would have to return back to California to finish her last semester but then he went to thinking; maybe if he confessed would she come study here? Maybe I should think about going back to school?

All these small question repeating themselves in his head. He didn't want their time together to end so quickly; Kris wasn't one to fall for a girl so easily but everything about Amber just screamed at him that he wanted to continue and be by her side.

"Hey Amber?"

His sudden words brought them both to a halt in their steps the the grip of their hands becoming just a bit tighter. She looked up to the other, her head tilting to the side with a slight confused look on her face and Kris feel overly nervous.

What if she thought this was a one time thing? Kris really needed to learn how to think positive out of situations than to come to mindless conclusions.

"You okay?"

That sweet voice that sounded like a beautiful melody in his ears brought him back to reality to look back down at now a concerned face.

"Yeah I'm fine it's just--"

He took a deep breath, rubbed the back of his neck before clasping both of her hands into his and bringing her body close to his, looking straight into her lovely brown orbs.

"I like you, and before you say anything else I mean in the like that I want to be by your side everyday. I want to be their for you when you need someone the most want you to have stupid meaningless fights that we will only laugh about the next day... Amber I know you will head back to America soon but I felt if I don't tell you now I may never see you again."

Kris has spoken everything he wanted to say in one breath, taking in large amounts of air as his own breathing came back to a slow pace. 

Amber on the other hand was trying to understand what the hell just happened, her face becoming extremely red in the process. Did he just confess... to me? All these new found emotions of happiness and excitement raced through her body; she wanted to say something but no words could pass her parted lips.

The look on Kris' face seemed to turn into a solemn expression, thinking he was about to be completely rejected until the hands he was hold tightly rights between his fingers.

"Y-You want to try long distance?" She asked, feeling a small tear of joy dance down her chilled cheek.

Of course she was totally about being confessed to, for the first time ever Amber wanted to cry and hug the taller so tightly as if he was her life support. It might not have been a love confession but just knowing the feelings are there, wanting to bloom into love and by the way Amber is reacting, her feelings are just the same.

"I will try anything for you to stay by my side." He whispered as his lips dipped down to kiss away a snowflake that had fallen on the same teary cheek.

They both smiled widely, practically laughing at each other only to embrace one another in a tight hug, Amber burying her face in his chest.

"Will you keep me warm?"




A/N: OMG prepare for a double update!!! :D

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Chapter 3: Such a very sweet ending. Really nice story!
Chapter 3: Oh my sweet Jesus!!! Why did i found this just now?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
It's soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo cute, beautiful, romantic and WARM!!! I'm sorry, I'm sorry, i just watched kris and amber's clean version of thrift shop and i laughed out loud because they're both idiot and funny!! I spazzed when kris said he got an ice pop and amber said that's one cool DONKEY! HAHAHAHAAAAA!!! sorry..

It's really romantic like 'keep me warm... I'm cold.' man,,, that's genius. i just think that's so sweet for Christmas and new year. hope to see more of your writings
krisber_1806 #3
Chapter 3: Oh my god oh my no oh my wow.
This is so cute.
Yesterday and yesterday again we ARMADA have a party bcuz our KRISBER is BACK.
Lukber #4
Chapter 3: very cute history .. thank you !!!
Chapter 3: dawww this was just adorable! the coldness and the warmth omfg
Chapter 3: My feels~ =))) Great story, authornim!
Chapter 3: Hhmm... Sweet for the ending but, I want more kekekeke...
Its never enough when it comes for KrisBer sweetest moments!!! <3
justmeyay #9