The 12th Street: How Miracles Happen (DO's POV)

Miracles in December

Do you believe in miracles?

I didn’t believe in miracles until I found her. It was truly a joke when I went to the 12th Street last year. It was just for fun since it was a famous urban legend and the street is near my house. I asked if my first love would be my last love then I said that I’ll believe once I see the answer for myself.

It was spring back then when we were in middle school. It was my first day in Seoul. I barely knew anyone and was still unfamiliar with the place. Luck was not on my side on my first day, I was lost and didn’t know where to go. Then I saw her, walking towards the bus stop. I knew she was the right person to follow since she wears the uniform of my new school. I rode the same bus. As soon as I got off the same stop, I lost her since a lot of people were getting off the bus. I sighed as I look at the sign thinking that I can find my way to school.

Then I heard a voice from behind, “Excuse me, are you new here? We rode the same bus earlier.”

I turned around at it was her she was smiling brightly at me. I just stared at her in return. I was really bad at socializing that’s why I had the biggest problem when my parents told me that we are moving to Seoul. I barely had friends back home and I knew that I’ll have a hard time finding new friends here.

                “U-um, yeah. I just transferred a week ago,” I awkwardly said.

                “Oh, so you’re still not familiar with this area yet. Come on, let’s go. You don’t want to be late on your first day.”

She sweetly smiled at me which made my heart skip a bit. I was moved by her kindness. She kept on talking to me while we are walking towards the school. I felt bad since I only gave her minimal answers which cuts the conversation fast. She was kind enough to tour me around the school and she even showed me where my room was. After that she took me to the faculty room so that the homeroom teacher can orient me. Before she left, “Oh, I forgot to introduce myself. I’m Cho Ara. Nice to meet you. Don’t forget my name, okay?” Then, she ran away not even knowing my name.

That was the last conversation we had. Since then I had been looking at her, she was a very cheerful person. We never get a chance to talk since we were always in a different class and she’s always with her friends. Same goes through me, I met a lot of good people that became my friends. I guess, she was a luck magnet. I tried my best to make her remember me by joining singing contests in school, singing in some programs and becoming popular. But with all of that, the chance of talking to her was like holding a thread.

I fell in love at first sight. I was attracted to her since then and I am a coward for not confessing to her up until now that we are seniors. I was fine with just seeing her happy but I didn’t know one day it all changes.

It was the 30th of November, I was walking towards home when I noticed someone walking to and from the 12th Street. I was practically going to ignore it but a certain force made me stopped. I looked at the person, it’s Cho Ara. Then I remembered the wish that I asked for. It’s been a year since then. I told myself that if I see her tomorrow here then I’ll believe in that miracle that Cho Ara is my last love. I was about to begin walking when I overheard what she was saying, she was asking for a sign. She wants a stranger to greet her. I waited for her to go home before I started walking home. I kept on wondering what the sign was for. So I came up with a crazy idea of granting the sign, just for fun.

As soon as I got home I called Chanyeol and asked if she knows Cho Ara. He said, “Ah, that loud and cheerful classmate of mine.” Then he asked me why. I told him it was a secret then he began teasing me. After a minute of bickering, I begged Chanyeol to greet her in exchange of lending my History notes to him. Since they were classmates I know Chanyeol can do it for me. He agreed and teased me again before hanging up.

December 1st. We were walking towards our first class when I saw her with her friend. I immediately nudge Chanyeol. He saw her then he smiled at me.  I saw her looking at me so I smiled at her. As soon as we passed by each other, Chanyeol greeted her. I looked back and saw that she stopped walking. I bet she was shocked by just what happened. Chanyeol saw how happy I am and didn’t asked for my notes. Then, I asked him why, he answered, “It’s my first time seeing you do something for a special someone. So, I’ll do it for free. I’ll just borrow Baek’s notes instead.”

I was taken aback by the word ‘special someone’. I was walking back home and saw her again. My heart suddenly beat wildly. I can’t help but smile when I saw her. The legend was right. Miracles do happen and that miracle happened right before my eyes. Now that I’ve confirmed everything. I am thinking of a way how to tell her. Then, I heard her ask for another sign. Now I get it. I’ve thought of a great plan.  If the sign she asks happens, she’ll come back here on the 12th day and I’ll find out what her wish is. I know that this is bad but I am willing to do anything for her as long as she’s happy. I don’t care if it’s for another guy. I just want to see her smile since it was her smile that captivated my heart the first time we met.

December 2nd. Since Baekhyun is kinder that Chanyeol, I asked him a favour which he totally agreed on without any payment. I asked him to compliment Ara. The timing was nice since she was going inside the cafeteria where I am currently at and on cue, Baekhyun told her she’s pretty and he immediately hid behind my friends who was busy chatting. The look on her face was priceless. I bet she’s really happy with the sign happening.

December 3rd. I asked Jongdae who is the president of the photography club to come up with a random event since the sign she asked for today was for someone to take her picture. Jongdae refused at first then I told him that she’s the person I like. He laughed and said, “You should’ve told me sooner, I was just kidding around. Sure, I’ll help. She’s sure one lucky girl.” I told him to keep it a secret to everyone. I’ll just tell them when the right time comes. I watched from a far as Jongdae waited for her at the entrance. She was surprised by seeing him taking pictures of the people nearby. Then, when Jongdae asked if she could take her picture, the happiness she’s feeling was evident to her smile. It somehow felt amazing. After the classes, Jongdae was waiting outside the school gates. He gave me an envelope and said, “Make sure to treasure this.” I looked at what’s inside, a big smile was plastered on my face. I immediately put it inside my bag and went home.

December 4th. Her signs was slowly becoming much more difficult to achieve. She’s asking for a note on her desk. How can I possibly put it there with anyone noticing it? Last night, I was thinking of a plan on how I can put the note on her desk. Then, I remembered that Minseok is in the same class as hers along with Chanyeol and Jongin. Minseok is the early bird in the group. I texted him to be sure. He said that he’s always the first one to arrive their room. Then I told him if he could do me a favour. He just gladly agreed to it. Then I wrote the note on a heart-shaped sticky note, so that I would just stick it on her desk the next morning. I went to school around 6 am just to put it on her desk. Minseok became my look-out. I was going to put it on her desk originally but it might fly away so I put it inside her desk. Then I asked Minseok if he could tell me what her reaction would be. He then patted my shoulder, “So, she’s the girl you’ve been telling me, huh?” I just smiled at him and nodded as I walk out of the room.

I waited for Minseok during lunch time then he gave me a wide smile. He said she was late and when she saw her desk without the note she frowned but when she opened her desk a smile was flashed on her face. She even asked who gave it to her. I was happy to see that she’s really happy with all of this things happening to her.

I was speechless when I heard her the sign she asked. How in the world will I know her favourite song? I can’t just approached her friends and ask her what’s Ara’s favourite song. My whole plan will be blown. I tried to ask for my friend’s help that night. We were all up asking for her favourite song not even her best friend know it. No one knew her favourite song. I was losing hope when I receive a text from one of my friends, her best friend remembered her saying that she liked of the song I once sang but isn’t quite sure of what it is. I immediately thanked my friends for helping. I know that they’ll tease me but I didn’t care. That night, I thought of all the song that I sang. The song that I frequently sing is ‘Isn’t she lovely?’ Believing in my instincts, I immediately called Joonmyeon who is the head of the school orchestra. I asked him if they could play ‘Isn’t she lovely?’ for me. He just laughed and said that it’s their encore song but either way they’ll play it for me whole-heartedly. I don’t know why but I think luck is really on my side.

December 5th. I am pretty nervous today. I don’t know why but I had the feeling it will all end today if this is not her favourite song. I saw her and her friend sitting in a distance. I could totally see her face, it made me so happy. When the performance was nearing its end, people shouted ‘Encore’, ‘Encore’. I took a deep breath, this is it. When they went back and started playing, I turned my head to look at her. She was in shock. I sign in relief that I was able to guess it right. Then, she started crying. My heart suddenly cringe at the sight of her crying but then she smiled. Her eyes were smiling, and that made me smile as I enjoy them performing the piece whole-heartedly.

December 6th.  From a note to a bouquet of flower. A note can be easily sneaked in but a bouquet of flower. The other problem that I have is that where would I find an open flower shop early in the morning? That’s pretty hard. I am currently devising another plan for it. Then, I asked Jongin if they still run a flower shop. He said yes. I asked him if he could give me a bouquet of flowers then he just agreed and asked if it’s for the girl whom I‘ve been giving a lot of efforts. I gave him a big, fat YES. He said that he’ll just put it first thing in the morning so that I don’t have anything to worry about. I am so glad to have a friend like him, Jongin is really considerate.

Just like the usual I waited for him during lunch time. He pat my shoulder and said, “You should ask her out. That girl likes you.” I look at him with disbelief. I told him how he found it out. He said he could see it in her eyes, the way she looked at flowers were different. Jongin said she was really glad that someone gave her the flowers. What he just said brighten up my day.

I wasn’t supposed to believe in what Jongin said about her liking me until I heard it myself. She was sitting on the pavement looking at the flowers. She was smiling yet confused. Then, I was shocked when she asked her sign. She wanted to hear me sing. I didn’t want to assume but does she really like me? Maybe she’s just using random people in her signs.

December 7th. Lu Han asked me to help him practice a piece for a piano concert, he wanted me to sing it for his piano school’s concert. Then, I remembered the sign she asked so I agreed. The song he wanted me to sing is, ‘What is Love?’ I went to the school’s music room and saw a glimpse of her, walking towards the corridor. Lu Han began playing while I started singing. She was there listening to my song. I unexpectedly grant her sign once again. I wonder if fate is pulling our red strings towards each other.

December 8th. And so she asked another sign involving me. Riding the bus with her is easy but the problem with it is the timing. I don’t know what time she goes to school and I know our house are poles apart. She’s just doing a really big effort in visiting the 12th Street. I was walking towards the bus station where I first met her then I saw her in the shed waiting for a bus to come by. I ran as fast as I can as I saw her riding the bus. I was able to catch up and saw her sitting at the back side. I walked towards her and rode on the opposite side. She was staring at me the whole time. I tried to hide the happiness I feel through a smile.

I started to believe that she likes me but I didn’t want that to get all over my head. I don’t want to be conceited.

December 9th. I was thinking of ways how to bump her as I walk towards the faculty room. I was pre-occupied by my thoughts that I didn’t notice someone coming. I bumped into that person and all of the notebooks were scattered on the floor. Talking about great coincidence. It was Cho Ara. I immediately extended my hands towards her which she gladly hold on to. I felt a certain electricity flowing as we touch each other’s hands. For the first time, I was able to talk to her it was like happiness is pouring out of my chest.

I knew from that day that she is my last love.

December 10th. The next sign she asked me was the hardest. I don’t how I would greet her without the other members noticing. I just don’t want them to tease me. I’ve had enough of it when we were hanging out. But they said that I’m doing such great effort for a girl for the first time. I just told them, I’m doing my best for my first and last love. They all teased me for being a cheesy guy. I asked them to go ahead for the general assembly as I wait for her in the corner. Then I saw her walking towards her room, I immediately walked towards her direction and greeted her. She looks cute as she stuttered while greeting me.

December 11th. This is the last sign. Later, I’ll be able to hear her wish. For the first time, I’ll be able to call her name.  I have been waiting for this moment. Ever since the day she left me in the faculty room, I wasn’t able to call her name. I had been waiting for a perfect moment for this to happen. I was in the cafeteria with my friends when she entered. Then she went inside the bread shop then my friends asked me to buy some bread too. I know they just want to tease but still I went there. This could be a chance for me to call her name. She bought some melon bread and she forgot her change. I took the chance to call her and she was very surprised. She thanked me and my heart beat fast when she called my name.

I went to the 12th street to hear her final sign and wish. I was really surprised when I heard her wish. I wasn’t able to move from where I was sitting. It’s like time stopped in a moment as I heard the words she just said. I had the idea of her liking me but I didn’t know she’s already in love with like how I am to her. The feeling was mutual even though we lack communication. I wanted to jump out of this place and immediately confess to her but my heart cringed at the sight of her crying. She was thinking that I may not like her. I wanted to wipe her tears but I don’t want to spoil everything for her. I wanted to make the moment memorable just like how I met her and how my miracle happened.

December 12th. Today is the D-day. I purposely didn’t show in front of her. I did my best to hide because I wanted to surprise her later. I know she’ll visit the 12th street again. I have made my decision that I’ll confess to her today. I saw how sad she was the whole day, I somehow felt bad with what I just did. I went to the 12th Street and saw her crying once again. She was awfully sad with the fact that I didn’t fall for her. Of course, I won’t fall for you in that instance because you’ve caught my heart ever since the day we met.

After seeing her face buried on her knees, I immediately walked towards her and gave her my handkerchief. I could see how surprise her face is. I was mustering my courage the moment she accepted my hanky. I sat down beside her and told her how my miracle happened. She was surprise as hell after hearing the words I just then tears started to fall down from her eyes.

Then I said, “I never believe in it but magically the street answered my question. On the first day of December, I saw the girl who made my heart beat so fast for the first time asking for a wish on the 12th Street. Cho Ara, I love you.”

                She said, “Now, I know miracles DO happen”

I just hugged and in the back of my mind, “Of course, miracles do happen and one happened to you right now.”



Now that you know how to make miracles happen, are you willing to show someone how?

I bet that person will experience the best miracle he/she could ever had.

A little bit of confidence and courage will do the trick to make your miracles happen.


Author's notes :)

-Anyeong everyone. Mianhe yo for not updating frequently. I am busy as a bee  ;___; This one's not edited yet. So sorry for mistakes, I'll look into it once my exams are finished. Back to school once again but I'll do my best to update both Forgotten Memories and Miracles in December. To all my subscribers, reader and everyone else, SARANGHAE <3


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Chapter 3: This is Skylar from Interlocking Graphics. I want to note you that using the graphics you requested at my store IS A MUST. It was finished a couple of days ago so please visit my thread and pick it up. Thanks for requesting ;)
Kamsahamnida~ :)
Chapter 1: I can't. This story is awesome!
midniteromeo #4
Chapter 1: nice story...
believe in miracle, i alwys do that.. even though in reality not alwys wht u want can happen..
i love this story..
remembered me bout my past.. seem like ur story but w/ the opsite ending..
waiting 4 next updte.. fighting.. :)