I have a demon living in me.

A growl escaped his lips as he stared down at the paper that laid flat against the wooden table. " Suho!" He calls out to his butler who enters his room in a flash. " Yes my lord?" He answers, resting his hand against his chest as he slightly bows towards the lad. "I need you to contact Victoria, by her some flowers and give her some gold." Suho nods, disappearing in a flash as Sehun ran his slim fingers through his white hair. 

Dear Sehun,

How are you lad? It's been a while and your mother's been worried sick over her youngest. 

She wants you to contact her as soon as possible. Fill her in on your duties.

Boy, I have to warn you. 

Many troubles are coming your way and I am not certain that I am in the position to help you. 

 Yi Fan, has returned. 

I wish you the greatest good luck. 

Your uncle, Donghae. 

"Of all times, why does the bastard have to return now?" Sehun questions, pacing around his room as he looks over at the body rested well on his mattress. 

"Sehun!!" A loud yell fills his ears as his brows twitch, watching on Tao stirs from his rest. 

"Victoria, could you please keep it down." He growls, wrapping an arm around the Tao's waist and pulling him into his grasp. "Is that Huang- I mean Oh Zi Tao!" Victoria screams, flailing her arms around the air as he quickly takes Tao in her grasps. "Huh, why is he so sleepy?" Her lips form a pout as she seats herself on Sehun's mattress, her red periwing rising up. 

"He's in hell, his body isn't used to the surroundings. Give him some time." He growls, crossing his arms as he places the back of his fingers against his lips.

So much maturity for his age. Poor thing, he's only eleven. Victoria thinks. Noticing his distress, Victoria returns Tao into the lads arms before stretching her arms upward. "What is wrong Sehun?" She questions, fighting a yawn. 

"Yi fan returned." Sehun hums, earning a grasp from the lady who wrapped her arms against Sehun and Tao, resting his head on the boys back. "How dare he return!" She huffs, stomping her foot as she quickly runs around the room. 

"Please don't break anything." He watches as she quickly maneuvers around the room. "What would you like me to do, My lord." Her tone deepens as she flips in the air and swiftly lands in front of him. Her legs bent as she bows, resting her hand against her chest as she stares up at him. 

"Go get some information upon his arrival. Do some research on what he's been doing these past years." Sehun commands, sitting at the foot of his bed as he crosses his legs. His hand gently runs down against Tao's back. " I assume he's back for the throne." Sehun's eyes darken as Victoria stands up from her positions and nods. 

"I'll give you a week." 


Tao stirs in his sleep, rubbing his tired eyes he quickly wakes up to find himself on Sehuns lap. "Sehun?" He calls out, sitting upwards as his legs drape on Sehuns side's. Resting his softly fisted hands on the boys chest, he continues to rub his eyes. "You're up." Sehun hums, wrapping an arm around the boys waist as Tao nods his head. 

"Victoria was here." Sehun comments, smirking as Tao's body flinches. "She didn't... She didn't do anything right?" The eleven year old questions, his fingers relaxing as Sehun shakes his head. "Remind me, why are you frightened around her?" Sehun questions. 

"It was an odd meeting." Tao thinks. " She seemed so cheery in a place like this." He nods as Sehun ran his fingers through the boys hair. "Not everyone here is mean, Tao." Sehun's lips curl. 

"Now, give me a kiss." Sehun commands, smirking in satisfaction as Tao nods his head before gently leaning in, closing his eyes and pressing his soft lips against his. Wrapping an arm around the boys waist, Sehun hums. As Tao pulls away with a shy blush, Sehun caresses the boys cheek. 

"Sehun." Tao starts. 

"You look tired." He continues, running a hand through the taller's hair as Sehun shrugs his shoulders. "I am, but I'm busy." Tao frowns, furrowing his brows together as he wraps his arms around the boys shoulders. "You now," Sehun chuckles as he hears the pout. " We're only eleven Sehun!" Tao sighs. "You can't be cooped up in here for being eleven. Can we go out and play?" Tao begs. 

"Maybe latter Tao." Sehun pats Tao's head, rolling around the bed to situate himself in Tao's arms. His head seated at the crook of Tao's neck, his arms around the boys waist as their legs tangled. 

"Let me get some rest." He sighs in consent as Tao ran his fingers through his hair before closing his eyes. 

He can deal with the dangerous stuff when he returns Tao back to Yi Xing. 

- 845 words 

It's a short update since I'm kind of busy.

I hope you enjoyed it.

Yes Tao and Sehun are the same age.

Well, peace ers.




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unknowncosplayer #1
Chapter 22: it's alright go and get those reports done first then update when you can. i think we can all wait and for those who can't for get about them and update when you can for the ones who can wait (i can wait).
koteung #2
Chapter 21: 8 yo?????
Who's Tao?
What kind sehun and Tao relationship?
Who's they are?
Sorry for my poor english.
Chapter 21: Omg this is so interesting :D
Chapter 20: ohhh
this seems interesting
I've never read anything w/ a Taohun tag (i'm weird like that lol)
but heck there's a Taoris tag so why not give it a try.

i can't wait for more *winks
Chapter 16: Sebastian?!?! OMG!! SEHUN IS CIEL THEN!?!?! BLACK BUTLER. XD
taohunlover898 #7
Chapter 16: So cute love this chapter
stephani_bap #8
Chapter 16: aww, someone is shy!! >v<
Chapter 15: That was cute XD