The 12th Street : Miracles DO Happen (ARA's POV)

Miracles in December

Do you believe in miracles?

I do believe in miracles since I grew up believing in them and I’ve been waiting for one miracle to happen in my entire life and that’s for Do Kyungsoo to fall in love with me.

“I should have not believe, Min Hee,” I muttered as I walk to and fro in front of an empty street.

Where am I? I am right here sitting in front of the 12th street for the past 15 minutes, tired of standing and walking. Why? It’s because of an urban legend called the ‘Miracles in December’ that my best friend told me. I believed in her since she said it is a ‘Miracle’. You see, this ‘Miracles in December’ consists different legends that’s been posted in the internet every December by an anonymous person. The legend that caught my attention is about the 12th Street. And the legend goes like this:

 ‘Once there was someone who wanted his wish to come true but that wish of is quite impossible. While walking on his way home, he passed by the ‘12th Street’ on the 1st day of December. He went there for 12 consecutive days blurting out his wish while passing by the street and on the 12th day his wish was magically granted. Many have said that it grants wishes but some says it doesn’t but it’s up to you to believe because miracles do happen. Believe me, I have experienced a miracle before.

After sitting for a long time, I decided to go home but then I thought I should not go home empty handed so I thought for an alternative, I think I should ask for a sign first.

I looked at every direction to see if there’s no one passing by, the post said that you need to incant a spell for it to come true, then I sighed as I thought of its absurdity. Then I loudly said, “The spirit of 12th street, I am asking for a sign and that’s for a stranger to greet me in school.”

Then I sighed, “Stupid things you do for love.”

I was in middle school when I fell in love with him. It was love at first sight. I know it sounded idiotic for you to fall for whom you just but it was like destiny drew me towards him. I can’t forget him since I helped him when he was lost on his first day of school but I wasn’t able to know his name. I fell for him more when I was roaming around and then I heard a beautiful voice, it was him practicing for an event in school.  Many girls are interested with Kyungsoo since he’s a popular kid but that was not the reason why I fell for him, it was his angelic voice, sweet smiles and shyness that made my heart beat fast for the first time and strangely the same thing happens every time I see him. Then, I knew I was gradually attracted to him, then as time passes by I was unconsciously falling in love with his imperfections which is making him perfect in my eyes.

Then the fated day came, December 1st. I went to school then my best friend jumped out of nowhere and greeted me cheerfully.

“Omo,” I shouted. “Yah! Stop doing things like that!”

            She smiled widely at me which creep me out. “What?” I told her.

            “So… did you go and visit the 12th street?” she said as she smile.

The thought never crossed my mind again until she reminded me.

“No,” I lied.

She made a face and said, “Eh? I thought you believe in miracles.”

“I do but this one sounds, you know, unbelievable.” I said.

“That’s why it’s called a miracle.” she said as she sigh.

Then we walk towards the room, she started nudging my arm which caught my attention.

            “What?” I said as I look at her.

Then she whispered, “Kyungsoo, It’s Kyungsoo. EXO is passing by.”

Just the word EXO made my heart stop. When they passed by, my eyes was immediately fixed to Kyungsoo. He’s really handsome, I guess luck’s by my side again. He suddenly looked at my direction and smiled at me (or was it just my imagination?).

Then all of a sudden, one of them said, “Good morning!”

I stiffened and almost dropped the books I am carrying. Min Hee and I looked at each other.

Then she pointed at their direction and confusingly said, “Did Chanyeol just greet you?”

 I just nodded since I am still in shock to reply. Chanyeol is our classmate but we never had a single conversation before. He’s a complete stranger. Wait. STRANGER. GREET ME.

“A stranger greet me!” I loudly said which startled Min Hee.

Min Hee just stared at me. Then I remembered the sign I asked yesterday. DAEBAK. I can’t believe it really came true. A smile was plastered on my face the whole day but a certain part of me still didn’t believe it yet, believing it’s just a coincidence.

As promised I went there again and asked for another sign, “The spirit of 12th street, I am asking for a sign and that’s for someone to compliment me.”

I went home not expecting anything again. I didn’t want to keep my hopes up. I don’t want false hope to eat me up because the sign came true.

December 2nd. We were walking towards the cafeteria when Min Hee saw Kyungsoo buying his lunch. Is it me or it’s just that fate is being good to me this month? She hurriedly pulled me inside the cafeteria.

Min Hee is doing her best so that I could see him. I was about to approach Min Hee but I stopped halfway through when I heard someone saying, “Hey, you look pretty today!”

 I was shocked then turned around and searched for the person but he mixed in with the crowd.

 I immediately pulled Min Hee’s arm, “Did you hear that?”

She smiled and nodded, “Luck has been your side lately, huh? First, you’ve been greeted by Chanyeol. Now, you’ve been complimented by a stranger.”

I bit my lip and tried not to let my inner feels to burst out. I can’t believe it, it’s happened again. I am slowly being immersed by this ‘signs’. Even though it’s going to give me false hope in the end, it’s the happiness and fulfilment that I feel that counts.

 As part of the process I went there, “The spirit of 12th street, I am asking for a sign and that’s for someone to take my picture.”

Again, I am lowering my expectation level but somehow I am hoping that it will come true since the other two happened before.

December 3rd. Chills run down my spine, the moment I entered the campus. A guy from the photography club was asking for people’s picture for the school’s year book. Then he spotted me and asked for my picture, I can’t refuse since I am a senior student. I smiled at the camera then he took my picture. After that he went on and took pictures of other people entering the school.

The whole homeroom period I was like, what kind of sorcery is this? Why does the sign kept on happening? Is it just a mere coincident that the sign I asks happens?

The same old routine, I visited the 12th Street.  

Then I thought of the sign I am going to ask this time, I am thinking of something hard this time, “The spirit of 12th street, I am asking for a sign and that’s for someone to leave me a note on my desk.”

December 4th.  I was running late so I hurriedly run towards the room. I manage to go inside the room before the teacher came.  I saw that there’s no note on my desk. My heart somehow sank down the bottom. I knew it, I shouldn’t expect me. Then I started putting my books inside my desk then I was surprised when I saw a pink-heart shaped paper. I opened it and it says, ‘Cho Ara, have a nice day.’ I can’t help but smile since the sign happened again then I suddenly thought what if someone is just pranking me. After the class, Min Hee if she put a note or something in my desk but everyone said she didn’t do such things then she started teasing me.

She smiled at me and said, “You’re so lucky, Ara. You might have a secret admirer.”

 I just laughed at her joke. Then she whispered, “Who knows? It might be Kyungsoo.”

 I immediately blushed. Me, having a secret admirer, and Kyungsoo in particular, that’s impossible. It would take a miracle to do so.

I sat down the pavement and took a deep breath and said, “Ah, molla. I don’t care anymore. I’ll just ask for the sign that I want to. I’ll just indulge myself with happiness.”

Then I looked at the street sign asked for another sign, “The spirit of 12th street, I am asking for a sign and that’s for the school orchestra to play my favourite song.”

December 5th. The school orchestra is having a mini concert today in the auditorium. Min Hee reserved me a seat. It was a nice seat since I could see the whole orchestra at the same time Kyungsoo. This friend of mine sure loves me. I started to make myself comfortable. Then I remembered the sign that I’ve asked. This one is quite impossible that’s why I am not expecting this one to happen since my favourite song is the song that Kyungsoo sang in the program.  I’ve heard the piece that they’ve been practicing for months and none of pieces was my favourite song. So, this time I accepted the fact that the sign have its limits. As soon as the concert finishes the people asked for an encore as expected. Then, my eyes grew bigger as they started playing ‘Isn’t she lovely?’ How? How could that be? None of my friends knew my favourite song, how did that happen? My mind was filled with amazement. Tears suddenly fell down my eyes.

            Min Hee saw me crying and comforted me, “Hey, are you okay?”

            “I’m fine. These are tears of joy. I was moved by their performance,” I said as I smile.

After class, I visited the 12th street. It started to become one of my favourite place, then I asked for another sign, “The spirit of 12th street, I am asking for a sign and that’s for someone to give me a flower.”

December 6th. I happily went to school and when I entered the classroom. My eyes widen and my heart fell down the floor as I saw a bouquet of beautiful flowers. My classmates was teasing me especially Min Hee.

            “That admirer of yours love you so much,” Min Hee said as she pats my shoulder.

This is really out of my league. I can’t believe this. I don’t know what’s the difference between dreams and reality anymore. It’s like I’ve been living in a dream for the past few days. I went to the 12th Street with the bouquet of flowers.

 I looked at it and said, “Who gave me this? Is it Min Hee? But she doesn’t know about this yet.”

My mind is filled with confusion. I didn’t know what to do or what to believe anymore. The past 6 days was too much to me already. I can’t think of any sign anymore.

Then, Kyungsoo popped in my head.

A smile was formed on my lips then I said, “The spirit of 12th street, I am asking for a sign and that’s for me to hear Kyungsoo’s singing voice.”

December 7th. My mind was occupied the whole day with the thought of how can this sign happen. Then reality somehow struck me. A pang of disappointment hit my heart. I somehow didn’t foresee that this might be the end of it. In memory of this signs that made me happy this past few days, I visited the music room where I first heard Kyungsoo. As I walk towards the room, the memory of that day suddenly flashed before my eyes. Then all of a sudden I heard someone playing the piano, it was Lu Han. What caught my attention was the familiar figure standing near him, it was Kyungsoo. The song Lu Han was playing was beautiful then Kyungsoo started singing,

“I lost my mind, when you walked into my sight.

 The world surrounding only you became slow motion.

  Please tell me if this is what love is like.

  Love is everywhere, it lets me forget injuries.

  Share sorrow, learn consideration.

  We’ve fought, we’ve cried, and we can still embrace.

  Please tell me if this is what love is like…”

My heart kept on beating fast as he continues singing the song. I could feel his emotions through the song. I sat beside the door the whole time. I closed my eyes as his voice continues to soothe my heart and soul. The song ended then I heard footsteps heading towards the door. I immediately ran as fast I could. After that I went home but I stopped by the 12th street first.

            “This is so frustrating. The signs gives nothing but empty happiness. But either way it still makes me happy. I should enjoy this while it lasts.”

I know that the signs show how desperate I am to make Kyungsoo fall for me which is really far from reality. I just want to be happy before it all ends since this sign of mine will end this happiness for sure. I should not expect any more since I don’t know where he lives but I am positive that this is the end of this.

            “The spirit of 12th street, I am asking for a sign and that’s for me ride the same bus as Kyungsoo.”

December 8th. I woke up early and went to school earlier than the usual. I walked towards the bus stop and starting this day I knew that the signs would stop happening. I sat down on the same spot. The bus was about to go when someone stop it. I was putting one of my earphones but I slowly let go of it as I saw a familiar face walking towards my direction. He sat down on the other side. I stared at his handsome side profile then I looked away when I had the feeling that he’s going to look at my direction. I firmly hold onto the other earphone then I put it on my other ear and my hand started to shake as I hold onto my phone. I just picked a song randomly. It is not the end. So it is true, the legend is real. I took off the bus still dazed then Min Hee saw me from a distance and pat my shoulder. 

            She saw me dazed and asked, “Are you okay? You look lost.”

            “Min Hee, Kyungsoo, he… he rode the same bus with me?” I said as I look at her.

            She then jumped up and down and circled around me, “Waa~ You’re so lucky. What have you been doing lately that you’re having this kind of luck?”

            Then I was dragged back to reality, I moved my head from left to right and said, “It’s a secret. I can’t tell you yet.”

            She made a face and said, “Since when did you become this secretive, Cho Ara.”

I asked for another sign, “The spirit of 12th street, I am asking for a sign and that’s for me to bump into Kyungsoo.”

December 9th. Min Hee and I were on our way back to our room when I suggested a game. The first person who reach the room last will treat the winner something that she wants. Min Hee agreed and the two of us started to raise towards the room. I was the one leading the game but I suddenly stopped to look back at her, she was tying her shoelace in the corner. I waited for her to finish and started running again and as I turn towards the corridor I bumped into someone who was holding a pile of notebooks. The collision was strong enough for me to fall flat on the floor. I was about to stand up but I felt a certain pain then that person offered his hand and my eyes grew wider when I saw Do Kyungsoo. Is he really extending his hand for me?

I grabbed his hand and felt a certain electricity flow from his hand.

Then he said, “Are you okay?”

I was too stunned to talk back. He was waiting for my reply, “I-I’m ok-ay.”

Then I saw the notebooks lying on the floor. I immediately picked them all up then he silently laugh as he started picking up the notebooks. I handed him the notebooks and apologized then I ran as fast I could back to our room.

I was huffing and puffing when Min Hee tapped my shoulder then she said, “I won. I want bubble tea. Buy me some late-“

“Hey, are you okay? You’re shaking. Did you see a ghost or something?”

            My heart was beating fast. I don’t know if it’s because of running or it’s caused by Kyungsoo. Then she noticed my cheeks that are flushed red.

            I just looked at her and slightly smiled, “Ye-yeah, I’m okay.”

I was dazed the whole afternoon. I still can’t fathom what just happened. That sign was just too much. I literally bumped into Kyungsoo. It somehow amazed me because the signs never falter to come true. I visited the 12th street after treating Min Hee with bubble tea. I sat down the pavement, thinking of another good sign while finishing my bubble tea. A bright idea popped inside my head.

December 10th. It became my habit not to expect the signs to happen even though they all come true. I’m weird, right? I wasn’t able to sleep well last night because of thinking about all the things that happened to me this past few days. I wrote them all in my diary so I won’t ever forget all of it for the rest of my life. The past few days was the best days so far. I was walking towards the room when I saw EXO. I’ve been seeing Kyungsoo recently which makes me happy. They were chattering when they passed by. Then I noticed that Kyungsoo was not with them. I slightly became disappointed.

Then I saw him walking by himself then as I pass by him, he suddenly said, “Good morning!”

I stopped and turned then I bowed down and said, “G-good morning!”

Then I heard him chuckle, he smiled at me and said, “Have a nice day!”

I blushed then smiled, “You, too. Have a nice day!”

I went to 12th Street again, starting to feel depressed, I know it makes me happy with all of this happening to me but it somehow making me delusional. I kept on thinking of things that is impossible to happen. I wanted to stop myself from asking signs but I wanted to see how this thing ends. I wanted to see my miracle happen.

            “The spirit of 12th Street, I am asking for a sign and that’s for Kyungsoo to call my name.”

December 11th. I can’t believe it that it has been 11 days since I asked for a sign. Since today will be the last day of me asking for a sign, I decided to tell Min Hee what I had been doing this past few days. We went to the cafeteria to eat and talk about it. Then surprisingly Kyungsoo was there. Is he a clairvoyant of something? He’s there anywhere I go. I went near the counter to buy some melon bread and paid.

Then I heard someone calling my name, “Ara-ssi, you forgot you change.”

It was Kyungsoo. I was too stunned to respond. He suddenly grabbed my arm and placed the change on my palm.

“Here you go. Don’t forget it next time,” he said as he smiles.

“Ah. Mianhe. Ka-kamsahamnida, Kyungsoo-ssi,” I said as I try to hide my inner feels.

Min Hee who saw what happened was also in a state of shock. She dragged me towards the school garden and we ate the melon bread there.

            “I didn’t know Kyungsoo still remembers you?” she said as she looks at me still filled with disbelief.

            “Me, either. Min Hee-ah, this was all your fault,” I said.

She was starting to become confused, “How can that be my fault?”

I sighed and said, “Remember the legend you told me?”

“Yep. Don’t tell me you’ve really went there?” she loudly said.

I covered and just nodded, “I went there to ask for signs and those sign unexpectedly happen this past few days. It made me happy at first but as time passes by it makes me sad and frustrated.”

She somehow felt guilty, “I am sorry. I made you believe that nonsense.”

I smiled and said, “It’s okay. It made me realize that miracles do happen as long as you believe it.”

She held my hand and said, “Min Hee, no matter how impossible that wish is, I know it will happen because you believe in it.”

I went there with all the hopes in my heart that my wish would come true. I sat down for a minute and cried. I know that this would be the end of it, for the mean time I felt happy. But I guess, all good things just won’t last.

 I stood up, wiped all of my tears and smiled, “The spirit of 12th Street, for the past few days I asked for signs that I believe will help my miracle to come true, so for one last time I’ll shout out this wish I kept inside my heart for 11 days. I am asking for a miracle that Do Kyungsoo will fall in love with me because it hurts me so much for being a coward who can’t tell him how much I feel for him.”

I started walking then I ran away until I can no longer see the glimpse of the 12th street.

And then I took a deep breath and said, “I’ve been dreaming for a long time, it’s about time for me to wake up.”

December 12th. The fateful day came. I mentally prepared myself for this. I didn’t see Do Kyungsoo the whole day, not even a glimpse of him. I knew it. From the start, it was just a temporary happiness. I should have not asked for those sign. Min Hee knew how I felt and wanted to make me happy by treating me but I wasn’t in the mood to do so. I just want to go home. I really felt like crying the whole day. I expected so much that it just failed me in the end. I was about to ride the bus home but my feet wanted me to go somewhere. I ditched my ride home and went to where my feet wanted me to be the 12th Street.

It was as lonely as it look just like how I first went there but it was much lonelier with my wish not coming true. I guess, I was never meant to be with Kyungsoo. I sighed and sat down the pavement and started crying.

Then I saw a pair of black shoes in front of me and a hand with a handkerchief. I looked up and it was Kyungsoo. I took the handkerchief and started wiping my tears. He sat down beside me and didn’t say any word.

            He waited me to calm down and said, “I had been here because of a legend, the legend of 12th street, you know about it?”
            I just nodded and buried my head on my knees.

            “Do you know that miracles really happen in this street? Last year, I made a wish. I went here and said, ‘Will my first love would be my last love?’ It sounds cheesy, right?”

I lifted my head and looked at him. He smiled at me and said, “Then I said, I’ll ask for the answer after a year.”

Tears started flow down from eyes.

            “I never believe in it but magically the street answered my question. On the first day of December, I saw the girl who made my heart beat so fast for the first time asking for a wish on the 12th Street. Cho Ara, I love you.”

I stood up and started crying. Kyungsoo hugged me then I said, “Now, I know miracles DO happen.”

Kyungsoo smiled. “Ara, you don’t know how much work you gave me for 12 days,” he whispered to my ear.

“EH?” I said as I let go from the hug.

He pulled me again and kissed my cheek which made me beet red then he hugged me and said, “Ara, let me tell you how miracles happen.”


Author's Notes :)

Anyeong everyone~ Sorry for the long wait. Mianhe *bows* Mianhe *bows* This onehsot series is dedicated to all of my lovely subscribers, readers, upvoters, commenters and all of the people out there. I hope you would enjoy and anticipate the oneshots that I am going to post before the end of the year :) Please continue to support me even though it takes me a long time to update. I'm really sorry. I am currently busy with university stuffs that's why I can't update properly. BTW. The 12th Street has a part two, with Kyungsoo's POV. Please anticipate for it. KAMSAHAMNIDA, EVERYONE for the patience and support :) SARANGHAE <3 PS. This is not fully edited. Tehee. Minahe for the errors :)

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Chapter 3: This is Skylar from Interlocking Graphics. I want to note you that using the graphics you requested at my store IS A MUST. It was finished a couple of days ago so please visit my thread and pick it up. Thanks for requesting ;)
Kamsahamnida~ :)
Chapter 1: I can't. This story is awesome!
midniteromeo #4
Chapter 1: nice story...
believe in miracle, i alwys do that.. even though in reality not alwys wht u want can happen..
i love this story..
remembered me bout my past.. seem like ur story but w/ the opsite ending..
waiting 4 next updte.. fighting.. :)