Our house

Mwoh!!! where are we?!?!


HaNeul’s P.O.V.

Stepping off the plane, I smiled.  Finally! I am going to meet the guy of my dreams.  We are seeing SHINee in concert!  Suppressing a squeal, I look over at YuMi and KaiLin, seeing the same excitement I have shine in their eyes.

“Ok let’s go to the house first” I tell them.

One of our friends, Jay, was away for a while and said we could use his house while he was gone.  We find a taxi and recite the address to the driver.

“Sparkie, what do you think they will say? What if Minho gets mad! We could get hurt!” KaiLin asks with worry in her voice.

“Don’t worry dongsaeng! I will take care of Minho remember? I’m a black belt.  We’ll be fine I’ll make sure of it.”

“Yeah and I’m not that defenseless myself... if I do say so myself” adds YuMi “I will help, don’t worry shinee”

“Okay” KaiLin says reluctantly

I have no worries.  If any of SHINee hurts my dongsaeng or unnies they will regret it.  A lot.  I get very protective of my friends.  On the way to the house I run through our plan in my head over and over again.  Go to the concert.  Stay afterwards.  Go around back.  YuMi pretends to be hurt.  Surround them.  Give them the sleeping medicine one by one.  Take them to the house... Go to the concert......

I’m shaken from my reverie as the driver stops and says we are here.  We get out and grab our stuff.  I give the driver money and a tip for helping us with our luggage.  We walk inside exploring the house.

There are four rooms.  The master is where me, YuMi, and KaiLin will stay.  In the next biggest room, we will put Jonhyun, Minho, and Taemin.  The third goes to Onew and Key.  Lastly, SooKi (kinnie is her screen nickname) will be in the guest room.  The kitchen is small but cozy.  There’s a flatscreen in the living room and a long light brown suede sectional.  I can hear ooh’s and ah’s from the others as they see how luxurious it is.  There is a small study with wall to wall bookshelves filled with books that looked untouched.  Must be for show... A small laptop is on the desk. Mac hm...  I go to all the bedrooms.  The master has a large king, big enough for us three to fit on.  The two guys’ rooms have a twin on each side.  I’ll have to get a cot for one of the rooms...  The guest room has a trundle bed (twin bed with another bed that pulls out from underneath)  I finally return to the kitchen where YuMi and KaiLin are drinking soda from the fridge.  I grab a glass from the cabinet and let some water run into it.  Taking a swig I ask them...

“So what do you guys think?” Just then my phone rings and I hold up a finger...


YuMi’s P.O.V.

“So what do you guys think?” she asks.  I am about to open my mouth when she holds up a finger and reaches for her ringing phone.

“Yeoboseyo?......Yah! Kinnie! No please... well what if she tells someone... Kinnie pleas, there’s already enough peop-.... ugh , hold on lemme ask them...” she covers the mouthpiece of her phone.  “ok so guys, this is Kinnie and she says one of her friends wants to come... her friend, MiCha knows everything... what do you want to do?”

“Ummm... well I think we should let her come so we can keep an eye on her and make sure she doesn’t tell anyone.” KaiLin says.

I agree and add “Yeah and we can always use more help you know... I think it’s a good idea” 

I look at HaNeul and see a worried expression but she says

“ok.... Kinnie?” putting the phone back to her ear “Yeah, it’s fine....ok and try to hurry, we could use your guys’ help... Arasso see ya later...” she hangs up the phone. 

“So one more girl huh?” I ask raising one eyebrow.

“Yup....but the only thing I have to say is that Taemin is mine...”  HaNeul replies

“and Minho is mine...” KaiLin pipes up.

“ok haha... well I don’t know who I want... I guess its between the dino and a chicken lover... ugh maybe I won’t get anyone...” I say.

I kinda wanted Key but Kinnie already called him and I think they will be good together.  Oh well... we’ll see.... They both laugh at my statement then KaiLin says

“I’m gonna take a shower... the concert starts at.... 7:00 so we should be ready by 6:15”  as she gets up and leaves.  I look up at the clock and it’s 4:52.  HaNeul says

“I’m gonna make some tomato soup... want some?” she asks.

“Sure” I say and sit back in my chair.  Tonight is a big night...

We eat and HaNeul goes to get ready.  She’s wearing black leather high waisted short shorts.  Her bright purple shirt is tight and she tucks it in her short.  She wears a long necklace with an ivory elephant at the end.  Black heeled booties and a black messenger bag complete the outfit.  Her hair is up in a high curly ponytail and she has a little mascara and light pink lip gloss.  KaiLin wears tight skinny jeans,lavender colored high top (like the super high ones) converse, a black vest and a teal shirt.  She has a big gold ring on her right hand.  Her hair is straightened and parted to the side.  She is wearing no makeup accept for bright red lipstick.  Dramatic effect... I think.  They both look beautiful.  I myself wear an ice blue spaghetti strap top.  It’s linen and my favorite.  Then a white high waisted to make it look like a dress and black sequined leggings tucked into white heeled boots.  Big black earings top off the outfit.  My hair I put a low side bun with a few curls left out.  I go makeup-less and put chapstick on my lips.  HaNeul is the only one with a bag.  They annoy me and KaiLin didn’t bring any.  We put all our kidnapping supplies in her bag and look in the mirror. 

“We have got to be the hottest kidnappers ever” I say seeing us

“yeah” they both say with smiles on their faces.  HaNeul’s phone rings and she looks at it.  A text.

“Oh, guys” she says brightening up “guess what?”

“What” we both say curiously

“Kinnie say that she and MiCha will be able to get here just before the concert ends!”

We all say yay at this.  It will make kidnapping SHINee easier with two more people...


SHINeeluvsME's Half of the Time

Yay another Chapter Finished! and here i go again with the Next Chapter! *flys off*

Jonghyun:Oh Legs where are you?

Key:Shut Up Jonghyun now is not the time for your y mind to be working.

Minho:Guys is it me or do you have a bad vibe here?

Taemin: Just you *slurping Banana milk*

Onew:i could really use some chicken right now *pulls chicken from his bag*

Me:Guys theres nothing wrong its just us. and a van

All of SHINee:who are you?

Me:that doesnt matter lets continue the story! shall we? FIGHTING

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SHINeeluvsME #1
Chapter 2: Unnie Do You think I could be able to rewrite this story? If you'll let pleaseeeeeee tell me okie dokie?
Sparklicious22 #2
To any one of my subscribers or friends, I want to say that I am truly so sorry. This past year has been so very busy, especially with school, and I have neglected to update anything, much less get on AFF much. I feel so incredibly bad that I have not updated my stories, especially since one was transferred to me. I really hope you guys can forgive me and I will try my hardest to update. However, school remains my priority so I can honestly say that I would expect little to no updates for the rest of the school year. I will try to do as much as I can over winter break and strive to keep updating through the school year. (Like I said there prolly won't be much over the school year) I hope I can become better, and I hope the summer brings more updates, but I can't promise anything. Again, please please please forgive me. I really appreciate all of you who have stayed with me and I hope to make it up to you guys.... I'm really sorry!
Sparklicious22 #3
hehe YAY! thanx star unnie!
LOL!~<br />
Hehehe anyways Luv itttt!~<br />
Aja Aja Fighting<br />
Update soon!~ Glad u got out of your writers block ^^
Sparklicious22 #5
Sparklicious22 #6
YAY! thanx and i luv u too kinnie-kins (sorry ive always wanted to call u that). Good ;uck! FIGHTING!!
D:<<br />
Anyways, Imma go update the naughty one O.O
Sparklicious22 #8
YAY! thanx :D<br />
Epicness I luv i!<br />
Update soon!<br />
Aja Aja Fighting!~
SHINeeluvsME #10
ok Unnie!! i got now its spark unnies turn to write!