
You And Me Are The Lucky Ones

Present day...


Luhan looked in the mirror as he fixed his tie, his fingers moving swiftly as they tied the knot and pulled the silk fabric down. Sehun watched him do so from his spot on the couch. They were currently in Luhan's home, preparing to head out to Baekhyun and Chanyeol's wedding. Sehun was all ready to leave but Luhan still had to do last minute checks on his suit, his make up, and what not.

The day Luhan found out about their engagement was still fresh in his mind. Chanyeol and Baekhyun had called all their friends for a night out at a fancy restaurant and there, they broke the news. Baekhyun had shown everyone his ring, his face red from all the compliments everyone gave him while Chanyeol smiled proudly at having made the perfect choice with the ring and Luhan couldn't agree more. The three bands of gold intertwined on Baekhyun's finger glowed and shimmered in the light and Luhan recognized the symbolism in the colors; pink for love, yellow for fidelity, and white for friendship. It was perfect.

Over the next few months, Luhan was able to participate in part of the wedding planning which included finding the right suits and locating the perfect place to hold a wedding and a reception. He went to both bachelor parties and now, almost a year after the day he found out about the engagement, he was going to watch them get married. Time flies by, he thought. The fact that Baekhyun was going to be the first person in their group of friends to get married was still a bit of a shock to him.

His thoughts were cut off by Sehun's insistent whining. "Luhan we got to get going or we'll miss the ceremony."

Rolling his eyes, Luhan sighed. "Fine, fine. Let's go. But you're driving though." He said.

"Why?" Sehun asked.

"You have your own car now. Why not show it off a bit?" Luhan grinned at Sehun. "Now let's go. We have to get to the Hudson on time."


The Hudson Hotel was a hotel that had a view over the Hudson river with which it got its name from. It was a warmer spring day in May and the weather man promised that the good weather will continue on. The ceremony was being held in an area of the hotel called the Penthouse. Everyone was seated in an ivy covered, glass solarium and it led out to a terrace that had lush plants and flowers growing everywhere and offered a great view of the city. It was more of private event so only friends and family of the grooms were present. Security had been doubled to make sure no paparazzi or reporters snuck in to try and sneak pictures of the couple.

Luhan and Sehun sat in the second row with the rest of the crowd. From there they could see Jongin and Kyungsoo standing on opposite sides of the minister. The wedding party also had enlisted the help of Baekhyun's nephew to be the ring bearer and Chanyeol's niece to be the pretty little flower girl, daisies twisted into a crown above her head. Chanyeol stood a few feet away, his eyes trained on the man walking towards him.

Everyone turned their heads to stare as Baekhyun walked down the aisle, his mother's arm looped through his as he blushed at the attention he was recieving from the audience and the man who was soon to be his husband. The sun shined down on him and his dark red hair, his face practically glowing. Him and Chanyeol were wearing matching suits.

Once they reached the end of the aisle, Baekhyun's mother released her hold on him and kissed his cheek before telling Chanyeol to take good care of him. Then she sat down next to her husband and Chanyeol's parents in the row right in front of Sehun and Luhan. The ceremony began right after. Chanyeol and Baekhyun began reading their vows to each other, sharing shy smiles and a few tears.

Luhan reached into his pocket and took out a packet of tissues, quickly leaning forward and handing a few to the mothers in the front row who were trying their best not to sob. He sat back down and began dabbing at his own eyes, the affection shown between his two friends too much to handle at the moment.

Sehun leaned in close to his ear and whispered, "Are you okay?"

Luhan nodded as he finished cleaning his face. "Yeah, I'm fine. Good thing I didn't wear eyeliner today, right?" He joked.

The younger smiled at him before they both turned back to the couple in the front. A few seconds later, Luhan felt Sehun grab his hand, their fingers lacing together. He looked up at Sehun who was staring at Chanyeol and Baekhyun longingly. "What's wrong?" He asked.

Sehun opened his mouth to speak but what came out instead was a breathy laugh. "Do you think that could be us one day?" He asked back.

Luhan's eyes widened as he took in Sehun's question. He relaxed though when he realized something.

They still had plenty of time.

Luhan chuckled. "Maybe." He whispered. "I can see that happening one day..."

Sehun looked down at him and smiled. Luhan grinned back at him before turning back to BaekYeol (as he so lovingly calls them), leaning his head against Sehun's shoulder, wanting to think a few things over but decided against it, not wanting to miss any moment of his friends' wedding.

When the vows were over, a few more lines were said by the minister before he declared the two men husband and husband and they could now kiss. Chanyeol pulled Baekhyun towards him gently. The kiss they shared was soft and full of love as Baekhyun caressed Chanyeol's face with one hand.  When they pulled apart, Chanyeol placed more kisses on Baekhyun's cheeks and nose as the audience stood up to cheer and clap for them.

Both Sehun and Luhan got up and cried out to them, congratulating them from afar. Baekhyun waved at them before he began walking back down the aisle, hand in hand with Chanyeol. The crowd's applause followed them.

When it died down a bit, Luhan realized that he could see himself doing something like this with Sehun one day.


The reception was held at sun down when the weather was cooler at the hotel's rooftop tented terrace on the 24th floor. Tables were set up with large centerpieces of white and red roses surrounded by baby's breath flowers. Fairy lights were lit, dousing everything in a soft glow. Food was served and conversations started. There was also music and dancing and all throughout the night, laughter filled the air.

Baekhyun and Chanyeol changed into different outfits for the evening. Chanyeol was in just his dress pants, white button down, and suit jacket while Baekhyun was in his formal pants, button down, and black bow tie. They were walking around to all the tables, thanking all the guests personally.

Luhan was at a table with Sehun, Kyungsoo, Jongin, Kris and Zitao. At the table right near them was Yixing, his girlfriend, Minseok and his girlfriend, Jongdae, and Junmyun. When the couple got to them, they all shared hugs and laughs and pats on the back. Luhan noticed that Baekhyun's engagement ring had become his wedding ring and it had been cleaned and polished to look brand new from the Cartier store.

"Baekhyun, you didn't get a new wedding ring?" He asked.

"Nope." He shook his head with a smile. "Chanyeol here had insisted that we get a new one but I like this one way too much so we kept it." Baekhyun beamed and Chanyeol rubbed his back with a smile.

"Hey! Chanyeol, let's see your ring!" Jongin called out. All the guys began cheering him on, urging him to stick his left hand out.

Chanyeol shared a look with Baekhyun briefly before they both shrugged and stuck out their left hands at the same time, a ring shining on their fingers. They had matching Trinity rings except instead of having three bands of different colored gold like Baekhyun's, Chanyeol's had two bands of white gold and one band of black ceramic intertwined around his finger.

"It was Baekhyun's idea to get matching rings. I really like mine's though." Chanyeol said.

"Of course you do. I picked it." Baekhyun said, pretending to be smug.

"My God, you both already sound like an old married couple." Jongdae joked and they all had a good laugh.

"So," Kyungsoo began. "Where's the honeymoon going to be at?"

Baekhyun grinned at him. "We're going to the Maldive Islands." He said.

There was a round of cat calls and Baekhyun awkwardly hid his face in Chanyeol's shoulder. More congratulations were thrown around and they all had a drink together, cheering to the good night and for Baekhyun and Chanyeol to have a happy, long marriage.


When the celebration was over, Luhan and Sehun left together.

They were waiting for the valet to return with Sehun's car. After a few minutes, Luhan heard Sehun say, "Here comes my baby."

Luhan looked in the direction Sehun was paying all his attention to. Driving towards them was a cherry red Lamborghini Aventador. Sehun bought it for himself for his twenty third birthday about a month ago. Hey, when you have the money to do what you want, why not go all out?

Luhan liked it when Sehun drove it to his townhouse because then he would park it right next to the Audi and it would look like the cars were companions with each other. Sehun laughed at Luhan when he told him that but Luhan thought the idea of it was cute.

They drove back to Luhan's place where Sehun promptly fell backwards onto the couch, groaning in contentment. "Ahhh, my feet are killing me."

"You should've worn more comfortable oxfords." Luhan said, taking his suit jacket off and draping it over the armchair. He went to take a seat next to Sehun. The younger placed his head on Luhan's lap, the older making a very satisfying pillow. Luhan chuckled to himself as he ran his fingers through Sehun's hair.

A thought had been coming back to him for a while now. It would take their relationship to the next level but he thinks they can handle it.

"Hey, Sehun?"


"Can I ask you something?"

Sehun's eyes remained closed. "You already are so might as well keep going."

Luhan smacked Sehun's arm, the younger wincing. "Don't be rude." He said. "Anyway, are you still living with your parents?"

"Yeah. Why?" Sehun asked, opening his eyes.

"Umm- Listen, you can say no to this if you want, but would you... consider moving in with me?" Luhan asked slowly.

Sehun sat up and turned to face him, his brows furrowed. "Are you serious?" He asked.

"Yes, I am. I live alone and we've been dating for about three years so... I don't think we're on marriage level yet but I believe that we can handle living together."

Sehun stared at him for a few minutes before a smile broke out on his face. "I'd actually really like that."

Luhan looked up at him expectantly. "So you will?"

"Of course I will. Besides, I don't expect you to move in at my house with the rest of my family there and everything. That would be a disaster." Sehun said.

Luhan smiled so widely, Sehun was afraid his face might split in half. "Thank you, Sehun!" Luhan launched at him, wrapping his arms around the younger's neck, landing on top of Sehun. The other landed on his back with an 'oof'. He wound his arms around Luhan, holding him close and pressed his lips to the shell of Luhan's ear, the older man letting out a shiver.

Luhan moved around and placed his chin on top of his hand on Sehun's chest and looked at him from under his eyelashes. He traced Sehun's jawline with a finger until he got to Sehun's chest, drawing circles and tracing the muscles that he could feel under the button down. "So, when do you want to start moving stuff in?" Luhan asked in a low voice.

"Hmm..." Sehun hummed, stretching up to kiss Luhan, their lips moving together shortly before pulling apart. He saw Luhan look down at him with half lidded eyes. "Not now."

"Of course not now." Luhan replied, pecking Sehun's lips.

The corners of Sehun's lips turned up. "We have more important things to do." His hands moved from Luhan's waist to his , squeezing the flesh and kneading it around.

"Exactly." Luhan said, his voice quiet and rough. "Mmm... I love you." He moved further up Sehun's body, his legs straddling the others waist as he claimed Sehun's lips once more. The kiss was longer this time and Luhan could feel Sehun's tongue brushing against his bottom lip. He ran his fingers through Sehun's locks.

"I love you too." Sehun whispered against his lips.

Moving plans can wait till tomorrow.



Yes! This is the end of my latest Manhattan's Elite fic! :D

Thank you to everyone who read it and subscribed and upvoted it and everything in between~! I love you guys!

Like always, I will be posting an author's note and hopefully you guys will take some time to read it but if you don't, then let me just thank you again for reading my fic. :3 It means a lot to me and I enjoy writing in this au sooo yeah.

I hope you have an awesome day.

~Raksa <3

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you guys already know that hunhan are gonna end up together lolz


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1108 streak #1
Chapter 5: I didn't expect to see chanbaek's wedding in this story! with chanbaek wedding abd hunhan moving in together, THIS IS SO PERFECT I'M T_T

i keep falling more and more in lovewith this au :')
1108 streak #2
Chapter 4: This is perfect :')
1108 streak #3
Chapter 3: Oh no luhan why :(
1108 streak #4
Chapter 2: It's unfair how these people are judging sehun on his wealth :( i hope one day sehun will speak up and shut them up once and for all
1108 streak #5
Chapter 1: Tiffany scouting sehun reminded me of sehun getting scouted for SM , minus the running and chasing hahaha
Chapter 6: Why oh why did I just found this fic today T_T this is certainly going to my 1k plus subscribed hunhan fics. This sure is like a movie with elegance on it.
Chapter 7: Awesome fic!!! The best! Thank you so much! Thank you! ♡♡♡
ExO_HH #8
LuHanM #9
You know what ? I fell in love with this.
I have no words to explain anything else, if I am to, I might as well write a book about this lovely story.
Thank you ♡