

Listening to Owl City's Embers when the plot popped into my mind :>


Amber gets herself into huge fight with Krystal,

Jessica tired of seeing her sister hurt, meddles with their relationship.

But what happens if Amber falls in love with another person

while trying to win her girlfriend back?


Next! >>>>


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glorya #1
Chapter 2: Next chapter pleaseee !!!
Chapter 2: update soon...
Chapter 2: please update soon
fxsonegirl03 #4
Chapter 2: Jessber!Jessber!...love ur fic author-nim..pls update..thanks so much..^^
hellounnie #5
Chapter 2: Wow. I am so looking forward to Jessber!! Hahaha. At the expense of kryber though.. But I see Chanyoung there.. So I guess Soojungie's going to be okay too..
Chapter 2: Watch out Amber. Sica got a special plan for you Wink*
wayy2tiredd #7
Chapter 2: Yes! Another Jung sisters stories . Am just make Jess fell in love with u .
taetal #8
Chapter 1: Update soon! ^^
Chapter 1: Persistent amber and nosy sica. I wonder who will give in first